The Pleasanton Herald from Pleasanton, Kansas (2024)


LATIMER, Editor. HERALD. Entered at the Pleasanton postofhce tor transmission through the mails as. second class matter. Price $1 per year.

MRS. BARTON DEAD. Mrs. Charity Hinds- Barton died Friday, May 30, at her home one mile south of Amoret in the 66th year of her age. Funeral services were held at the late residence Sunday morning, conducted by Rev.

Ishmael of Paola, after which the remains were brought to Pleasanton and at 2 p.m., all that was mortal of another old citizen of Potosi township was tenderley laid to rest in the cemetry of this place. Charity Hinds was born in Missouri sixty-four years ago. When a small child she came to Potosi township with her parents, residing here until she married Robert Barton when she moved to Bates county. She leaves several children, a husband, and two sisters and a brother to mourn her demise. She was a daughter of Ben.

Hinds, who during the war of 1812 was an officer under General Scott. She was a sister of Wash Hinds and Mrs. W. H. Rees of this place and Mrs.

Willis Hill of Moundville, Mo. She was a most estimable lady and her taking a- way, which was very sudden, result of fall four days before the end, will be much regretted by the many friends in Linn county. Walnut Valley Newel Joseph Castleburry and family of south-east of Hume spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.

Holmes. Miss Ival Holmes spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. F. Black. Little Florence Atkinson of Oberlin district visited a few days this week with her grandmother, Mrs.

Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bruce were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Bruce. Harley Hewitt and wife went to Harding Saturday, and visited over Sunday with Mrs. Hewitt's brother, Samuel co*ckren, and tamily. Charles Keller and sister, Miss Gertie, spent Saturday night and Sunday with their brother, William, and wife. William Clark is digging a cave, so that should a cyclone visits this com.

munity he will be prepared for it. Lee Searl, the bachelor farmer of Maple Grove district, was in Walnut Valley Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs. N. B. Searl, and getting a square meal of mother's cooking.

Grant Holmes is spending a couple of weeks with his daughter near Springfield, Mo. His son-in-law has been suffering tor some time with sore eyes and he does not seem to improve. Oliver Hodges and wife were in Hume Monday to consult a physician in regard to one of Mrs. Hodge's eyes which has been bothering her. tor some time.

Mrs. N. B. Searl spent Sunday with Mrs. Newman.

Charles Earnest and wife of Fairview district visited Sunday with Dug. Spencer and wife. Mrs. Ed. Holmes is suffering with a boil on her arm.

A few of the ball fans of this district went to Linton Sunday afternoon to see the ball team of that place and Rock Hill district cross bats. The game went to the Rock Hillites by score of 13 to 11. The Linton club has recently reorganized and after little practice all clubs will look alike to the Linton boys, and they will be ready to meet all- -tall and short, tat and lean. By the way what has become of George Morrow's Pleasanton Outlaws? Eureka News. Everyone is wishing for rain.

Misses Bertha Cowel and Cora Edwards called on Miss Minnie Cowel Tuesday. Russie Miller spent Tuesday night with Leonard Staton, jr. Miss Cora Wortman has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Robert Seright, of Oberlin district the past week. Mrs.

Seright being laid up with the mumps and Rob with a sprained ankle. J. W. Griffeth and Elmer Seals called on Frank Cowel and son, Owen, Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Guy Bright, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Cowel, Misses Maude Bright, Minnie Cowel and Cora Wortman and Owen Cowel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Seright of Oberlin district. Mrs. Frank Cowel called on Mrs, Len Staton Sunday evening. Several from this district attended the dance at Sim Cowel's Saturday night. All report a most delightful time.

Miss Stella Cady has been employed to teach our school the coming term. We all wish her success. Albert Fortman had the misfortune to lose a young colt Monday night. Miss Minnie Cowel spent Tuesday night with her cousin, Miss Bertha Cowel. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Seright of Oberlin called on latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wortman, and family Tuesday evening. Miss Mabel Potter called on her cousin, Miss Pearl Grimes, of Pleasanton Saturday.

Boicourt News. Mrs. Joseph Goodman was shopping in Pleasanton Tuesday. J. W.

Gray and J. A. McCoy were in Pleasanton Tuesday on business. Mrs. Henry Classen and little daughDorothy and Mary Francis, went to Kansas City Friday 1 to visit a few days with Mrs.

Classens brother, James Bulger, and family. Miss Pauline Finch was in La Cygne Decoration day. Mrs. Jack DeMoris and son, Alvin. went to.

La Cygne Friday morning to attend Memorial exercises and to visit friends. Miss Georgia Miller visited in Pleasanton Friday until Monday, guest of Misses Pearl Leigh and Marie Perkins. Charles Carver and family were in Pleasanton Decoration day ret.r.i.g home that evening. Mrs. John Witcher and daughter, Mary Myrtle Dalton and Jessie Ellen Courtney went to Green Valley cemetry Decoration day.

They returned home in the evening. Mrs. A. Zeiger went to Rosedale Friday morning to visit a few days with home folks. Greeley DuVall, who is working in the coal mines in Crawford com tv.

spent from Friday until Sunday his family. Henry Knox and wife spent Decoration day in Pleasanton. Mrs. Ella Thomas and daughter of Paola are here for a two weeks visit with relatives and friends. E.

McClanahan and family of Pleasanton will move to this place next week. Ben Moore came down from his home in Kansas City Sunday to visit. his daughter, Miss Susie, and Grandma Hays. First of the week he went to Pleasanton to visit his brother -inlaw, J. W.

Griffeth, and family, returning to Boicourt yesterday. He will return home Sunday. Tuesday a shot fired in the air shaft being dug, put the pump out of commission and the diggers are laying off for a few days. The way the pump, which weighs 600 pounds, was hung in the shaft made it a man trap. Had the rope broke the pump would have crushed every man working in the hole.

It's a good thing it fell when it did or there would of been several funerals in Boicourt. 'The men should refuse to work unless the company fix this pump so it will be safe. Oak Grove News. Mr. and Mrs.

John Classen and little grandaughter, Hazel, spent Friday and Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. William Wolfinger. Miss Clara Hill of Pomona, Franklin county, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. J.

Taylor, Misses Lucille and Lottie Butts visited Sunday with Misses Jessie and Bonnie McQueen. Jess Byard and family were Sunday guests of John Classen and wife. Jesse Byard spent one day last week in Boicourt visiting Quite a large number from Brooklyn district attended Children's day exercises, and they returned home pleased with the program and knowing that the good people of Oak Grove do not do things by halves. Miss Nellie Johnson was a Sunday caller on her aunt, Mrs. Mary Faucett.

Miss Elsie Craft of Linnville district visited Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. William Doyle. The Children's day exercises in Oak Grove Sunday morning were grand, and everybody in attendance very much enjoyed the excellent program. After morning exercises were completed all repaired to the beautiful grove east of the school house where baskets and buckets were unladened of the many good things to eat therein stored and all prese sat down to a basket feast. Dinner over Rev.

co*ckrel of Parker preached a most excellent sermon to a large and appreciative congregation. Children's day will long be remembered in Oak Grove by those fortunate enough to be present. If you want to buy a tarm, sell or trade your farm off, borrow money on real estate, quick action or real estate business, see or write other. Calvin, Boicourt, Kansas. Liberty News.

Grant Nelson, wife and children ate ice cream at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fultz Sunday evening.

George Prior and family were Sunday visitors with Bert Frazier and wife. Grandpa Frazier of Maple Grove was a Monday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. George Prior. C.

Kraushaar and wife went to Maple Grove district Sunday morning and spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. George H. Hays Mrs. Hays Wilson and mother, Mrs. Beatty, who had been in Western visiting relatives, returned home one day last week.

They say they had a fine time. Rev. McProud and wife and Dr. Coleman, wife and son came out from Pleasanton Sunday in former's automobile. Rev.

McProud preached strong sermon to a large congregation. Frank Campbell of Walnut Valley visited Sunday evening with Claude Silvers. Miss Mildred Harper of Hase Springs N. is here visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Zeigler. Mabel Wilson visited Sunday with Mabel and Ethel Spiker of Fairview district. Misses Cantwell and Campbell visited Sunday with Edna -Wilson. Miss Bertha Shannon was admitted into the M. E.

church in full fellowship Sunday. Miss Bertha Shannon, who for several weeks had been staying with Mrs. George Cummins, returned Monday to her home in Rich Hill. Miss Bertha has many friends in this district who are sorry she has left them. The people of this community extend sympathy to their worthy neighbor, J.

P. Everhart, whose father died Saturday. Miss Orsa Castle visited relatives in Hume last week. Miss Nellie Winslow of Maple Grove disrict has been employed to teach our school. Miss Nellie is a graduate the State Manual Training Normal Pittsburg, and we believe the board made no mistake in employing her BUILD A SILO.

You without should a Silo no than more you think should of of being doing without a Now we have just unloaded 7 of the famous Crown Silos which are recognized as being the best Silo on the market and having behind them a gilt edge guarantee. In buying a Silo from us you do not buy one with your eyes shut for have them in stock so that you can see what you are buying, and we invite you to come in and see these Silos and get our great big liberal offer which we are willing to make you providing you will erect one immediately. so that it will help us to advertise Blaker Lumber Train Co the best Silo on the market. ESTABLISHED: 1870. INCORPORATED 1906.

Winslow is a progressive young lady. She also attended college in Colorado two years, and by hard work prepared herself to do her duty by Young Americans intrusted to her care. We believe that with experience Miss Winslow will make one of Linn county's best Francis Gooch of Oklahoma is here visiting W. M. Fultz nnd family.

On account of a mistake our items of last week failed to reach the HERALD office in time to be published. There was one item of interest which will do this week. We refer to the grand surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. William Munchmeyer Saturday night, May 24.

There were seventy in attendance and all had a most delightful time. The evening was whiled away with games, music, neighborhood gossip, etc. At a seasonable hour cake and ice cream was served. The following were present to enjoy the occasion Wallace Jackson and family, Clarence Spiker and tamily, John Beatty and family, R. H.

Wilson and family, Austin Coffin and family, Henry Zeigler and family, Grant Nelson family, Mr. Silvers and family, Best and daughter, Mrs. Blaine of Linton Mrs. Dodd and son, Roy; Mrs. Geo.

Vest and son, Charles Mrs. Levi Smith and son, John; Guy Egbert, George Cummins, P. B. Gifford Edison and Ruby Cantwell, Miss Gertie Keller, Miss Irene Campbell, and brother Mr. Stevens and sister of Linton.

Fairview News. Herbert Payne and Miss Irene Nicholson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earnest. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Thomas of Pleasanton visited from Tuesday until Saturday of last week with Mrs. Thomas' parents, A. J. Cantwell and wife.

Miss Eva Gifford came home Friday from Mound City where she is attending institute. She reports the work as progressing nicely. She returned Monday afternoon. 0..0. Mullies and family of near Hume visited Sunday with Mr.

and MIs. Clarence Spiker. Dr. Abbey was called to see a sick horse owned by A. J.

Cantwell Sunday morning. However, nothing could be done for the animal and it died in a short time. Miss Nora Cottingham, who has been visiting relatives here the past week, left for her home in Fairburg, Monday. Elliott Gifford and family and Miss Nora Cottingham spent Sunday with Ralph Gifford and family. Oberlin News.

The club house, being put up by John Eby, W. P. Conkey, W. H. Cady and Frank Ellis near the mouth of Muddy creek is rapidly nearing completion under the directions of George Wack and N.

J. Pellett. Mrs. Marshall VanMeter and children visited first of the week with her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Edwards, and family.

Miss Ada Coppage and Marie Speaks spent Sunday with Misses Ona and Myrtle Klopfenstein. Mrs. J. K. Martin visited her son, Bert, and wife in Union district Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coppage have gone to housekeeping at Jewett. Roy Melendy sheared sheep for M. A.

Allen in Mound Valley district first of the week. Charles Speaks and wife spent Sunday at the home of Woody Webb. The road overseer has been making some improvements on what is known as the Milledge hill is week. Woody Webb had the misfortune to lose his barn and contents by fire last Saturday night. A mare, colt, some chickens 200 or 300 bushel of corn and fonr or five ton of hay being consumed.

Miss Edna McCoy is visiting relatives and friends in Pleasanton this week. There will be an ice cream supper at Oberlin school house Saturday night June 21 st. The young folks are preparing a short. program. Everybody invited.

Miss Zelma Trigg of La Cygne 1 has been employed to teach our school the coming term. A great many, people have been fishing in the Marais des Cygne river this week. Mrs. Frank Coppage visited her daughter, Mrs. Ross Leonard, and family of Potosi district Sunday.

Clark Travis had business in this neighborhood Tuesday. John Martin sold a load of fat hogs Monday. Grandma Speaks spent Thursday of last week with her son, Charles, and family. W. C.

McCoy hauled a couple loads of tat hogs to E. G. Perrine Wednesday. Maple Grove News. Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Lamb of Uniontown, Bourbon county, arrived here Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lamb's father, E.

J. Everhart. W. M. Swisher had the misfortune of losing his house which burned down Monday morning.

was insured for $600, $500 on residence and $100 on -ED. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Lamb of Uniontown spent Monday night with former's mother, Mrs. Miles Lamb. Fred Miller of South Union district visited Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller.

Bible school is progressing nicely. Let all who have not been regular attendants enroll for the summer. The ladies circle will meet next with Mrs. Woolridge. Miss Grace Winslow, who is attending the teacher's Normal in Mound City, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. I. K. Winslow. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Swisher spent Sunday with Harry Whinery and family of North Union district. Glenora Wilson of Battlefield district spent Saturday afternoon with Clara Winslow.

Frank Makemson of Rock Hill district is working for I. K. Winslow this week. R. I.

R. EGGS FOR SALE 50 cents a setting for pure strain of Rhode Island Reds. Firtle and fresh. First orders first served. H.

M. FLEMING, Linnville News. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mcnu*tt spent latter part of last week with former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Mcnu*tt, near Amsterdam, Mo. Mrs. James Wayne visited Mrs. Jno.

Gang Friday. Misses Dora Jackson, Olive Johnson and Marjorie Peterson visited Miss Millie Brooks Sunday. Miss La Vina Finch spent Sunday with Miss Mimie Olmstead. Mrs. Frank Jordan called, at the Finch home Sunday.

Miss Elsie Craft called on Mrs. Gang Tuesday. Several from this vicinity attended the ice cream supper at Spring Valley Saturday night. They report a very. delightful time.

Misses Opal Wilkins and Nellie Finch visited Miss Elizabeth Chapio Sunday. Lester Johnson spent Sunday with Albert 1 Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Sizer visited at the Chapin home Sunday.

Mrs. A. M. Wolfinger and daughter, Miss Bessie, visited Mrs. Chapin and.

daughter, Elizabeth, Saturday, evening. Spring Valley Miss Nevada Kyan of Pueblo, arrived here Sunday for a visit with her friend, Mrs. Kate Whitman. She left for home Tuesday. A large crowd was in attendance at the ice cream social held here Saturday night.

All report a fine time. I. H. Hewitt and family were Sunday afternoon callers on W. H.

Caven and family. Mrs. Siron of Pleasanton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. C.

Harper. Mrs. G. B. Merriman and son, Samuel, spent Sunday with Don Fleming and family.

Samuel attended Bible school at this place in the afternoon. Rev. Pysher, the new pastor of the Christian church in Pleasanton, will preach at this place next Sunday p. m.s 3 o'clock sharp. All are invited to attend.

Remember Bible school at 2 o'clock. Messrs. Kennedy, Whitman, Farley and, Fleming attended Union preaching services in Pleasanton Sunday a. m. Miss Bertha Farley visited with 1 het friend, Miss Minnie Craig, in Mound Valley district Saturday night and Sudday.

Miss Bee Whitman and cousin, Robt. McLeland, of Pleasanton spent Saturday night and Sunday with former's father, Frank Whitman, and wife and attended the ice cream social at this place. W. G. Hewitt and family spent Tuesday with former's parents.

Jesse Harper called on J. H. Hewitt Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Maggie McElvain returned to her home in Pleasanton Thursday of last week after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs.

Kennedy. Battlefield News. John Hobson and family of Fairview district visited Everett Wilson and family Sunday. Guy and his sister attended Bible school. Mrs.

Fannie Stephenson of Raymore and her garndson, Mr. Meyer, of Springfield, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Stephenson's sister, Mrs. Florence Kincaid. George and Walter Smith of Rock Hill district visited Franklin R.

Gray Sunday. Gregg Osborn and sister, Miss Jennie, spent Sunday with E. G. Hicks and wife. D.

F. Roberts and wife visited R. E. Maske and wife Wednesday. Miss Rosa Lauck called on her sister, Mrs.

Sherman Heilman Tuesday. THE BIG PIANO CONTEST CONDUCTED BY The Pleasanton Cash Store AND The Pleasanton Herald. Has commenced and will close Dec. 24 at 4 o'clock p. m.

THE VOTES. For every $1 paid tor goods at the Cash Store you are entitled to 100 votes. For every $1 paid for shoes at the Cash Store you are entitled to 200 votes. For every $1 paid for subscription to the HERALD you are entitled to 3000 votes. RULES OF CONTEST.

I. Name of contestants not to be knowns each going by number. aston 2. Name of Contestant will not be published, just their 3. Every Contestant is credited with 2,000 votes to start with.

4. Standing of Contestants' numbers published weekly. 5. All votes must be brought in for recording on Wednesday. 6.

Votes must not be written upon. 7. Tie Votes in packages with Contestant's number and the amount on top slip only. 8. Color of Votes will change and must be recorded weekly.

9. Votes are transferrable only before recording. 10. Contestant having the largest number of Votes on Dec. 24 wins the Piano.

II. Candidates not bringing in personal Votes will be dropped. nor Watch the HERALD and read all about this big contest and get in at once. The "early bird catches the worm." Some lady is going to get this beautiful $400 PIANO, while many others will get beautiful and useful articles. Fill out the Coupon and take it to the Cash Store RIGHT NOW and you may get this beautiful Christmas Present.

Start today and see what a little work will do. PLEAS'TON CASH STORE COUPON. This Coupon is good for 2000 votes PLEASANTON HERALD. when used to nominate a new candidate. I vote for Pleasanton, Kansas.

Correspondents, if possible please send in communication on Tuesday's mail. Prof. J. Frank Smith and family of McCracken, Rush county, arrived here Wednesday to visit a few days with former's tather, Uncle Fred Smith, and sister, Mrs. B.

L. Coffin. Until July, 1 we will send the Kansas City Daily Journal, the big Sunday paper, and including, one year for $3.00. Any person payting his back subscription, plus $2.00, will also receive the Daily Journal one year. The.

price of the Journal has been $4 per year but recently the publisher reduced it to $2.60. Any HERALD subscriber can receive the Kansas City Daily Journal, including the big Sunday edition, tor $2.25 by calling at the HERALD office. Subscribe at once. St. John News: Some people think Fit a mystery that, notwithstanding good advice their boys grow up.

to be wild reckless young men. If these boys were taught from infancy that home was the proper place for them after dark, rather than prowling around the streets, annoying well and sick people alike, much of this mystery might be explained, and young men with better moral character and more intelligent minds would be the result. No parent need expect pure morals in a boy that prowls about the streets at night, even if he does go to Sunday school. 14 DISTRICT CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR INSTITUTE. The Fourth District Christian Endeavor Institute will be held in the Christian church, Iola, June 11th and 12th.

Classes in Bible study, Christian Endeavor methods and Mission study will be conducted by expert leaders. Text books, the Bible, Expert Endeavor and China's New Day. This institute will be training school for young people. All Endeavor societies are urged to send delegates. Copies of Expert Endeavor and China's New Day will be on sale.

Bring your Bible. EXEC. COMMITTE 4th Dist.C. E. W.

O. COLEMAN, M. Pleasanton, Kas. Will occupy Dr. Rees' Office over Fleming's Drug Store.

Men year's experience. 'Phones -Office, No. 215, Residence, 4150. DR. C.

L. LEEPER. Osteopath. Will be in Pleasanton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Office first room north Pleasanton Cash Store C.

P. LEE, M. Office at Residence. Telephone 29. PLEASANTON, KANS.

A. M. KENT. Attorney-at-Law, Pleasanton. Kansas.

Praetice in all the courts. But ness promptly attended to. J. A. NAYLOR, Physician and Surgeon.

over Bank of Pleasanton, Kas. 'Phones, Office 212. Residence 222 JOHN O. MORSE ATTORNEY AT LAW Mound City. Kansas.

B. C. GARRISON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mound City, Kas. Room 3, Farmers Merchants Bank Building. Read FRANK CARPENTER'S Travel Articles in The WICHITA WEEKLY EAGLE WICHITA, KANSAS Associated Press: Best Weekly in Kansa 50 CENTS A YEAR or celse se5 sc 52 and Grape Juicc.

15252520 class in all seasons Soda Pop, Ginger Ale, Our Pastry is first1536 H. M. FLEMING CO. DEALERS IN Ice Cream and Ices HOME MADE BREAD PIES, CAKES AND OTHER PASTRY pest Ice Cream and Ice Vanilla, Pine ApCold Drinks at the ple, Strawberry or any Fleming Restaurant. other flavor in ices.

5535 asps D. A. N. CHASE, President. R.

A. ODENWELLER, Secretary and Treasurer, PLEASANTON MONUMENT ICE COMPANY. (Incorperatad Under the Laws of Kansas.) PLEASANTON, KANSAS. Fine Monuments and Tomb Stones All Work Guaranteed. Also agents for the Ford Motor Car- the car that does the work and" does it cheaply.

ONLY ONE MILE! to come Grocery store in Eastern or Western Missouri, where you can bay a sack of the Celebrated Pleasanton Flour, manufactured by The BLAKER MILLING CO. Have no other. Bring us your grain. Blaker Milling Co. Pleasanton, Is..

The Pleasanton Herald from Pleasanton, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.