D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (2024)

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, enclosed again are Byron/"Ibrahim's" notes leading into our latest telecom session (Saturday, 27 June 2020).

Also, here are the basic links for this campaign:

-Obsidian Portal wiki:https://vanished-lands.obsidianportal.com/wikis/main-page
-Obsidian Portal party roster:https://vanished-lands.obsidianportal.com/characters/holy-steel
-Google Drive folder:https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B64H4F1FDT4_VUFEaGtNU0lNNXc
-Google Sheets roster:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rAbvkdDJqK2zbImuG8nZlxI0lLGfngKYj0DaFApmGmQ/edit?usp=sharing
-Google Drawings maps:https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1H27Ycs2HvPOdiEJGykS9_mxU7ZVoVk1wNsWqkkZKUYY/edit
-Rolz.org online dice roller:https://rolz.org/dr?room=HolySteel
-Roll20:https://app.roll20.net/editor/("Vanished Lands" campaign)
Plus, this new Groups.io message threead.

Out of character, we discussed current games and party composition.

In character, Faelonia gave the following troop numbers for reinforcements coming to the Gargoyle Headlands from the Zeda Kingdom:

200 fighters

50 Gryphon Riders

20 clerics

100 boar riders

10 Engineers

5 mages

5 assassins

5 Druids

5 Dragon riders

The Drow Ranger recommended reporting to allied leaders in person and was concerned about enemy ground forces from the Gusorin Confederation. Faelonia also wondered about connections between Krakas, lord of the maelstrom, and the Void of the "Chaos Wars"....

Milos noted the need for long-term resource management and deployment of intelligence assets. The human Rogue also inquired about whether the alliance between the vampires in Gisar and the Undead pirates could be disrupted.

Ibrahim noted that the Gargoyle Headlands took up to 40% casualties (see enclosed documents) and that the Sea of Nagendwa has seen a drop in trade, while the followers of evil gods have increasingly worked together. The Paladin of Isis also noted that some of the dreaded Ghost Fleet can be tracked magically. He mentioned contacts in Hesolin and theBracers of Elemental Control.

"Holy Steel" then went to report at the royal citadel in Hesolin, capital of the human kingdom of Hifalendor. King Akkon XII told Ibrahim that some of his generals advised against rebuilding or sending reinforcements to the Gargoyle Headlands, recommending that troops be kept closer to the city.

Akkon offered Ibrahim and company a choice: stay on the coast and be given more forces, or continue traveling while command is given to someone else. They chose the latter, with plans to conduct research in Hesolin and then take theDragon's Baneto the Thalassaquendi (Sea Elves) of the Coral Kingdom.... -Gene

>>[23 June 2020:] Dexter, Beruk, and Byron, I hope that all's well with each of you. Let me know how the next few weekends are looking for us to continue "Holy Steel's" adventures!

>>When we left your higher-level characters and their followers, they had found the Gargoyle Headlands devastated by the dreaded Ghost Fleet.

>>"Ibrahim" has reviewed casualties at the Hifalendorin human naval base, while "Faelonia" has gotten some aid from the Zeda kingdom of the Dwarves and Gnomes. "Milos" plans to tap into his intelligence network across the western Sea of Nagendwa.
>>Here are some things to discuss in our next telecom session:

-For Faelonia to get up to speed on the history of the Ghost Fleet, and to refresh everyone's memories: https://vanished-lands.obsidianportal.com/wikis/ghost-fleet

-Ibrahim has prepared missives to allied leaders, and you'll probably each have to visit some. You may also want to revisit the Thalassaquendi (Sea Elves) in the Kelp Kingdom....

-Why did the Undead pirates pull back from the Gargoyle Headlands? What resources are still available?

-As the War of Skulls escalates, you'll have to get more scouting reports, devise strategy, and then deploy forces.

-Faelonia is no doubt wondering what the Drow of Zuromm and Nannuattan of Gokuri are up to....

-The growing enemy appears overwhelming, but remember, "Holy Steel" doesn't have to fight every battle. Where are you and other higher-level P.C.s best used? You're the "point of the sword"....

-Speaking of other P.C.s, note that Sara, Bruce, and others might be interested in cameos.

>>Faelonia is an experienced diplomat, Ibrahim is a general comfortable with spellcasters, and Milos has eyes and ears where the others don't. You also have past P.C.s and large supporting casts of N.P.C.s to manage. Good luck!

>>Again, let me know your availability, -Gene

>Guys, see attached -- "Revolt in the Heavens" -- it offers the intel that Ibrahim has collected over the last 6 years of game time (16 years of our time) on the Ghost Fleet and associated actions. I provide Ibrahim's observations and some possible story hooks to think about and some missions that we can pursue.

>If "Holy Steel" does not do this -- the good guys will lose, Darkness will triumph. This we cannot allow. I look forward to talking tonight. -Beruk

>>"Holy Steel" adventuring party in Gene D.'s D&D5e "Vanished Lands" high fantasy telecom campaign, as of summer 2016:

-"Faelonia Telcontar" [Dexter V.H.]-female Drow Ranger (western Dark Elf Beastmaster or Ranger/Cleric), ambassador for the Waletku and Zeda kingdoms and champion of Mekkil and Vulkan, with wolf companion Facon and Heart Bow Dalis, with stronghold of Pugil in the Ivory Mountains; NGl, Lvl. 16

-"Rellim Dorathan" [Mark M./Non-Player Character]-male Quelanthi (High Elf) Cleric of Aerdary (Labelas), friend of Faelonia; CGn, Lvl. 6/6

-"Noony..." [Dexter/N.P.C.]-male Svirfneblin scout (Deep Gnome Rogue) and follower of Lady Faelonia; NGc, Lvl. 8

-"Argentis" [N.P.C.]-female young adult silver Dragon Sorceress, companion of Faelonia, along with wolf Facon and hawk Azrael; NGl, Lvl. 5

-"Dalis" [artifact]-Heart Bow, Protector of the Wild, intelligent weapon (treat as Druid) currently borne by Faelonia; NGl

-"Milos Kolov Valoren" [Beruk A.]-male Barbari human scout [Rogue/Fighter/Gatecrasher from Ted A.H.'s D&D3.0 "Solar Gods: the Ether Wars"], former "Liberator" and "Dragonslayer," with a network based out of the open port of Laguro on Bokor Island; CGn, Lvl. 10/3/3

-"Nialla Burkin" [Beruk/N.P.C.]-female Suthern human Quedeshot/Battle Dancer (proto-Arabic Bard/Monk), former crewmember of the Dragon's Bane and follower of Milos; NGc, Lvl. 8/1

-"Thilgatha/Rhiannen" [N.P.C.]-female young adult copper Dragon Fighter and companion of Milos; CGn, Lvl. 5

-"Vian" [N.P.C.]-female Guti human shaman (Persian Cleric) and follower of Milos; CGn, Lvl. 3

-"Djekari" [N.P.C.]-male Nubian human archer (African Barbarian), formerly stationed at Fort Tharvu, exiled from Khemet (New Kingdom Egypt) and Milos' newest follower; CGn, Lvl. 8

-"Ibrahim al-Sufaia" [Byron V.O.]-male Suthern human Ghazi/Khery-heb (Egyptian Paladin/Wizard) of Isis, former "Dragonslayer" and bearer of custos (enchanted khopesh) Akhu, leader of strongholds at Eagle's Rest (near Dosk Kar in the Zeda Kingdom), the Gargoyle Headlands (in Hifalendor), and a safe house in Alfhileno (Waletku Kingdom); LGn, Lvl. 13/3

-"Arianna Leafsplitter" [Byron/N.P.C.]-female Sylvan (Wood) Elf Druid, follower of Ibrahim; TNg, Lvl. 9

-"Nebkar 'Neb' Khaneferu" [Byron/N.P.C.]-male Suthern human sailor/Ghazi (Paladin) of Ishmas, former follower of Jaguar Woman Ranger "Grace" [Carolyn M.P.]; LGn, Lvl. 1/7

-"Quenamun" [N.P.C.]-female young adult gold Dragon Cleric of Bahamut/Paladine and steed of Ibrahim, along with Blink Dog "Bink" [Stuart C.G./N.P.C.]; LGn, Lvl. 5

-"Akhu" [N.P.C.]-male Custos (enchanted khopesh), former Ghazi of Ishmas (Paladin of Isis) and mentor to Ibrahim; LGn

The Revolt in the Heavens v3.docxThe Revolt in the Heavens v3.docxRecognizing Losses and Reorganization - List of Forces Reporting to Headlands v1.docxRecognizing Losses and Reorganization - List of Forces Reporting to Headlands v1.docx
Gene D.
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Dexter, Beruk, and Byron, I saw this and was reminded of the Temple of the Four Winds, the former ninja dojo that "Sukhov," "Tetsuo," and their allies reclaimed and turned into a monastery in the middle of the barbaricGusorin Confederation.

While the actual pagoda is a bit larger inside, I look forward to the journey northeast from the Gargoyle Headlands by "Holy Steel's" followers.

From there, another team will head south to the Undead-ruled port of Gisar to search for "Bellanora," crown princess of the Zeda kingdom of the Dwarves and Gnomes, and some of the "Shadow Wyvern Company." Remember to update relevant characters to D&D5e and to think about who to invite when.

We're looking at sometime in early February for the next "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session. When we left "Faelonia," "Milos," and "Ibrahim," they were facing Undead Sahuagin, sharks, and a sea dragon at the Coral Temple! Thalassaquendi (western Sea Elf) Princess Masilan, bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, has been teleported away bya Drow spy....

Byron, let us know your availability for "Holy Steel" and plans for "Sauron Rises: War in the North." In the meantime, I'll see Dex and Beruk at Jim's FATE "Doctor Who" this coming Saturday night and Dex and Byron for "Chrome City" on Monday, 25 January 2021! -Gene

Gene D.
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Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron

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To be fair you’re hosting your in-laws so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though Byron I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters.

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On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 10:57 AM Gene D. via groups.io <edemaitre=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:

Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron


Beruk Ambatchew

Waltham, MA


Gene D.
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Beruk, I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

Both Janice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for their once-a-decade summit.

We've all been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- and hopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder to find times. -Gene

>To be fair, you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though, Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters. -Beruk

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Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron

Dexter Hailey

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Good morning,

What time are you gentlemen considering playing?

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On Fri, Sep 3, 2021, 11:14 AM Eugene A. Demaitre <edemaitre@...> wrote:

Beruk, I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

Both Janice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for their once-a-decade summit.

We've all been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- and hopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder to find times. -Gene

>To be fair, you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though, Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters. -Beruk

Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron

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Evening or late afternoon. I would not mind starting at 5pm, but 6 will do if you are up for it Gene.

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On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 11:21 AM Dexter Hailey <dexter.hailey@...> wrote:

Good morning,

What time are you gentlemen considering playing?

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021, 11:14 AM Eugene A. Demaitre <edemaitre@...> wrote:

Beruk, I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

Both Janice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for their once-a-decade summit.

We've all been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- and hopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder to find times. -Gene

>To be fair, you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though, Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters. -Beruk

Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron


Beruk Ambatchew

Waltham, MA



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Going to a Greek Festival Saturday for a lot of great food.....but Maybe MONDAY....which would NOT violate the 48 hour notice........

On Friday, September 3, 2021, 11:26:32 AM EDT, Beruk Ambatchew <bambatchew@...> wrote:

Evening or late afternoon. I would not mind starting at 5pm, but 6 will do if you are up for it Gene.

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On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 11:21 AM Dexter Hailey <dexter.hailey@...> wrote:

Good morning,

What time are you gentlemen considering playing?

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021, 11:14 AM Eugene A. Demaitre <edemaitre@...> wrote:

Beruk, I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

Both Janice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for their once-a-decade summit.

We've all been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- and hopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder to find times. -Gene

>To be fair, you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though, Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters. -Beruk

Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron


Beruk Ambatchew

Waltham, MA


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Jason and Rich are running their games this Monday, unless I missed an email update about scheduling.

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On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 12:30 PM Byron Olsen <bvolsen@...> wrote:

Going to a Greek Festival Saturday for a lot of great food.....but Maybe MONDAY....which would NOT violate the 48 hour notice........

On Friday, September 3, 2021, 11:26:32 AM EDT, Beruk Ambatchew <bambatchew@...> wrote:

Evening or late afternoon. I would not mind starting at 5pm, but 6 will do if you are up for it Gene.

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 11:21 AM Dexter Hailey <dexter.hailey@...> wrote:

Good morning,

What time are you gentlemen considering playing?

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021, 11:14 AM Eugene A. Demaitre <edemaitre@...> wrote:

Beruk, I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

Both Janice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for their once-a-decade summit.

We've all been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- and hopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder to find times. -Gene

>To be fair, you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate her for any gaming neglect points you have earned.

Though, Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48 hour minimum window I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

I am actually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters. -Beruk

Byron, I think it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what do you think?

After some of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sure Janice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

At the same time, we should look at the calendar for the next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

When we left your higher-level team, it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the young Sea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by a Drow spy....

For those of you in my monthly "Northern Frontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday, 19 September 2021. -Gene

>Gene, any chance for "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron


Beruk Ambatchew

Waltham, MA



Beruk Ambatchew

Waltham, MA


Gene D.
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Enjoy the Greek festival tomorrow, Byron! Where is it?

I just spoke with Dexter, who'll be with his wife at the Foxwoods Resort and Casino in Connecticut. Fan Expo Boston (formerly the Boston Comic Con) is also this weekend.

As Beruk and I noted, Jason and Rich are running this coming Monday, Sept. 6.

Let's each look at our plans for the next month or so for a date for "Holy Steel." -Gene

>Going to a Greek Festival Saturday for a lot of great food... but Maybe MONDAY, which would NOT violate the 48 hour notice... -Byron

>Unfortunately, Jason and Rich are running their games this Monday, unless I missed an e-mail update about scheduling. -Beruk

>Gene, any chancefor "Holy Steel" this weekend? -Byron

>>Byron, Ithink it's probably too short notice to organize a D&D5e "VanishedLands: Holy Steel" session this coming weekend. Dexter and Beruk, what doyou think?

>>Aftersome of us role-played three days in a row just last weekend, I'm not sureJanice or Linda would be thrilled. Jason is running on Labor Day itself.

>>Atthe same time, we should look at the calendar forthe next month or two and try to find a weekend when everyone is available.

>>Whenwe left your higher-level team,it was fighting aquatic Undead at the Coral Temple, and Princess Masilan, the youngSea Elf bearer of the Bracers of Water Control, had just been taken by aDrow spy....

>>Forthose of you in my monthly "NorthernFrontier" campaign, note that our next game is scheduled for Sunday,19 September 2021. -Gene

>To be fair,you’re hosting your in-laws, so I am sure Janice will make you compensate herfor any gaming neglect points you have earned.

>Though,Byron, I am backing Gene’s decision since you violated the 48-hour minimumwindow I requested we all follow for suggesting game nights.

>I amactually free this Saturday, but it’s the principle of the thing that matters.-Beruk

>>Beruk,I'll wait to hear back from Dexter before deciding about tomorrow night.

>>BothJanice's and my parents will be visiting Boston in a week for theironce-a-decade summit.

>>We'veall been gaming a lot during the pandemic, but with nice weather -- andhopefully the Delta variant eventually passing -- we'll have to try harder tofind times. -Gene

>Goodmorning, what time are you gentlemen considering playing? -Dexter

>Evening orlate afternoon. I would not mind starting at 5 p.m., but 6 will do if you areup for it, Gene. -Beruk

Gene D.
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Speaking of which, I haven't forgotten where we left "Holy Steel" ... bwah, ha, ha!

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (10)

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (11)

Recently, I ran a meat grinder game onTwitch, called "One Fish, Two Fish, Blood Fish, Death Wish".Meat grinders are D&D hard mode, deadly encounters, no death saves, and everyone brings 2 characters (they know they will die but that’s part of the fun). I set this lethal adventure in a sunken ship surrounded by sahuagin, sharks and water bloated undead.

I liked doing the whole thing underwater because it adds a ton ofcomplications to the scenario. But this also meant I needed to brush up on the underwater combat rules. So here is a quick primer on running a game in the briny deep.

  1. You get fire resistance: Creatures and objects that are fully immersed in water have resistance to fire damage.
  2. Weapons are weird: Melee and ranged weapons work mostly the same but with some major differences, your attacks have disadvantage. You can get around this by using some specific weapons; dagger, javelin, short sword, spear, dart, crossbow, net or trident. Another limitation is all ranged weapons only have their short range and any attempt outside that range fails automatically.
  3. It’s all about swim speed: If you have a swim speed either naturally or via magic a few of the restrictions are removed. None of your melee attacks have disadvantage , not just those from the list above. Without a swim speed your movement is reduced to half but you regain full use of your movement when you have a swim speed.
  4. Drowning is the worst: Without something like gills, an alter self or water breathing spell you'll have to hold your breath. A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). After that they have a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round) to find air. After that, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again! The rules don't specifically say what happens when you cast a spell with a verbal component while under water but I ruled that it cost them 30 seconds of air.

There is a few more things about water environments, but I don’t want to make this email any longer. You can find more in chapter 5 of the DMG, and pages 183 and 198 of the PHB. You also listen to this interview with Jeremy Crawford.

Ok, that’s it for this week. Seeyounext Fridayand until then, may the dice be ever in your favor,


You Can Watch The Meat Grinder Game Here!

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (13)

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (14)

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (15)

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D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (16)

Gene D.
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Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about "Holy Steel" -- when we left that higher-level team, it was fighting Undead sharks and Sahuagin at the Coral Temple of the Thalassaquendi (western Sea Elves), just as a Drow spyTeleported away with Princess Masilan, bearer of the Bracers of Water Control.... We should try to schedule some sessions in 2022!

December 2021 Development Update – Here's our regular monthly update for this Kickstarter. We're continuing to close in on finalizing the book and working towards delivery.Development Progress====================Here's an update on each of the chapters that are still not finalized. I expect this list to be completed by early January (other than any artwork we are waiting on).* I. Welcome to the Undersea World: This chapter is in final editing and needs a few artwork pieces to be completed.* II. An Undersea World to Explore: This chapter is in final editing, needs NPC artwork and city maps to be completed. We have commissioned the same mapmaker as the last book to create maps for the 10 most important undersea locales and expect to have those by January to place into the final layout.* VI. Mounts &amp; Vehicles: Development/editing of the vehicles section and writing up crews continues. We are in the process of commissioning artwork for the vehicles.* X. The Sunken City of Zuroth: This chapter is in final editing/playtesting.Final Layout Has Begun======================The following chapters are 100% finalized and with layout or waiting for a couple of final pieces of artwork:* Chapter III: The Undersea People* Chapter IV: Character Options* Chapter V: Equipment* Chapter VII: Magic Items &amp; Spells* Chapter VIII: Running Undersea Adventures* Chapter IX: Allies &amp; AdversariesA New Barbarian Subclass========================The Abyssal Delver barbarian subclass is completed and the artwork (preview above) is being finalized. Everyone can download a preview PDF of this subclass here ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/57hpxca2uiqdd6v/Path-of-the-Abyssal-Delver_v1.pdf?dl=1 ). We'd love to hear your feedback on this subclass in the comments below.When Will I Receive My Rewards?===============================COVID has been challenging for everyone and our timelines have been impacted like many Kickstarters. We are working to deliver our rewards for this Kickstarter as close to our original estimate as possible. Thank you for your patience.LOCAL PRINTERS:Since we are using local printers, the time from when we send our final PDF to the printer and when you have it in your hands will be much faster than if we printed overseas.FINALIZING PRINT RUN* We are currently working with our printers to get finalized quotes (paper prices continue to skyrocket), a locked-in date for our print run, and when the books will be delivered to our warehouse.* For now, we only have finalized dates for the map, poster, and stickers printing.* We have included estimates based on what we currently know and will update this list in January 2022.ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIMELINES* Quickstart (sent)* Digital Undersea World Map (sent)* Alpha PDF (expected end of January 2022)* Digital Character Art &amp; Tokens pack (February 2022)* Final PDF (expected late February 2022)* Digital Map pack (expected late February 2022)* Printed Undersea 27"x18" Map (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)* Printed 27"x18" Poster (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)* Monster Stickers (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)* Hardcover (print TBD, ship TBD)STRETCH GOALS* 11 x "Added to Book" (complete)* Undersea Themed Character Sheet PDF (sent)* Pre-Gen Character Sheet PDFs (expected February 2022)* Vodari Player's Companion PDF (expected March 2022)* Additional Adventure PDF (2022)‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (18)

December 2021 Development Update

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (19)

Posted by Tribality Publishing

Dec 15, 2021

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (21)

Here's our regular monthly update for this Kickstarter. We're continuing to close in on finalizing the book and working towards delivery.

Here's an update on each of the chapters that are still not finalized. I expect this list to be completed by early January (other than any artwork we are waiting on).

  • I. Welcome to the Undersea World: This chapter is in final editing and needs a few artwork pieces to be completed.
  • II. An Undersea World to Explore: This chapter is in final editing, needs NPC artwork and city maps to be completed. We have commissioned the same mapmaker as the last book to create maps for the 10 most important undersea locales and expect to have those by January to place into the final layout.
  • VI. Mounts & Vehicles: Development/editing of the vehicles section and writing up crews continues. We are in the process of commissioning artwork for the vehicles.
  • X. The Sunken City of Zuroth: This chapter is in final editing/playtesting.

The following chapters are 100% finalized and with layout or waiting for a couple of final pieces of artwork:

  • Chapter III: The Undersea People
  • Chapter IV: Character Options
  • Chapter V: Equipment
  • Chapter VII: Magic Items & Spells
  • Chapter VIII: Running Undersea Adventures
  • Chapter IX: Allies & Adversaries

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (22)

The Abyssal Delver barbarian subclass is completed and the artwork (preview above) is being finalized. Everyone can download a preview PDF of this subclass here. We'd love to hear your feedback on this subclass in the comments below.

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (23)

COVID has been challenging for everyone and our timelines have been impacted like many Kickstarters. We are working to deliver our rewards for this Kickstarter as close to our original estimate as possible. Thank you for your patience.


Since we are using local printers, the time from when we send our final PDF to the printer and when you have it in your hands will be much faster than if we printed overseas.


  • We are currently working with our printers to get finalized quotes (paper prices continue to skyrocket), a locked-in date for our print run, and when the books will be delivered to our warehouse.
  • For now, we only have finalized dates for the map, poster, and stickers printing.
  • We have included estimates based on what we currently know and will update this list in January 2022.


  • Quickstart (sent)
  • Digital Undersea World Map (sent)
  • Alpha PDF (expected end of January 2022)
  • Digital Character Art & Tokens pack (February 2022)
  • Final PDF (expected late February 2022)
  • Digital Map pack (expected late February 2022)
  • Printed Undersea 27"x18" Map (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)
  • Printed 27"x18" Poster (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)
  • Monster Stickers (printing January 2022, shipping with hardcover)
  • Hardcover (print TBD, ship TBD)


  • 11 x "Added to Book" (complete)
  • Undersea Themed Character Sheet PDF (sent)
  • Pre-Gen Character Sheet PDFs (expected February 2022)
  • Vodari Player's Companion PDF (expected March 2022)
  • Additional Adventure PDF (2022)

Show support and stay involved—let Tribality Publishing know you read this update.

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Update #29November 2021 Development Update
Update #28October 2021 Development Update

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (25)

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (26)

Gene D.
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Fellow role-players, since it has been more than a year since our last "Holy Steel" session, here are more details on where we left that higher-level party in the "Vanished Lands:"

On "6 May 1226 B.C.E.," "Faelonia," "Milos," and "Ibrahim" visited the Thalassaquendi (western Sea Elves) at the Coral Temple. They met with priestess Halateriel, Gen. Logrin, and Princess Masilan, the young bearer of the Bracers of Water Control.

"Holy Steel's" diplomatic mission about the War of Skulls was interrupted by an attack on the Coral Temple. The Elves foughtSahuagin, Riptide Ghouls, Scourge-afflicted sharks and whales, and an ancientUndead sea dragon!

Milos fought the Sahuagin, as Nialla and Thilgatha stealthily maneuvered. Faelonia cast Mass Healand fended off ghouls, as Argentis knocked away a whale, and Rellim helped the fleeing Elves. Faelonia Polymorphed into a sea dragon to fight the other dragon.

Ibrahim fought a shark and headed toward the Undead dragon, while Arianna Entangled some Sahuagin before retreating. (Quenamun was on the surface guarding the ship.)

Meanwhile, Mahorga, a Sea Elf handmaiden, turned out to be a Drow (western Dark Elf) spy, Teleporting away with the princess!

Here again are the troop dispositions:

-Thalassaquendi: 50 out of 100 survive -- to evacuate to Oceanis?

-Princess Masilan: Teleported away by Mahorga, whom Faelonia gave an enchanted crossbow

-The Dragon's Bane: Privateer carrack intact on the surface of the Sea of Nagendwa

-Undead Sahuagin: More than 200 remain of initial 250 (including replenishments from Sea Elven casualties)

-Undead sharks: 1 out of 2 remaining, scared off by Polymorphed dragons

-Riptide Ghouls: 6 remaining -- soon to be destroyed by Faelonia and Argentis?

-Undead whales: 2 remaining

-Undead sea dragon: Missed Masilan, now facing Polymorphed Faelonia and Argentis, Plane Shifted Ibrahim, and Milos' Vorpal Sword and Immovable Rod.....

Good luck! -Gene

-Obsidian Portal character roster:

-Google Sheets team list:

-Rolz.org:https://rolz.org/dr?room=HolySteel(Room: "HolySteel")

-Google Drawings map:

>[5 January 2022:] Guys, not sure about you, but I could use some Holy Steel right about now. Any Saturdays or holidays free for a game? Gene has said he would do it -- we just need to find the time.

>Let me know, -Byron V.O.

>I'm available. -Dexter V.H.

>That is up to Gene. I think however the Northern Frontier campaign should have precedence. But if, say, there are is a day Corbin is not available and everyone else with a level-appropriate PC can log on, I am game if Gene is.... -Beruk A.

>>Guys, we could shoot for this coming weekend, although that might be relatively short notice. Or, we could shoot for the weekend of Jan. 29. What do all of you think?

>>Also, note that "Sauron Rises: War in the North" is now tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 22. I'm working on MLK Day.

>>Byron, I could meet for lunch next Monday or Thursday -- let me know when and where. -Gene

>>January 2022:

-8: "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel," Gene D.'s higher-level fantasy, using D&D5e?

-10: "Star Wars: Rise of the Republic -- the Spirit of Palawa," Jason E.R.'s space opera, using D20 Star Wars: Saga Edition, and Masks of Nyarlathotep, Rich C.G.'s 1920s supernatural scenario, using Call of Cthulhu 6e

-12: Curse of Strahd, Josh C.'s weekly fantasy/horror scenario, using D&D5e; Gene's weekly adult historical weapons class at GuardUp/Guardian Adventures in Burlington, Mass.

-15: "House Hestia," Jim D.'s monthly space opera, using 2d20 Dune: Adventures in the Imperium

-16: "Vanished Lands: Northern Frontier," Gene D.'s monthly heroic fantasy campaign, using D&D5e

-17: "Chrome City: Storm Warning," Gene D.'s near-future young superheroes, using Icons: Assembled Edition, and Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire, Drew S.'s urban fantasy, using Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

-18: Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Rich C.G.'s 1920s horror, using Call of Cthulhu 6e

-22: "Sauron Rises: War in the North," Byron V.O.'s monthly heroic fantasy, using D&D5e Adventures in Middle Earth?

-24: Jason's "Star Wars: the Spirit of Palawa" and Rich's Masks of Nyarlathotep

-27: Beruk A.'s birthday

-29: Gene D.'s D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel"?

-31: "Chrome City: Storm Warning" and Ptolus: City by the Spire

>Depends on what day. I can do either, but I prefer Sunday evening. -Beruk

>I am definitely interested in trying for either weekend. -Dexter

>>Beruk and Byron -- point of clarification -- which weekend is best for each of you?

>>Dexter, when were you planning on visiting Zoe and Benji? I don't want to interfere with that or your kendo/lightsaber class.

>>Byron, we may want to hold off on lunch, since my boss will be in town next week, and we might want to wait out the Omicron variant. Also, you should communicate with our wider group regarding "Sauron Rises: War in the North" scheduling.

>>I look forward to resuming "Holy Steel's" adventures! -Gene

>I don’t have class this weekend. Either day works for me. -Dexter

>This weekend works for me. -Beruk

>>OK, let's meet at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, 9 January 2022! See you then!

>>When we left "Holy Steel," that higher-level team was fighting Undead sharks and a sea dragon at the Coral Temple, beneath the Sea of Nagendwa.... -Gene

>Sounds like a plan! -Dexter

Gene D.
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This made me think of our latest D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" session....

Note that Phoenician is contemporaneous with Hifalendorin....

And as much as I like fictional spies like James Bond, Top Secret/Spycraft/The Spy Game, and the "Shadow Wyvern Co.," actual intelligence tradecraft is (and should be) different....

Gene D.
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From ChatGPT:

And so it was that the battle between the "Holy Steel" and the dreaded ghost fleet began. The skies above the sea were black as night, and the ghostly ships of the enemy fleet loomed in the distance like specters of death.

At the fore of the battle was Faelonia, the elven ranger, her bow in hand and arrows at the ready. Behind her, Milos, the human rogue, prowled the decks, his daggers gleaming in the pale light of the moon. And at the center of it all stood Ibrahim, the Egyptian paladin, his holy sword raised high and a fierce determination in his eyes.

With a battle cry, the ghost fleet descended upon the "Holy Steel", and the sound of clashing steel filled the air. Ghostly pirates swarmed the decks, but the "Holy Steel" stood their ground, fighting back with all the skill and bravery they possessed.

Faelonia's arrows sang through the air, finding their mark with deadly precision. Milos slipped between the enemy's ranks, his daggers striking true and his movements swift and graceful. And Ibrahim, his holy aura shining bright, fought with unmatched ferocity, his sword carving a path through the ghostly horde.

For what seemed like hours, the battle raged on, with neither side gaining the upper hand. But then....


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Ok.....Love the writing....when is the gaming.....and we still have no chance...until we break or circumvent that curse.



On Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 09:57:10 PM EST, Gene D. via groups.io <edemaitre@...> wrote:

From ChatGPT:

And so it was that the battle between the "Holy Steel" and the dreaded ghost fleet began. The skies above the sea were black as night, and the ghostly ships of the enemy fleet loomed in the distance like specters of death.

At the fore of the battle was Faelonia, the elven ranger, her bow in hand and arrows at the ready. Behind her, Milos, the human rogue, prowled the decks, his daggers gleaming in the pale light of the moon. And at the center of it all stood Ibrahim, the Egyptian paladin, his holy sword raised high and a fierce determination in his eyes.

With a battle cry, the ghost fleet descended upon the "Holy Steel", and the sound of clashing steel filled the air. Ghostly pirates swarmed the decks, but the "Holy Steel" stood their ground, fighting back with all the skill and bravery they possessed.

Faelonia's arrows sang through the air, finding their mark with deadly precision. Milos slipped between the enemy's ranks, his daggers striking true and his movements swift and graceful. And Ibrahim, his holy aura shining bright, fought with unmatched ferocity, his sword carving a path through the ghostly horde.

For what seemed like hours, the battle raged on, with neither side gaining the upper hand. But then....

Gene D.
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Byron, we've all been busy with other games lately, but I look forward to continuing "Holy Steel's" higher-level missions (as well as those of midlevel teams) against the dreaded Ghost Fleet!

While I'll be happy to resume "Chrome City: Storm Warning" and "Vanished Lands: Northern Frontier" in the next week or so, I also hope to squeeze in a quarterly "Holy Steel" session soon. You, Dexter, and Beruk should let me know some available windows of time.

Of course, we've also got Jason and Rich's scenarios, as well as Dexter's Dragonlanceand your own "Middle Earth" to schedule.... -Gene

>Ok.....Love the writing....when is the gaming.....and we still have no chance...until we break or circumvent that curse. Best, -Byron

>>From ChatGPT:

And so it was that the battle between the "Holy Steel" and the dreaded ghost fleet began. The skies above the sea were black as night, and the ghostly ships of the enemy fleet loomed in the distance like specters of death.

At the fore of the battle was Faelonia, the elven ranger, her bow in hand and arrows at the ready. Behind her, Milos, the human rogue, prowled the decks, his daggers gleaming in the pale light of the moon. And at the center of it all stood Ibrahim, the Egyptian paladin, his holy sword raised high and a fierce determination in his eyes.

With a battle cry, the ghost fleet descended upon the "Holy Steel", and the sound of clashing steel filled the air. Ghostly pirates swarmed the decks, but the "Holy Steel" stood their ground, fighting back with all the skill and bravery they possessed.

Faelonia's arrows sang through the air, finding their mark with deadly precision. Milos slipped between the enemy's ranks, his daggers striking true and his movements swift and graceful. And Ibrahim, his holy aura shining bright, fought with unmatched ferocity, his sword carving a path through the ghostly horde.

For what seemed like hours, the battle raged on, with neither side gaining the upper hand. But then....

Gene D.
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Yeah, I spotted that news the other day. While the alternative Open Game License efforts are dispensing with things like Drow and alignments, there's no reason a Dungeon Master couldn't retain or update what he or she likes as house rules, regardless of the D20 variant.

Here a quick example:

-Species/ancestry (replacing "race"):

>>Elf: +2 Dex, -1 Con, 4 hrs. of reverie instead of sleep, advantage vs. charm spells, longevity (live to 300+ years)


--Alvari (Sylvan/Wood): Proficiency with bows, advantage on Survival (woodland), Pass Without Trace; Alvari/Sylvan dialect; tend to CG (Advanced: Speak With Animals or advantage on Stealth)

--Quelanthi (High): Advantage on Arcana, proficiency -- Gather Info, Detect Magic at will; Quelithan dialect; tend to LN (Advanced: Add proficiency with long sword or advantage on History/Lore)

--Shadow (Drow/Nannuattan): Darkvision, advantage on Survival (Underdark); language -- Zuromm/Undercommon; tend to NE (Advanced: Add Faerie Fire, Levitation, or Darkness)


--Alvari + Barbaric = Grugach (Wild)

--Quelanthi + Isolated = Grey

--Shadow + Imperial = Nannuattan

Re: So Dexter still want to play Pathfinder?

Gene D.
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Speaking of Drow -- Dexter, Beruk, and Byron, let me know when all three of you would like to schedule a call sometime to touch base on "Holy Steel," that team's strategy for the War of Skulls, and other adventuring parties.....

When we left your higher-level characters, Undead pirates and undersea monsters had just attacked at the Coral Temple, as Princess Masilan and the Bracers of Water Controlwere captured by a Drow spy!

As the fight against the dreaded Ghost Fleet continues, "Holy Steel" has been in reaction mode, but there are opportunities to turn the tide of battle. Are you generals, an elite strike force, diplomats, or counselors to kings and queens? What alliances, lower-level P.C.s, and resources can you bring to bear? What's your plan of counterattack? Good luck!

Stay in touch, -Gene

>So, Dexter, still want to play Pathfinder? So long Drizzt, don't let the D'ourden hit you on the way out. -Beruk


>>Yeah, I spotted that news the other day. While the alternative Open Game License efforts are dispensing with things like Drow and alignments, there's no reason a Dungeon Master couldn't retain or update what he or she likes as house rules, regardless of the D20 variant.

>>Here’s a quick example:

-Species/ancestry(replacing "race"):

>>Elf: +2 Dex, -1 Con, 4 hrs. of reverie instead of sleep, advantage vs. charm spells, longevity (live to 300+ years)


--Alvari (Sylvan/Wood): Proficiency with bows, advantage on Survival (woodland), Pass Without Trace; Alvari/Sylvan dialect; tend to CG (Advanced: Speak With Animals or advantage on Stealth)

--Quelanthi (High): Advantage on Arcana, proficiency -- Gather Info, Detect Magic at will; Quelithan dialect; tend to LN (Advanced: Add proficiency with long sword or advantage on History/Lore)

--Shadow (Drow): Darkvision, advantage on Survival (Underdark); language -- Zuromm/Undercommon; tend to NE (Advanced: Add Faerie Fire, Levitation, or Darkness)


--Alvari + Barbaric = Grugach (Wild), +2 Str

--Quelanthi + Isolated = Grey, +2 Int

--Shadow + Imperial = Nannuattan, +2 Con

Gene D.
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The Coral Templehas fallen to the dreaded Ghost Fleet, and Princess Masilan and the Bracersof Water Control have been seized by a Drow spy from the kingdom of Zuromm.

In an effort tomove “Holy Steel” forward, here are some notes. After the initial retreat to theThalassaquendi (western Sea Elf) capital of Oceanis, your team would havereturned to Hesolin, capital of Hifalendor. They reported to King Akkon XIIbefore returning to their respective strongholds....

At Pugil, “Faelonia”would be able to check in with the Dwarves and Gnomes of the Zeda kingdom, whoare worried about their crown princess, missing for months behind enemy lines,and the Elves of the Waletku kingdom, who are more concerned about troubles tothe east than Zuromm.

Dexter’s Rangerwould also learn that the metallic dragons, who haven’t rebuilt their numbers fromprevious wars in the past few decades, are more concerned about a rumoredthreat to the north of the Ivory Mountains.

Meanwhile, at theport of Laguro on Bokor Island, “Milos” would find out from his widelydispersed nautical network that the Undead pirates have again paused in their advance.

Beruk's spymastercould theorize that it’s taking “Capt. Jack Kildare” [Randy K.M./N.P.C.] longerto consolidate control over his widening holdings than previously thought, orthere is resistance in the eastern Zarendo Islands or the southern GusorinConfederation.

The Garku Nasithas been relatively quiet, but Gokuri has been strengthening its grip over formerparts of the Gusorin Confederation and the Principality of Silado/Tong Sheng.

As the GargoyleHeadlands continues rebuilding, “Ibrahim” would learn that the combined naviesof Hifalendor, the kingdom of Saganim, and the Ebir Sheikhdom have taken heavylosses, but they have mostly kept the western Sea of Nagendwa safe from the Scourge.

As per Byron's Paladin’s plans, Hesolin and Sileran’s shipyards have been busy building “carriers” forpegasi and other aerial mounts. After months of marching, reinforcements fromdistant Khemet (New Kingdom Egypt) have finally arrived in Falit and the GargoyleHeadlands.

Thanks to “Elsa’s”[Rich C.G.] long-distance magical communications network, “Holy Steel” cancompare notes, but there’s always more to do....

Whom will yousend to retrieve “Bellanora?” Potential assets include “Ember” [Sara F.C.] and “Corwin”[Bruce K.], among others (not to mention the challenge of scheduling)....

Which targets (locations, artifacts, etc.) should allied intelligence focus on gathering information about? Where mightcounterstrikes or raids by mid- to high-level P.C.s be most effective? The Warof Skulls continues! -Gene (who has been building this storyline for 20 years....)

>>"Holy Steel" adventuring party in Gene D.'s D&D5e "Vanished Lands" high-fantasy telecom campaign, as of "June 1226 B.C.E.:"

-"Faelonia Telcontar" [Dexter V.H.]-female Drow Ranger (western Dark Elf Beastmaster or Ranger/Cleric), ambassador for the Waletku and Zeda kingdoms and champion of Mekkil and Vulkan, with wolf companion Facon andHeart BowDalis, with stronghold of Pugil in the Ivory Mountains; NGl, Lvl. 16

-"Rellim Dorathan" [Mark M./Non-Player Character]-male Quelanthi (High Elf) Cleric of Aerdary (Labelas), friend of Faelonia; CGn, Lvl. 6/6

-"Noony..." [Dexter/N.P.C.]-male Svirfneblin scout (Deep Gnome Rogue) and follower of Lady Faelonia; NGc, Lvl. 8

-"Argentis" [N.P.C.]-female young adult silver Dragon Sorceress, companion of Faelonia, along with wolf Facon and hawk Azrael; NGl, Lvl. 5

-"Dalis" [artifact]-Heart Bow, Protector of the Wild, intelligent weapon (treat as Druid) currently borne by Faelonia; NGl

-"Milos Kolov Valoren" [Beruk A.]-male Barbari human scout [Rogue/Fighter/Gatecrasher from Ted A.H.'s D&D3.0 "Solar Gods: the Ether Wars"], former "Liberator" and "Dragonslayer," with a network based out of the open port of Laguro on Bokor Island; CGn, Lvl. 10/3/3

-"Nialla Burkin" [Beruk/N.P.C.]-female Suthern human Quedeshot/Battle Dancer (proto-Arabic Bard/Monk), former crewmember of theDragon's Baneand follower of Milos; NGc, Lvl. 8/1

-"Thilgatha/Rhiannen" [N.P.C.]-female young adult copper Dragon Fighter and companion of Milos; CGn, Lvl. 5

-"Vian" [N.P.C.]-female Guti human shaman (Persian Cleric) and follower of Milos; CGn, Lvl. 3

-"Djekari" [N.P.C.]-male Nubian human archer (African Barbarian), formerly stationed at Fort Tharvu, exiled from Khemet (New Kingdom Egypt) and Milos' newest follower; CGn, Lvl. 8

-"Ibrahim al-Sufaia" [Byron V.O.]-male Suthern human Ghazi/Khery-heb (Egyptian Paladin/Wizard) of Isis, former "Dragonslayer" and bearer of custos (enchanted khopesh) Akhu, leader of strongholds at Eagle's Rest (near Dosk Kar in the Zeda Kingdom), the Gargoyle Headlands (in Hifalendor), and a safe house in Alfhileno (Waletku Kingdom); LGn, Lvl. 13/3

-"Arianna Leafsplitter" [Byron/N.P.C.]-female Sylvan (Wood) Elf Druid, follower of Ibrahim; TNg, Lvl. 9

-"Nebkar 'Neb' Khaneferu" [Byron/N.P.C.]-male Suthern human sailor/Ghazi (Paladin) of Ishmas, former follower of Jaguar Woman Ranger "Grace" [Carolyn M.P.]; LGn, Lvl. 1/7

-"Quenamun" [N.P.C.]-female young adult gold Dragon Cleric of Bahamut/Paladine and steed of Ibrahim, along with Blink Dog "Bink" [Stuart C.G./N.P.C.]; LGn, Lvl. 5

-"Akhu" [N.P.C.]-maleCustos(enchanted khopesh), former Ghazi of Ishmas (Paladin of Isis) and mentor to Ibrahim; LGn

D&D5e "Vanished Lands: Holy Steel" (2024)


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