Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (2024)

In the digital age, virtual events have become a cornerstone of business communication and audience engagement. However, creating a truly memorable online experience requires more than just scheduling a webinar. It's about crafting a branded journey that captivates your audience from the moment they first hear about your event to long after it concludes. This guide will walk you through the process of promoting and executing a virtual event that not only meets but exceeds expectations.

Why host a virtual event?

Whether you’re affected by travel or simply looking to bring your event to a larger audience while saving time and money, there are a number of reasons to host virtual events.

When your speakers and attendees can join from anywhere, it creates amazing opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, teaching and learning, and connecting on a more personal level.

If you are hosting in-person events, you can still add a virtual component to expand your reach. Hybrid events create an experience that in-person and virtual audiences can enjoy together.


of marketers plan to switch from in-person events to virtual events.1

The best online events are…

Enhance engagement


of marketers believe video generates a good return on investment 2


Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (5)

Ask the right questions

Asking the right questions will allow you to build a strong foundation for planning and making decisions, from choosing the right speakers to figuring out how and where you should promote your event. Here’s a list of questions to get you started.

Who’s my target audience?

Knowing your target audience will help you shape your entire event experience, from your agenda and schedule to the content you provide.

Why should my audience attend?

Consider what value you can bring to your audience in terms of content, networking, and other opportunities.

What objectives do I want this event to achieve?

Whether you want to educate current customers or find potential leads, understand your goals and objectives and create a strategy around achieving them.

What experience do I want my audience to have?

Immersive, interactive, collaborative — think about how you want your attendees to engage with the content, speakers, and other event-goers. Do you want to host a one-way webinar experience or make it more interactive, such as a meeting style? Or are you planning a conference with multiple sessions and tracks for your audience to choose from?

How much time do I need to plan my virtual event?

For first-time virtual event planners, we recommend no less than four to six weeks for most events. Give yourself at least 12 weeks for a large, multi-day online event with concurrent tracks.

What kind of tech support do I need?

Engage your IT team (orhire a tech expertearly on —Zoom Eventsoffers event experts to assist customers with setup, planning, rehearsal, and live support) and include them in all your meetings to identify technology limitations, recommend solutions, test, and fix issues.

What’s my virtual event budget?

Allocate budget for attendee acquisition and marketing, content development, speaker fees, attendee gifts, and video and audio equipment.

How will I measure the success of my event?

Metrics will vary depending on your event objectives, audience size, industry, and type of event.

A few to consider are:

  • Number of registrations and attendees
  • Percentage of registrants who attended
  • New marketing leads generated for sales
  • Attendee survey results
  • Virtual event and session NPS
  • Number of demos booked from webinar
  • Revenue generated

Make sure you set up ways to track metrics that are most important to you.

Selecting the right event solution

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (6)

Selecting the right technology is crucial for the success of your virtual event. There are various options available in the market, each with its own set of features and benefits. These generally fall into two categories:

  1. Standalone webinar products: These focus primarily on hosting a one-time virtual webinar experience.
  2. All-in-one event management platforms: These offer a comprehensive suite of tools for planning, promoting, and executing virtual and sometimes in-person events.

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as:

  • Ease of use for both organizers and attendees
  • Scalability to accommodate your event size
  • Interactive features to engage your audience
  • Integration capabilities with your existing tools
  • Cost-effectiveness and pricing structure

Remember, the best tool is one that not only meets your needs as an organizer but also provides a seamless experience for your attendees. Ideally, you want a platform that's already familiar to your audience, minimizing the learning curve and potential technical issues.

Zoom's virtual event solutions

Zoom offers a range of products that can handle various types of virtual events, from simple webinars to complex hybrid conferences. As a platform already trusted and used by millions, it provides a familiar interface for many attendees.

Our portfolio includes:

  1. Zoom Webinars: Ideal for one webinar host needing simple management tools.
  2. Zoom Sessions: Host more branded webinars or meetings with enhanced features like advanced registration, detailed analytics, custom branding, and team collaboration tools.
  3. Zoom Events: A comprehensive platform to support sophisticated virtual events, featuring concurrent sessions, networking opportunities, and sponsorship options.

Flexible Pricing Options:

We understand that different organizations have varying event needs. That's why we offer flexible pricing plans:

  1. Subscription plans based on attendee size: Ideal for teams hosting regular events who want predictable costs based on their typical audience size.
  2. Price-per-attendee plans: Perfect for those who run occasional events and prefer to pay based on actual attendance.

These options allow you to choose a plan that best fits your event frequency and budget requirements.

Remember, the key is to select a tool that aligns with your event goals and provides value to your attendees. Whether you choose Zoom or another platform, focus on creating an engaging and seamless experience for your virtual audience.

Building an interactive experience

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (7)

Design your event world

What makes a good event? It’s all about the experience you give your audience.

An online event can be so much more than sitting at a computer viewing a live feed or video. If you’re taking an event that’s usually in person and transforming it into a virtual experience, be creative and thoughtful in bringing some of those interactive elements online.

From pre-event prep to the live experience, see how you can build interactivity and engagement into your event.


Design the event landing page

Your event landing page is the central hub of your promotion efforts. It's your digital party flier, the first impression potential attendees will have of your event. Historically, creating a compelling event page required a team of professionals — a writer for the content, a designer for the visuals, and a web developer to bring it all together. This process was not only time-consuming but also costly.

Thankfully, the rise of no-code website builders has made it easier for non-technical users to create stunning event pages. However, these platforms often come with their own learning curves and costs.

At Zoom, we recently launched an event page builder in the Zoom Events platform to empower event marketers to create professional, branded event pages using simple drag-and-drop functionality. No coding skills required!

Key features of the Zoom Events page builder:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop interface
  • Customizable templates to match your brand
  • Integrated Zoom AI Companion for generating text and images
  • Seamless incorporation of event details and registration process

By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that your event page messaging, details, call-to-action, images, and design are all on-brand and showcase your event's unique personality. The result? A page that not only informs but excites potential attendees, boosting registrations and setting the stage for a successful event.

What to include on your event website:

  • Brief event overview What’s it about? Who’s it for? Give attendees a taste of what to expect in 1-2 short paragraphs.
  • Agenda and schedule — Don’t forget the time zone!
  • Session information — Include a short description of each session.
  • Speakers section — Include a photo and short bio to promote your speakers’ credentials.
  • Exhibitors and sponsors— Showcase sponsors supporting your event with logos and company info.
  • Resources — Compile a list of resources, like blog posts or websites for further reading, or an event chat channel on Zoom for event-goers.
  • FAQ — Answer common questions like “What’s the cost to attend?” and “Will I be able to view recorded sessions after the event?”
  • Compelling images— Draw your audience in and promote your brand with visual assets that persuade target prospects to attend.
  • Registration page— Both Zoom Events and Zoom Video Webinars allows you to customize your registration page with your organization’s branding and tailored questions.
  • Video trailer— A sizzle reel can also help generate excitement about your event on social media and in other marketing efforts.

Create an engaging agenda

A virtual event should have a quicker pace that keeps attendees engaged and helps prevent drop-off.

  • Keep session length to less than an hour — and allow time for Q&A to maintain engagement through the end of the session
  • Schedule breaks between sessions
  • For multi-day conferences, consider ending your day earlier than you would in person
  • Expecting a global audience? Create a follow-the-sun agenda with region-specific sessions
  • Include networking sessions using Zoom Meetings and the Breakout Rooms feature

Topic discussions in the Event Lobby

Use the Zoom Events lobby to allow registered participants to connect and network before and during your event. Set up and promote topics with all participants two weeks before the event to start a dialogue and pose questions to encourage attendees to interact.

Event extras

What would your attendees have received at an in-person event? Send it in the mail or with a delivery service for a happy surprise.

  • Branded swag
  • Gourmet snacks
  • Personalized keepsake
  • Partner giveaways
  • Food delivery gift cards for a virtual lunch

Event engagement

Enable Q&A

TheQ&A feature allows attendees in a webinar to submit questions for live or written responses during the session. Here are a few tips for using Q&A during a webinar:

  • If you anticipate a large audience, coordinate with panelists or bring in other hosts to help answer questions during the event.
  • You may want to designate members of your team to manage the Q&A so presenters can focus on speaking. If your Q&A team is not participating in audio or video, you can hide their video feed via the Hide Non-Video Participants feature.
  • Have a few thought-provoking questions prepared, in case you don’t receive enough high-quality attendee questions to fill the allotted time for Q&A.
  • Consider your audience and potential for disruptive or inappropriate behavior when setting up your Q&A. For an internal audience, you may want to be more transparent with showing questions and responses, while a large-scale, general admission event may require more restricted Q&A settings.
  • You can adjust Q&A settings during a webinar to allow or disable anonymous questions, or change whether attendees can view, comment, or upvote questions.
  • Review the Q&A report after your webinar and follow up with attendees whose questions weren’t
    answered live.


Get real-time feedback from your audience or gauge their level of understanding with the content you’re presen event and launch your pre-set polls during thesession.

Additional engagement

Use tools likeSlido,Kahoot!, or a “wheel of names” to bring more fun and interactivity to your event.

Breakout Rooms

Let attendees engage with each other in smaller groups during your event. You can assign attendees to Breakout Rooms in real time, pre-assign attendees, or allow them to self-select which room they want to join and move freely between rooms.

All you need to know about Zoom Breakout Rooms.

Ask for feedback

Send apost-event surveyto collect feedback after your event. If you’re using Zoom Webinars, you can set up the survey to launch automatically after your guests leave the session.

Preparing for your event

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (8)

Get your team ready

Running a successful online event is a team effort! You’ll need to prepare your speakers and align your event team to ensure everything runs smoothly. Run through our event checklists to ensure you don’t miss a beat.

Production team checklist

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (10)

    Streamline your production team

    Designate your producer(s) that will be in charge of all things production related.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (11)

    Create a Zoom Team Chat channel

    Leverage Zoom Team Chat to create dedicated channels with your team planning the virtual event to stay aligned on tasks and action items. Zoom Team Chat allows you to collaborate in real time with internal as well as external team members.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (12)

    Create a production schedule

    Your production schedule should include a timeline of all sessions, presenter information, transitions, procedures, and breaks, and when they will take place.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (13)

    Create an event workflow

    Clearly define and visualize your online event experience with technical specs for each session, live streaming options, and other details to align producers with technical and presentation teams.

Technical team checklist

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (14)

    Set up meeting and/or webinar settings

    Work with the presentation team to clearly define and enable settings for each session — for example, if Q&A is enabled or if attendees can chat.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (15)

    Enable practice session

    When scheduling your webinar, be sure to select “Enable practice session” so hosts and panelists can join the webinar platform early to set up.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (16)

    Invite panelists

    If you’re using Zoom Webinars, each panelist is required to join using a unique link sent to them by email. Once speakers have been chosen and your webinar has been scheduled, send an invitation link and make sure they’ve received it.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (17)

    Schedule a dry run

    Do a dry run with your presenters to test cameras, microphones, lighting, and other settings, and practice intros, content, and transitions. Encourage them to join the dry run with the equipment they’ll be using on the day of the event.

    Get your dry run checklist

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (18)

    Set up livestreaming

    Decide whether you want to livestream toFacebook Live,YouTube Live, acustom service, or multiple platforms at once

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (19)

    Plan who will record the event

    Decide who is responsible for this process and how it will be done. You may wish to record to thecloudorlocally.

Presentation team checklist

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (20)

    Prepare your presenters

    Send presentershow-to resources for using Zoom and ensuring audio and video quality ahead of time.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (21)

    Create a panelist schedule

    If your session has multiple speakers presenting, create a schedule and let each presenter know how much time they’ll have.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (22)

    Gather speaker materials

    Ask speakers to submit their presentation content, bios, and audience questions (for live polling or Q&A) well ahead of time.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (23)

    Hardwire your internet connection

    This will help you avoid any tech issues with an unstable wifi connection, which can affect audio quality and the overall attendee experience. Encouragevirtual presenters to do the same.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (24)

    Minimize background noise

    Use a standalone microphone or good headset for the best audio quality. Set your audio settings to suppress background noise.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (25)

    Optimize video

    Open your video settings to enable HD, adjust for low lighting, and touch up your appearance if needed.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (26)

    Set up your background

    You can create a branded virtual background for all presenters that shows their name, company, and title. If you prefer not to use a virtual background, make sure your real background is clean and uncluttered.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (27)

    Dress to impress

    Choose solid colors over stripes or small, busy patterns. If you have a green screen, make sure what you’re wearing is a different color!

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (28)

Pro tip

Send speakers a kit with everything they’ll need: a microphone/headset, ethernet cable, ring light, and webcam. Put together a folder of digital assets with a virtual background template, event graphics, and sample social media post copy, so they can promote their session to their network.

Promoting your event

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (29)

Drive attendance

You can design the most amazing event experience in the world, but if you don’t take the time to promote it, your target audience won’t know about it. Create assets that allow you to market your event effectively and drive attendees to your website to learn more.

Event website

Your landing page or event website should provide your visitors with all the information they need to register and attend your event. It should also communicate the value your event will bring to visitors — what’s in it for them, and why they can’t miss it.

What to include on your event website:

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (31)

    Brief event overview

    What’s it about? Who’s it for? Give attendees a taste of what to expect in 1-2 short paragraphs.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (32)

    Agenda and schedule

    Don’t forget the time zone!

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (33)

    Session information

    Include a short description of each session.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (34)

    Speakers section

    Include a photo and short bio to promote your speakers’ credentials.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (35)

    Exhibitors and sponsors

    Showcase sponsors supporting your event with logos and company info.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (36)


    Compile a list of resources, like blog posts or websites for further reading, or an event chat channel on Zoom for event-goers.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (37)


    Answer common questions like “What’s the cost to attend?” and “Will I be able to view recorded sessions after the event?”

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (38)

    Compelling images

    Draw your audience in and promote your brand with visual assets that persuade target prospects to attend.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (39)

    Registration page

    Both Zoom Events and Zoom Webinars allow you tocustomize your registration page with your organization’s branding and tailored questions.

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (40)

    Video trailer

    A sizzle reel can also help generate excitement about your event on social media and in other marketing efforts.

Marketing your event

Start promoting your online event at least two to three weeks ahead of time to drive registration numbers. Don’t forget to create source tracking links for webinar registration to see which marketing efforts are most effective.

Email marketing

Utilize your existing database to send a target marketing email to people who may be interested in your event. If you’re a Zoom Sessions or Events customer, you can send customizable marketing emails directly from the events platform. This integration helps ensure brand consistency across your event journey and consolidates your tools, saving time and reducing the risk of miscommunication.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (41)

Blog articles

Content marketing enables you to tell the story of your event, provide information, and go more in-depth than an email. Use the right keywords to increase organic traffic.

PR outreach

A press release and media outreach highlighting notable speakers and other compelling details can get your event in front of more eyes. Put together a media list with industry publications and look for outlets that cover events like yours to reach your target audience. Be sure to offer interested reporters invitations to the live event.

Social media

Get followers buzzing with an event hashtag, graphics, and social media campaign. Don’t forget about ads and boosted posts to go beyond organic reach.

Partner and speaker marketing

Create visual assets and sample social posts partners and speakers can easily use, like a graphic template they can tweak to add their name and session information.

Podcast mentions: If relevant, promote your event on industry podcasts.

Community engagement: Share in relevant online communities or forums. Influencer partnerships: Engage industry influencers to promote your event.

Paid advertising: Consider running targeted ads to reach a wider audience for a high-profile event.

Employee advocacy: Encourage your team to share the event with their networks using easy-to-share templates to drive participation

Hosting your event

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (42)

It’s showtime!

You’ve done the planning and prepping. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty: hosting your event. From the dry run (absolutely necessary!) to the big day, it's crucial to maintain the brand consistency you've established in your promotional efforts. Here’s what you need to keep in mind.

Getting ready

1. Hold a dry run / dress rehearsal

Schedule a dry run about one week before your event with your production team, event hosts, speakers, and anyone else with an active role, to address any issues before the big day.

Dry run checklist: Everything you need to go over

2. Set speakers up for success

Provide your speakers and panelists withtech setup tipsso they’re prepared to look their best.

3. Join the practice session

A webinar practice session lets the host start the webinar and allows only the panelists and co-hosts to join. Give your speakers a call time to join 10 to 20 minutes earlier than the event starts so they can join thepractice session, test their audio and video, and troubleshoot last-minute problems before broadcasting live.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (43)

Pro tip

Only hosts and co-hosts can click the Start Webinar button during a practice session. This action cannot be undone, so only click the button once everyone is ready to go live!

Going live

1. Open the doors early

Try to launch your webinar a few minutes early to allow attendees time to join before the program starts. If you want to play welcome music, make sure it’s royalty-free.

2. Check your settings

While attendees are joining, this is a perfect time to make sure your meeting or webinar settings are correct. Check to see if you’re recording and livestreaming to the proper platforms, andstart the livestreamif it’s not automatically enabled. Also ensure Q&A settings are correctly enabled and that panelists and co-hosts have the right permissions.

3. Opening script

Kick off your event with a short housekeeping announcement letting attendees know whether the webinar will be recorded, how to submit questions, and what the webinar is about. Don’t forget to thank speakers and sponsors!

4. Event troubleshooting

KeepZoom Events,Zoom WebinarsorZoom Meetingssupport pages open to quickly troubleshoot issues on the fly. If panelists come across any issues, chat privately with them on the Zoom client or the in-session private chat feature.

Zoom Events offers several features to enhance your live event experience:

  • Custom Speaker Wallpapers: Reinforce your brand and event theme.
  • Event Background: Create a cohesive visual experience for attendees.
  • Resource Sharing: Provide relevant materials in your event lobby.
  • Zoom Production Studio: Elevate your event with TV-quality production, including customized scenes, border styles, and aspect ratios.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (44)

Post-event follow-up

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (45)

Leverage content & engage attendees

That’s a wrap! Once your event is over, that doesn’t mean the work is complete. Take a few extra steps to collect feedback, leverage recordings, and follow up with leads so you can get the most out of the event that you worked so hard to execute.

Post-event survey

Capture feedback from attendees on what worked well and areas for improvement. Use the survey to collect the Net Promoter Score from attendees for the overall event and for each session.

Event content hub

Edit recordings and transcripts, and make them available on your website or event page. If you like, you can gate the content to collect user data from viewers accessing the recordings. With Zoom Events, you can create an online content hub where your on-demand event content can live and be used to promote future events in one easily accessible location.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (46)

Recorded content

Edit recordings and transcripts, and make them available on your website or event page. If you like, you can gate the content to collect user data from viewers accessing the recordings.

Attendee follow-up

Send an email to attendees with a link to the event recordings and additional resources.

Event reports

If using Zoom Events, review your Event Summary dashboard, generatemeeting reports, which provide data on registration and polling, orwebinar reports, which provide data on registration, attendees, Q&A, polling, and event performance.

Marketing leads

Leverage insights from reports to qualify leads and utilize the key integrations mentioned above to funnel leads to sales.


Make your next online event even better than the last by assessing what worked and what didn’t. Utilize attendee data and feedback from the reports, as well as any speakers and panelists, and track engagement with your content and other event features.

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning & Hosting Virtual Events (2024)


How to host a successful virtual event? ›

15 Tips and Tricks for Hosting a Successful Online Event
  1. Know your target audience. ...
  2. Define event goals. ...
  3. Create an event brand. ...
  4. Choose an appealing topic. ...
  5. Put together a team. ...
  6. Land a great speaker. ...
  7. Choose date and time wisely. ...
  8. Choose a virtual event platform.

How to host a virtual event on Zoom? ›

Start events
  1. Sign in to Zoom Events.
  2. In the left navigation menu, click the top dropdown arrow and select Across Hubs.
  3. In the left navigation menu, click Events.
  4. Click the Upcoming tab.
  5. To the right of the event you want to start, click Start (for recurring series events) or Join Lobby (for multiple sessions events).

How do I start a virtual event planner? ›

How to Become a Virtual Event Planner. The qualifications and skills you need to start working as a virtual event planner include training or equivalent job experience, connections with vendors, and organizational skills. You also need to ability to listen to clients and ensure you meet their needs.

How do I host a good virtual meeting? ›

Top tips for conducting a successful virtual meeting
  1. Pick the right tools. How many people will be attending? ...
  2. Invite people. Hosting a virtual meeting requires proper etiquette. ...
  3. Schedule carefully. ...
  4. Create an agenda (and stick to it) ...
  5. Set some guidelines. ...
  6. Make time for casual chat. ...
  7. Engage everyone. ...
  8. Follow-up.
Mar 24, 2021

What is a goal of virtual events? ›

In the end, virtual events share one critical goal regardless of the format — bringing people together digitally around your brand, content, conversation, or community. If you use the right virtual event marketing strategies, these events become flexible, interactive ways to reach and engage a wide audience.

How can I make my virtual event more fun? ›

Ten Tips to Make Your Virtual Events More Engaging
  1. Organise pre-virtual events activities. ...
  2. Choose an enthusiastic moderator. ...
  3. Send out physical items. ...
  4. Breakout rooms. ...
  5. Polls. ...
  6. Keep meeting minutes. ...
  7. Games. ...
  8. Lucky draws.

How do you manage virtual events? ›

How do you plan a virtual event?
  1. Define a clear virtual event goal. ...
  2. Know your virtual event's audience. ...
  3. Figure out your virtual event budget. ...
  4. Set a date, and choose a virtual event application to host on.
  5. Design a virtual event brand.
  6. Develop an event marketing strategy. ...
  7. Pre-schedule the following communications ahead of time.

How do you engage a virtual event? ›

11 ways to keep attendees engaged during virtual events
  1. Sound out your speaker(s). ...
  2. Pre-event polling. ...
  3. Don't skip on production. ...
  4. Organise a surprise delivery. ...
  5. Do a dress rehearsal. ...
  6. Use your intro wisely. ...
  7. Create variety with virtual rooms. ...
  8. Make space for audience interaction.

How do I make my Zoom event more interactive? ›

Live Q&A Sessions: Keep the audience involved by incorporating live Q&A sessions. Zoom's chat and Q&A features allow for real-time interaction and engagement. Polls and Surveys: Break up your event with polls and surveys. It not only provides valuable insights but also keeps the audience actively participating.

How to create an online conference? ›

9 Steps to Hosting the Best Virtual Conference
  1. Define Goals. ...
  2. Determine KPIs and Success Metrics. ...
  3. Create a Timeline. ...
  4. Create a Budget. ...
  5. Build Your Team. ...
  6. Set Up Event in Your Virtual Conference Platform. ...
  7. Map Out Content. ...
  8. Create Virtual Event Master Plan.
Feb 11, 2024

How do I host an engaging Zoom meeting? ›

7 Fun Ways to Make Zoom Meetings More Engaging and Interactive
  1. 1) Give Your Team Clear Instructions Ahead of the Meeting. ...
  2. 2) Create an Agenda And Assign Roles Ahead of Time to Make Your Virtual Meeting More Engaging. ...
  3. 3) Break Up Non-Engaging Monologues with the “Can You Give Me An Example?” Question.

How do you run a good virtual event? ›

Table of Contents
  1. 8 Best Practices for Hosting a Virtual Event.
  2. Choose Your Event Goals.
  3. Choose the Right Virtual Event Platform.
  4. Promote Your Event Like a Pro.
  5. Choose Innovative Networking Features.
  6. Host Live Webinars & Keynotes.
  7. Upload Evergreen Content.
  8. Gamify Your Event.
Jul 11, 2024

How do I sell myself as an event planner? ›

5 Event Planner Marketing Strategies Used by Top Professionals
  1. Find your niche. No business can be successful without a clear target audience to serve. ...
  2. Make your website a priority. ...
  3. Create and grow relationships, both online and off. ...
  4. Show off your style … everywhere. ...
  5. Manage the user journey from start to finish.

How do I become a beginner event planner? ›

10 steps to becoming an event planner
  1. Research the event planning industry. ...
  2. Pick a specialization. ...
  3. Learn the tricks of the trade. ...
  4. Level up your skills. ...
  5. Gain work experience. ...
  6. Master event technology. ...
  7. Create a portfolio. ...
  8. Start networking.
Mar 28, 2024

What is the best day to host a virtual event? ›

Best days of the week: Tuesdays and Wednesdays are generally considered to be the best days of the week to host a live webinar. Tuesdays tend to have higher attendance rates than Mondays, and Wednesdays tend to have higher attendance rates than Thursdays and Fridays.

How do you increase attendance at virtual events? ›

Increase event attendance by using event technology to promote your event and make the experience more engaging for attendees before the event even begins.
  1. Create an easy-to-use event website and registration page. ...
  2. Build hype on a social media-like activity feed. ...
  3. Offer live streaming or on-demand content.
Mar 11, 2024

How do I host a virtual reality event? ›

What are some of the best practices and tips for hosting VR events or meetups?
  1. Choose the right platform.
  2. Plan the content and format.
  3. Test and troubleshoot.
  4. Engage and moderate.
  5. Follow up and improve. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  6. Here's what else to consider. Be the first to add your personal experience.
Aug 24, 2023


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Article information

Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.