The Samurai: an legendary Adventure tale, Part 8 and finale - Chapter 16 - Allison2355 (2024)

Chapter Text

Altea is in ruins as pollution is ruining the once beautiful landscape and Honerva’s soldiers are destroying everything in their path.

“What happened to this place?!” Shiro said.

“Quick! Back to Aurs!” Keith said.

They all run to Aurs and then see that it has been destroyed as well.

“Oh no! Not here either!” Keith said.

They see a giant centipede wiggling. Its head comes up to face them. It has a glowing pink and purple collar, and its eyes are purple. It itself is gray.

“Uh... nice giant centipede?” Luka said.

It roars at them, everyone screams. Keith jumps up, yelling, and cuts the centipede in the face. He then also kicks it in the face. It lands.

Keith lands on the ground. “Now, stay down.”

Shiro points. “Keith, look out!”

“Huh?” Keith looks behind. “Uh oh.”

The giant centipede roars at her, getting ready to attack him. But before it can, it is hit with a red laser blast. This blast was by someone with a red helmet covering their face, accompanied by three people with different helmets. The laser gun shot the giant centipede in its collar, breaking the collar. This causes its eyes to stop glowing purple and for it to slither away.

“What the-” Shiro turns around to face the four people that shot the giant centipede. He waves. “Hey, thanks... whoever you are.”

As Keith stands protectively in front of Shiro. “Don't move!”

Three of them take off their helmets, revealing them to be Lance, Pidge, and Hunk.

“Shiro and Keith.” All said,

Shiro was stunned. “Lance? Pidge? Hunk? What are you guys doing here?”

Keith lowers his guard slightly, but remains cautious. “Is this some kind of joke? What is going on around here?!”

Lance smirks. “No joke, mullet. We heard there was trouble brewing in these parts, and decided to check it out.”

Luka points to where the giant centipede was. “What was that thing?”

“I don't believe it. You're-” the fourth off helmet, revealing it's Adam. His hair is now long and is in a ponytail and he has a new outfit. “You're back!”

Shiro was taken aback. “Adam!!” runs and hugs him, surprising Adam.”You're alive!! And in Aurs?? What's going on? What happened?”

“Follow me, and I'll explain.” Adam said.

They arrive at the shrine of lions which is in a state of disrepair.

“Ilun, Vrek.” Adam salutes them.

“Welcome back General.” IIun salute back.

Adam opens the door. Shiro, Keith, Luka, Tavo, Kosmo & Stats enter the now-ruined home.

“Whoa…” Luka said.

“Wait. The shrine is your secret hideout?” Shiro said.

“Only the basem*nt.” Adam said as he knocked on the picture above the fireplace, opening up an underground staircase.

“No way! The tunnels from the quest of priests?” Keith said.

“Come on!” Adam said as he led everyone down the stairs into the tunnels.

Everyone was in awe. “Whoa…”

“Welcome to the Resistance!” Adam said.

The tunnels have turned into a makeshift underground Aurs. Its citizens are carrying on with life while many of them prepare for battle. Roman is seen training a group of young children, including Eugene.

Adam leads the stunned newcomers around.

“All right! Let's get you up to speed. Lotor has been taken prisoner. But he's still alive.” Adam explained.

Shiro sighs “Oh, thank goodness! So, what happened to Aurs?”

“What do you think? Honerva destroyed it. Now let's get you settled.” Adam said as he blew a battle horn, summoning the citizens for a meeting. “Attention, Aurs! I'd like to introduce some new recruits!”

Shiro and the others pop up from behind Adam and wave.

“Hey!” Shiro said.

“Hi guys!” Keith said.

Everyone cheers. “It's Keith and Shiro!”

“The Samurai came back to Altea just in time. To help us kick Honerva right in the big ol' tail!” Adam said.

Everyone cheers. Adam hands Keith and the others several sacks. “Here, go find yourselves a nice cave to inhabit.”

Keith grabs his sack and takes out an old toothbrush, scowling at the meager supplies in his bag. “A toothbrush? Seriously, Adam? How are we supposed to fight an intergalactic war with dental hygiene products?”

Adam Chuckles. “Easy there, tiger. We'll get you outfitted properly. For now, consider it a small comfort from home. Maybe you can find a cave with some soft lichen to sleep on!”

Keith sighs as he and the rest walk off. Shiro stays with Adam.

Shiro coughs. “So... About what happened before we got zapped to Earth…”

“Listen. My days of toxic manipulation are over. And with Altea on fire, I figured we could be on the same side for a change.” Adam said.

“Totally! We'll work out our own baggage later.” Shiro said.

As Adam and Shiro shake hands. Adam's helmet suddenly closes.

Shiro giggles. “What's with the hat?”

“Ah ha! The helmet of authority. Apparently, Aurs busts this out during wartimes, so everyone knows who's in charge. Which reminds me…” Adam said as he handed Shiro the helmet.

“WHA?!?” He said.

“Aurs has only been able to hold out this long because they were waiting for you, Shiro. You stood up for them. You protected them. It's time for you to lead them.” Adam said.

“I don't know. Altea has changed a lot since I've been gone. Should I really be the one doing this?” Shiro said.

But Adam was shouting. “All in favor of Takashi Shirogane as your new leader!”

The entire Resistance responds loudly, cheering Shiro's name.

“Oh, wow! This is a huge honor! Also, a lot of pressure!” Shiro said as everyone cheered loudly. “Yeah, that's actually not helping.”

Shiro and the others follow Adam to his room, which includes a battle strategy board and a map laid on the central table. He places a broken collar on the table.

Pidge steps forward, examining the broken collar. “Interesting tech. Looks like Honerva's been busy.”

“I'm sure you've seen the mind control collars that Honerva has been using to control the local wildlife. Well, it turns out she's making them here.” Adam points to a location on the map.

“How do these things even work?” Shiro asked.

“It utilizes some kind of weird mushroom enzyme.” Adam said. “But the mission is simple. Destroy the factory. If we're successful, it'll make a big dent in Honerva' army.”

“All right. Let's do it!” Shiro

Tavo takes out Shiro's phone. “Great! I'll call us a taxi app!”

“Tavo, that's not gonna work.” Shiro said.

“Ugh, fine! I guess we'll walk!” Tavo said.

“Anyone got any hand sanitizer? I never noticed how dirty Altea was.” Keith said as he

shows off his filthy hands.

“Don't worry, Keith! I got you!” Luka gives Keith some hand sanitizer.

“Wow. Earth has made you soft. Anyway, get some sleep, everyone. We leave at dawn!” Adam said.

“You got it!” Tavo said..

“See you in the morning!” Luka said.

“Aye aye, captain!” Keith said.

Shiro and the others leave Adam's room while Sendak enters.

“Hey, Sendak.” Shiro said.

“Welcome, Shiro…” Sendak said as he noticed the helmet. “I mean... uh... bu... Commander.”

“I know! Weird, right?” Shiro said as he

leaves the room.

“You gave Shiro the helmet?!?” Sendak freaked out.

“Yeah. If Anne is here, I can't be in charge. It's just too complicated.” Adam said.

“But... But he's never led an army. And he has no idea how much Altea has changed or what we're up against!” Sendak said.

Adam was angry. “I said it's COMPLICATED!!!”

“Fine! It would have been nice to know that I was demoted. Again!” Sendak leaves and Adam sighs in relief.

As the first rays of dawn peek over the horizon, Shiro stands outside with everyone. Now wearing the helmet and everyone waits for their orders.

“Ok, guys…” Shiro said as the helmet closed on her. “Heh. Whoops.” He fixes the helmet. “Let's go show Andrias what we're made of!”

“Which way, Commander?” Lance said.

“Oh! Uh... No idea.” Shiro said.

“Oh! Didn't you take a picture of the map?” Tavo said.

“Shoot! Dang it! I'll go back and grab it.” Shiro said.

Adam breaks out the map. “No need! Here's the map, Shiro. With all the important parts labled!”

“Oh! Thanks, Adam! But are you sure you shouldn't be leading this?” Shiro said.

“No way! You should be in charge. Not me.” Adam said.

“Ugh…” Shiro said.

“Come on, Shiro! You can do this! You steered us from Earth all the way back to Altea, didn't you? Just follow your Shiro-tuition!” Keith said

“Shiro-tuition. Cute. Okay, then. Here goes nothing!” Shiro nods, a newfound resolve settling in his eyes. He leads the group into the harsh light of a war-torn Altea.

The ragtag group trekked across the desolate landscape, the oppressive sun beating down on their backs. Shiro, sporting the slightly dusty helmet, stopped at a murky river blocking their path. He crouched down, cupped his hand, and dipped it into the water.

“Hmm... seems drinkable. What do you guys say?”

Keith, engrossed in a show on Shiro's phone, barely glanced up. “Sure, whatever. Just hurry up, I wanna see what happens next.”

Adam, ever the pragmatist, rolled his eyes. “Shiro, are you serious? We're close to the old waste processing plant. You really wanna taste-test that?”

Shiro, pulling his hand back with a grimace, looked at the murky water with newfound disgust.

“Ugh, good call. Maybe a visual inspection is better…”

Suddenly, a geyser of foul-smelling liquid erupted from the river, drenching Shiro from head to toe.

Everyone stared, stunned.

Shiro coughing. “Okay, maybe not visual either!”

Keith, finally tearing his eyes away from the phone, burst out laughing. “Dude, you look like a purple swamp monster!”

Shiro glared at him, then at the phone. “Seriously, Keith? Priorities!”

Pidge snatched the phone from Keith's hand. “Come on, guys, focus! We need to get across this river somehow. Maybe a makeshift raft?”

Hunk, ever the optimist, piped up. “Or maybe there's a hidden bridge somewhere? Like in that old video game I used to play…”

Lance, rolling his eyes, interrupted. “Yeah, Hunk, highly likely. More likely there's an angry river monster guarding it.”

Suddenly, the ground beneath Keith's feet began to ripple and sink.

“Whoa! Guys, a little help?!” Keith yelping.

Shiro, momentarily forgetting his own soaked state, rushed to the edge of the quicksand.

“Keith, hang on! I'm coming!”

He reached out and grabbed Keith's arm, only to find himself pulled down into the quicksand as well.

Keith panicked. “Shiro! Not helping!”

Pidge, ever resourceful, grabbed a vine from a nearby tree and tossed it to Adam. “Adam, tie it around a rock! We need to pull them out!”

Adam, ever the leader in action, quickly secured the vine and threw it to Shiro. “Hold on, Shiro! We've got you!”

Just as Shiro and Keith were getting some traction, a group of Honerva's soldiers emerged from behind a nearby rock formation, weapons drawn.

Soldier 1 said. “Stop right there, rebels! You're surrounded!”

Luka, ever the warrior, drew her blade with a fierce battle cry. “Not today, soldiers!”

A chaotic battle ensued. Lasers clashed with blades, and shouts filled the air. The group, working together with surprising efficiency, managed to fend off the soldiers.

Exhausted but victorious, the group surveyed the scene. Adam helped Shiro and Keith out of the quicksand.

Shiro, coughing and covered in sand, glared at his phone. “Keith, I swear, if you haven't finished that show by the time we reach the factory…”

Keith, wincing from a minor scrape on his arm, managed a weak grin. “Relax, Shiro. I paused it. Just... maybe let someone else scout next time, alright?”

Shiro, wiping sand from his helmet, sighed. “Maybe you're right. Come on, let's move. We've wasted enough time already.”

Later, Shiro attempted to use his trusty telescope to scout a group of soldiers in the distance.

Shiro was squinting. “Hmm, looks like about 20 of them, maybe 30... wait a minute…”

He fiddled with the telescope, a frown deepening on his face. “Guys, I think they're closer than they appear…”

Suddenly, laser blasts erupted around them, forcing them to scramble for cover.

Lance, peeking over a rock, yelled back. “Maybe next time, use the right side of the telescope, Shiro!”

Shiro, sheepishly pulling the telescope away from his eye, blushed. "There's the factory."

The group looked towards where Shiro pointed. A hulking, metallic structure loomed in the distance, smoke billowing from its chimneys. But between them and the factory lay a formidable obstacle: a deep trench lined with jagged rocks at the bottom.

Lance, ever the charmer, whistled under his breath. "How do we get across, Shiro?" he asked, a playful glint in his eye. "Need some help activating your inner bridge-building genius?"

Keith, never one to miss a jab at Shiro, smirked. "Yeah! What's your Shiro-tuition telling you this time, leader?"

Shiro rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "Hmmm... Well..." he stammered, his mind racing for a solution.

Suddenly, a voice piped up from behind, startling everyone. It was Adam, his grappling hook held confidently in his hand, completely oblivious to the amusem*nt Shiro's obliviousness had just caused.

"How about... we build a bridge. Out of ourselves!"she declared, his voice brimming with surprising enthusiasm.

The group stared at him, stunned silence momentarily replacing the banter.

Keith blinked, breaking the silence. "What?" he blurted out, completely bewildered.

Shiro, undeterred by the lack of immediate response, elaborated. "I saw it in a movie once," she explained. "All these tiny mice worked together to form a living bridge to steal some oregano from a French restaurant. It was super inspiring!"

A beat of silence followed, then Adam, ever the pragmatist, stepped in. "Uh... You heard the Commander, everyone!" he boomed, gesturing vaguely towards Shiro. "Hop to it!"

Keith, still processing the notion of a human bridge, sputtered in protest. "Wait, what?! That's ridiculous!"

But before he could argue further, Lance, with a mischievous glint in his eye, interjected. "Come on, mullet! Don't tell me you're afraid of heights? Besides, think of the view!"

Keith grumbled under his breath, but resigned himself to his fate. Soon, the group found themselves in a precarious human centipede formation, with Keith at the bottom (much to his displeasure) and Shiro at the head.

Shiro, now facing a different kind of pressure, cleared his throat and addressed the group. "Alright, everyone! Now lean forward into the canyon!"

As the group nervously inched forward, a voice filled with mock concern cut through the tension. It was Adam, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

Adam: "Nice! Did you measure the width of the canyon before you decided on this little human bridge strategy, Commander?"

The collective yelp of the group was almost comical, if the situation weren't so dire. Shiro wobbled precariously, the weight of his team threatening to topple them all into the jagged abyss below.

Keith, with a primal instinct for survival, lunged out, his fingers wrapping around a gnarled branch jutting out from the canyon wall.

"Guys!" he screamed, his voice taut with panic.

Without hesitation, Adam reacted. He whipped out his grappling hook, the familiar weight reassuring in his hand. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he launched the hook across the chasm, the metal claw embedding itself firmly into the opposite side.

"Hang on!" he yelled, his voice a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. He secured the line, taking the strain of Shiro and the others' weight.

Shiro, momentarily suspended between fear and relief, managed a shaky nod. With a grunt of effort, Adam swung them out over the canyon, the wind whipping past their faces. He landed with a practiced roll, easing Shiro down onto the solid ground.

Keith, still clinging to the branch, looked down at the dizzying height. Adam extended an arm towards him, a steely glint in his eyes.

"Grab on," he commanded.

Keith, with no other options, grasped Adam's arm. With another powerful yank, Adam pulled him to safety, landing him beside Shiro with a thud.

The group, shaken but alive, exchanged wide-eyed glances. Hunk, ever the voice of reason, finally broke the stunned silence.

"Anyone else think this is going poorly?" he squeaked, his voice barely a whisper.

Lance, dusting himself off, offered a weak chuckle.

"Yeah," he admitted. "We're usually a bit more coordinated than this."

The weight of the near-disaster settled on Shiro's shoulders. He looked at Adam, defeated, coloring his voice.

"Okay," he sighed. "I think it's clear by now I'm not cut out for leading this expedition. Adam, will you please just take command and tell us what to do?"

But to his surprise, Adam's face hardened, his jaw set in a stubborn line.

"No! You need to be in charge!" he insisted.

Shiro stared at him, bewildered. "What? What do you mean? I'm drowning out here, dude! Do you want me to fail?" He gasped, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and desperation. "Is that what this is?! Some kind of new manipulation?!"

"No! I just... I..." Adam stammered, frustration and something deeper twisting his features.

Hunk, ever the voice of reason amidst the chaos, chimed in further. "And we're also usually a lot quieter than this," he pointed out, gesturing towards the now-alert factory, its metal doors groaning open.

A guttural roar filled the air. Out of the factory slithered a monstrous serpent, its scales a sickly green and its eyes glowing a menacing purple. A mechanical collar, similar to the ones Honerva used on the creatures, encircled its neck. The group erupted in screams, scrambling for cover.

"Everyone! Attack!" Shiro yelled, adrenaline surging through him.

"Attack? How?" Keith shouted back, fear lacing his voice. "With what? Tickles?!"

Shiro, taking a deep breath, tried to formulate a plan. "Just... whatever feels right!" he barked, more to himself than anyone else.

The battle commenced, a chaotic dance of desperation. The giant snake, fueled by Honerva's mind control, proved an unstoppable force. It effortlessly swatted aside attacks, its tail sending them flying like ragdolls. Shiro, fueled by a mix of determination and sheer terror, charged in with his sword. He landed a solid blow against the snake's side, only for it to lash out with its tail, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Suddenly, a high-pitched shriek pierced the air. It was Tavo, pointing at his leg with a look of absolute horror.

"What happened?!?" Shiro yelled, momentarily forgetting the colossal serpent.

"I... I got a grass stain on my pants!" Tavo wailed, his voice trembling.

Keith, ever the pragmatist in chaotic situations, rolled his eyes. "Oh, for crying out loud! I have Colleen's stain remover pen in my bag. Here."

Luka, ever the voice of reason in even more chaotic situations, interjected. "Just a second! Soak it in water first, you dolt! You'll set the stain!"

The argument was tragically cut short by the snake. With one swift movement, it opened its jaws wide and snapped at Keith, Luka, and Tavo. In a horrifying display of power, it swallowed them whole.

"NO!" Shiro roared, a primal fear clawing at his throat. He spun on Adam, his eyes wild with panic. "Adam, what do we do?!"

Adam, however, seemed frozen in place, his face pale and his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and guilt.

"Uh, you're in charge," he stammered nervously, his voice barely a whisper. "Whatever you think is best. You've got this!"

Shiro's anger flared. "But I don't know what I'm doing!" he shouted, throwing his hands up in frustration. He ripped the helmet off his head and thrust it at Adam. "Please, just take over!"

Adam recoiled from the helmet as if it were burning him. "I... I can't!" he choked out, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Why not?!" Shiro demanded, his voice trembling.

Adam's voice cracked, his words tumbling out in a torrent of pent-up emotion. "Because the last time I was in charge, I ruined our friendship!" he confessed. "Everything went wrong, and you almost..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence, the weight of his past actions crushing him.

Shiro stared at him, a new understanding dawning on him. The weight of the helmet felt heavy in his hand. Maybe Adam wasn't ready to lead yet, but neither was he clinging to a title in the face of their friends' capture. This wasn't about Shiro being the leader; it was about saving their team. With a newfound resolve, he hurled the helmet to the ground and bolted towards the monstrous serpent.

"Wha... What are you doing?!" Adam screamed, his voice a mix of panic and confusion.

"Putting my faith in the real commander!" Shiro yelled back over his shoulder, a determined glint in his eyes. He launched himself into a daring leap, aiming for the snake's gaping maw.

"WHAT THE HECK, SHIROGNE?!?" Adam roared, a mixture of disbelief and terror in his voice.

The scene inside the snake was a cacophony of confusion. Keith, Luka, and Tavo sputtered and coughed, disoriented and covered in slimy goo. Just as Hunk began to voice his worries about their predicament, a muffled thump echoed from within the snake. It was Shiro, tumbling down the creature's esophagus and landing with a thud amongst them.

"Great! Now how will we get out?" Hunk groaned, his voice thick with frustration.

Before anyone could answer, a series of muffled thumps and bangs filtered through the snake's thick hide. They seemed to be originating from somewhere near its head. Outside, they could faintly hear Adam grunting with exertion. A sliver of hope flickered within them.

Suddenly, the snake's head lurched violently, the force throwing them all off balance. With a sickening crunch, its massive jaws pried open, revealing a furious Adam standing triumphantly outside. He wore the helmet once more, his face etched with determination.

"Men of the Resistance, execute maneuver 3!" Adam bellowed, his voice amplified by the helmet.

Lance, Hunk, and Pidge exchanged glances, their eyes widening with recognition. A mischievous grin spread across Lance's face. "Mirror punch, huh? Haven't done that one in ages!"

"About time we put some use to these fancy Altean acrobatics," Pidge muttered, already stretching her arms.

"Maneuver what?" Luka, still bewildered, blurted out.

Ignoring her question for the moment, the other four paladins locked arms, forming a tight human chain. A grin split across Shiro's face as he realized Adam's plan. This wasn't just about brute force; it was about teamwork, their greatest weapon.

"Now, inflate!" Adam barked through the helmet.

"On it!" Hunk boomed, puffing out his cheeks with the enthusiasm of a competitive eater. Lance struck a dramatic pose, his chest expanding like a preening peaco*ck. "Behold! The mighty lungs of Lance McClain!"

Pidge, ever the pragmatist, simply focused on maximizing air intake, her face turning a comical shade of red. The effect was instantaneous. Inside the snake, a cacophony of strangled gurgling erupted as air filled its digestive system. The massive creature writhed and thrashed, its body bulging unnaturally. With a final, explosive expulsion of air, the snake violently coughed, launching the paladins out in a gooey mess at Adam's feet.

"Adam! You did it!" Pidge exclaimed, wiping snake slime from her goggles, her voice laced with a hint of awe.

"Not yet," Adam replied, his voice regaining its usual determined edge. But a flicker of doubt crossed his eyes, a silent plea for reassurance.

Shiro stepped forward, placing a hand on Adam's shoulder. "We got this, together." His voice held a quiet confidence, a stark contrast to his earlier hesitation.

"Alright, listen up!" Adam announced, his voice still shaky but gaining confidence with each word. "Lance! Hunk! Pidge! Mirror punch!"

Hunk, ever the reliable teammate, stepped forward. With a practiced heave and a hearty "Yerp!", he launched both Lance and Pidge into the air, their bodies propelled by his massive strength.

"Incoming!" Lance yelled with a playful glint in his eye as he soared towards the snake's head.

Pidge, ever the strategist, mirrored his approach from the opposite side. In a coordinated ballet, they soared towards the snake's head from opposite sides. With a resounding "Wham!" from Lance's fist and a resounding "Pow!" from Pidge's, they struck the snake's mind-control collar simultaneously.

The collar sparked and fizzled, then deactivated with a satisfying click. Freed from Honerva's control, the giant snake let out a guttural hiss and slithered away, disappearing into the undergrowth.

Everyone erupted in cheers, the adrenaline of the near-death experience fading into a wave of relief. But the celebration was short-lived.

"What's the plan now?" Keith asked, wiping the last of the slime off his blade with a grimace. He looked towards Shiro, expecting him to take charge.

Shiro, however, simply pointed at Adam, who still wore the helmet. "Don't look at me! You're wearing a helmet."

"Hunk, you're on bridge duty," Adam instructed, his voice firm yet laced with a newfound confidence. "Make it sturdy, we don't want a repeat of the collapsing pit incident."

Hunk chuckled nervously. "Right, right. No worries, this bridge will hold a Galra cruiser if it has to!"

Lance, ever the showman, struck a pose. "Leave the lookout duty to me, your highness! My eagle eyes will spot any lurking dangers from a mile away!"

Pidge rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, Lance. We both know I have the better eyesight on this team. Besides, with these fancy Altean scanners, we won't miss a thing."

Shiro and Keith exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. They didn't need words; years of fighting side-by-side had honed their communication to a sharp edge.

Adam grinned and tossed a pouch of spherical objects at them. "Boomshrooms, courtesy of Coran's latest inventions. Plant them strategically, Shiro, and Keith, remember, we only get one shot at this."

As they worked, a comfortable silence settled over the group. It wasn't the tense quiet of before, but a quiet born out of trust and renewed purpose.

"Alright, let's mess this place up!" Adam declared, a determined glint in his eyes.

With renewed vigor, they set about their tasks. Hunk hammered away, constructing a bridge that looked more permanent than temporary. Lance perched himself on a high rock, scanning the horizon with a pair of binoculars he'd swiped from a captured Galra scout. Pidge crouched behind a nearby bush, her fingers flying across the Altean scanner, muttering technical jargon under her breath. Shiro and Keith moved with practiced ease, planting the boomshrooms at key structural points of the factory.

Finally, with a satisfied nod, Adam reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote detonator. He held it up for a moment, a silent tribute to their fallen comrades, then pressed the button.

A blinding flash illuminated the landscape, followed by a deafening roar. The factory erupted in a fiery explosion, the shockwave sending them all stumbling backward. Debris rained down from the sky, casting long shadows as the smoke billowed upwards.

They watched in awe-filled silence as the flames danced against the darkening sky. A cathartic release washed over them, the tension of the past battle finally easing.

Sometime later, as the weary group made their way back to the resistance base, a comfortable silence settled between them. The near-death experience had forged a new bond, a renewed sense of trust.

"C'mon Shiro," Adam began hesitantly, "Take the helmet back."

Shiro shook his head. "No way, Adam. You're clearly the better commander."

Adam stopped, his cheeks flushing beneath the helmet. "But after everything I did to you, I don't deserve it."

There was a beat of silence, then Shiro placed a hand on Adam's shoulder. "Adam," he said gently, "Not too long ago, you would have fought to keep the helmet. The fact you don't want it now proves you changed."

Adam looked down at his hands. "Yeah, maybe," he mumbled.

Shiro raised Adam's hand high. "All in favor of Adam West as your new leader?" he boomed.

"Oh yes!" Hunk roared, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Oh god! Please, Adam!" Lance pleaded dramatically, though a grin spread across his face.

"We need you!" Pidge declared, her voice firm with conviction.

Adam blushed furiously, his cheeks burning even brighter beneath the helmet. He fumbled for a moment, then with a shaky breath, he reached up and secured the helmet on his head.

"Listen, everyone," he began, his voice still shaky but gaining strength with each word. "Even though I'm calling the shots, I want you to know this is a partnership. We fight together, we win together. Now, let's get back to base. We have a lot of work to do."

Keith, however, lagged behind a step, letting out a long, tired sigh. "Looks like this is our new life now, guys," Shiro said, his voice weary but laced with a hint of acceptance.

"House guest to Resistance grunt is a harsh transition," Keith grumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Yup!" Luka chimed in, his usual cheer dampened by the day's events.

Tavo, ever the pragmatist, chimed in with a dramatic sigh. "You can say that again! No more fancy hotels or gourmet meals. Just bugs, dirt, and dodging death traps."

Pidge, catching their glum mood, skidded to a halt and spun on her heel. "Hey!" she exclaimed, her voice surprisingly strong. "We just took down a whole Galra base, remember? We're making a difference here. Besides," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye, "think of all the tech we can salvage from the wreckage! New gadgets galore!"

A slow smile spread across Keith's face. "You know what, Pidge? You're right. New base, new challenges, new loot. Not so bad after all."

Hunk, ever the optimist, beamed. "And who knows, maybe we'll even find a decent hot meal on our way back!"

The group shared a look, a flicker of hope rekindled in their eyes. Maybe this new life wouldn't be so bad after all. They had each other, a renewed purpose, and the promise of adventure. As they continued their trek back to base, their weary steps carried a newfound spring, the weight of their past a stepping stone to an uncertain but exciting future.

The Samurai: an legendary Adventure tale, Part 8 and finale - Chapter 16 - Allison2355 (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.