DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (2024)

After mastering making lip balm, my daughter and I were looking for a new challenge to spice up our lockdown time. Since her and her friends had recently got obsessed by bath bombs, it didn’t take us long to work out that that’s what we would make next.

So I started searching how to make easy bath bombs and was relieved to find that it is quite straightforward. The only thing overwhelming was just how many bath bomb recipes there are out there. However, once I understood the main ingredients, it was easy to work out how to make homemade bath bombs that we would enjoy.

Lucky for you, you have found this article so it’s going to be even easier for you to get started with making bath bombs at home since I am going to tell you exactly how here. This organic bath bombs recipe gives a great bath bomb with a nice even fizz in the bath that leaves some bath water that feels very good.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (1)Pin

If you want to get started right now, you can jump straight to the recipe for bath bomb below. If you want to understand how to make your own bath bomb then read the sections coming up before the recipe. Here, I’ll explain the benefits of making a homemade bath bomb recipe and run through all the ingredients and why they are important as well as give you tips on great essential oils to use and natural colouring ideas.

At the end are some frequently asked questions which may especially help if you want some ideas about how you could alter this bath bomb DIY recipe.

Have any questions? Make sure you ask in the comments below!

Table of Contents

Why Make Homemade Bath Bombs?

There are many reasons why you may want to make your own bath bombs recipes.

Here are some that particularly ring true for us.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (2)Pin

1. To Stop Putting Harmful Chemicals In Our Baths

There can be a crazy amount of chemicals in store bought bath bombs. Don’t believe me? Check the label next time you think about buying one.

We are trying to limit the amount of chemicals we put on our bodies especially on our kids. The best way to do this is to become a bath bomb making machine!

2. It Saves Money

When my daughter started asking for bath bombs, I was shocked by just how pricey they can be. $10+ each is just crazy. It is so much cheaper to make a simple bath bomb recipe.

3. They Are Fun And Great For Your Skin

With the right ingredients (i.e. not a ton of chemicals), bath bombs can be nourishing and good for your skin. The results of a bath bomb fizzies recipe is also tons of fun thanks to the result you get when you drop the bath bomb in the bath. It’s definitely more fun than bath salts.

4. They Make Great Gifts

An all natural epsom salt bath bomb recipe makes the perfect gift for others. They are useful, luxurious and show thought since you made it yourself.

We pretty much always use DIY bath bombs for kids as gifts for my daughters’ friends and my nieces and nephews.

5. They Are Easy And Fun To Make

Even with all these reasons for making homemade bath bombs, the one that really ensured we would make this more than once is the fact that this is a fun bath bomb easy recipe. The ingredients are easy to find and it’s quick and easy to make, yet gives great results.

Convinced? Let’s get started making your DIY easy bath bombs!

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Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb

Before you get started with my best bath bomb recipe, let’s go over a few things so you know how to make simple bath bombs (that are totally awesome).

First of all, you need some type of bath bomb mould.

Now these don’t have to be especially bought. If you have a mould around the house that could work, like a silicone mould, you can use this. Some people also use ice cream scoop.

Personally, I find it easier to buy some bath bomb moulds especially for this purpose. They don’t cost much and there are many cool designs to choose from. I do like the classic, round bath bomb shape, but you can chose more fun options, especially if you are making your bath bomb recipe for kids.

In fact, you can read our fun and awesome donut bath bomb recipe here.

Be aware that the more detailed the mould is, the harder it is to make though – it can be tricky to get the bath bomb out of the mould without breaking it.

Live in the US? Click here for some great bath bomb mould options.

Live in Australia? Click here for some great bath bomb mould options.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (4)Pin

When you are ready to start making this fizzy bath bomb recipe, make sure you have all the equipment and ingredients to make bath bombs out so you can fully concentrate on what you are doing.

While making bath bombs is straightforward, you do need to be extra careful when pouring the wet ingredients into the dry or you can start your bath bomb fizzing in the bowl instead of the bath. Getting the consistency right is the most important step.

Ingredients In A Bath Bomb

Here’s some information about the ingredients for bath bombs so you know the bath bomb is safe and will work correctly. Note this is a bath bomb recipe without cornstarch.

Bicarbonate Of Soda/Baking Soda

Also known as bicarb or baking soda, this ingredient is an alkalinewhich helps detoxify the skin. Bicarb also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Click here to buy it now.

Citric Acid

Citric acid is a key ingredient in bath bombs as its interaction with bicarb and water is responsible for the fizz when the bath bomb hits the bath water. However, you can make a bath bomb recipe without citric acid which I describe below in the FAQs.

The amount of citric acid directly affects the fizz so is you want more fizz, add more. For less fizz (like for kids who mightn’t like it), add less.

Click here to buy it now.

There is an alternative to using citric acid in the FAQs below.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (5)Pin

Epsom Salts

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, breaks down in water into its magnesium and sulfate components. They are a popular addition to baths known for relaxing muscles, loosening joints and soothing skin.

You can replace this with a fine sea salt, but not regular table salt.

Live in the US? Click here to find Epsom salts on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to find it on eBay now.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great ingredient for skin which can cleanse, soften and moisturise. It also helps bath water feel “softer” and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. I love this coconut oil bath bomb recipe, but you can substitute coconut oil for other ingredients if you wish.

Live in the US?Click here to buy coconut oil on Amazon now.

Live in Australia?Click here to buy coconut oil now.

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Essential Oils

Essential oils are not essential ingredients to make a bath bomb. However, they do make it extra special and can add some extra benefits as well.

I love using essential oils in this recipe. Bath bombs just smell nicer with them, and it makes the bathing experience better.

Exactly how many drops of essential oils is really up to you. You can edit the amount in the professional bath bomb recipe below to how you like it. If you aren’t a fan of strong smells and like it super subtle, add less. Conversely, if you love it, add more.

The amount in the recipe is simply a starting point.

Your choice of which oil is up to you and you can also combine your oils to make a blend. Here’s some I recommend:

  • Lavender– This is my favourite. I just love the smell. It’s also known for being relaxing and helping little ones sleep. It softens skin and battles anxiety.
  • Peppermint– Is another favourite but it is a stronger smell so isn’t for everyone. It is known for being energising and focusing the mind. It’s also a good choice if you have a cold.
  • Eucalyptus– This is another one with a strong smell which is great for colds. It’s not recommended for people who prefer more subtle smells.
  • Lemon– Is also a winning oil for colds as well as attention and focus. It promotes positive energy.
  • Orange– Is another uplifting essential oil, good for positivity and immune systems.
  • Ylang Ylang– This oil is great for stress and anxiety as it can act as an anti-depressant.
  • Chamomile– Is a good choice if you want something soothing and relaxing.
  • Rosemary– This is a popular choice for relieving stress, promoting memory and dealing with muscle soreness.

Live in the US? Click here to find Essential Oils on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to find Essential Oils on eBay now.

How To Add Colour To My Natural Bath Bomb Recipe Australia

Adding colour to your DIY bath bomb recipe is completely optional. Not adding colouring can save a whole lot of trouble working out the right colouring to add (especially if going chemical free and all natural is important to you). However, coloured bath bombs do look good.

The brightly coloured bath bombs you see on Pinterest are likely to be using colouring that’s not all natural. While I go over these options below (as well as natural alternatives), it’s worth remembering this. I only use all natural options and that’s what you see pictured in my photos. You are likely to get much more subtle colours.

Common choices (that I don’t use or recommend):

  • Food dyes – You can use your food dyes in these recipes. Bath bombs coloured this way may not look even and can fade. The lifespan of the bath bomb can also be shortened, and you may stain your tub. How natural they are depends on the ingredients in your food dye.
  • Mica powder– This popular choice is ground from stone. However, it can contain heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and lead. The other issue is that naturally, it only comes in earthy shades like white, gray, silver, gold, brown and green. The brightly coloured mica that’s often for sale is dyed. This is usually with exactly the types of chemicals you want to avoid by making a DIY bath bombs recipe.
    Mica powder can be controversial as some is unfortunately mined with child labour. Check where any you buy comes from as about 25% of the world’s mica comes from India where this is often an issue.
    Mica can also stain your tub so start with adding as little as possible.
    Buy Mica Powder in the US on Amazon now|Buy it fromAustralian eBay here.
  • Soap dyes – It depends on the soap dye, but they are usually synthetic and not natural.

A good starting point when looking for a natural dye for your recipe for bath bombs is one that is only made with one ingredient. If that is natural then you are set! You can always experiment with ingredients around you.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (7)Pin

Here’s some I have used:

If you do decide to use colouring, make sure you use the smallest amount possible. A little goes a long way and you can always add the colouring, mix it in and then add more if you want.

Too much colouring, especially with things like mica powder, can end up with a stained bath tub.

Buying Bath Bomb Ingredients In Australia

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (8)Pin

The most annoying thing I found when I started making easy DIY bath bombs was that the information I was finding online was all for Americans. While this mostly works fine and it’s not much effort to translate the recipes, it is frustrating when it comes to sourcing ingredients as I have no idea where to buy ingredients for a bath bomb in Australia.

Thankfully, it’s not hard and if you click on any of the links on products in this article, it’ll take you to either Amazon Australia or eBay where you can buy it easily.

Where there isn’t a link, it’s because this ingredient is easy to buy at your local supermarket, like is the case for bicarbonate of soda and citric acid. Even Epsom salts and coconut oil can sometimes be purchased at the supermarket (albeit tricky to find).

I prefer Amazon to eBay as I find the products come quicker and they keep to their delivery guidelines.

Click here to start shopping on Amazon Australia now.

Click here to start shopping on eBay now.

Buying Bath Bomb Ingredients In The US

If you are making this in the US, things are very easy for you.

You can buy everything you need on Amazon.

Click here to start shopping on Amazon now.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (9)

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe


Prep Time:10 minutes

Total Time:10 minutes

Create awesome, all natural bath bombs with this quick and easy recipe


  1. In one bowl, add the baking soda, citric acid and epsom salts.
  2. Mix until well combined.
  3. In the second bowl, melt the coconut oil in the microwave and then add the essential oils. Mix.
  4. Add the melted coconut oil and essential oils into the dry bowl SLOWLY as you mix with your hands. It's important that this is slow or the mixture may start fizzing now.
  5. The goal is a wet sand like consistency that just holds together. If it's still a little dry after adding all the coconut oil and essential oils (meaning it doesn't hold together yet), add a tiny amount of water, say 1/2 of a teaspoon and mix again.
  6. Keep adding tiny amounts of water until it's the right consistency and holds together into a shape.
  7. If you want to add optional colouring, do this now. To make bath bombs like the pictures here, I split this mixture in two at this point and added a pinch of beet root powder to one lot of mixture and a pinch of Brazilian purple clay powder to the other.
  8. Put the mixture into your bath bomb moulds packing firmly by patting it down, trying to avoid air bubbles. Fill it to the brim.
  9. Bring both sides of the mould together. If you make two colours like I described above, you can put two different coloured moulds together if you wish.
  10. Let it sit in the mould for up to a minute, twist the two parts of the moulds in different directions and then remove it. Take one side off and then put it back on lightly while trying to remove the other half. You can leave one side on while it hardens if you have enough moulds.
  11. If it breaks at this point, you can try putting it in the mould again.
  12. Put the completed DIY natural bath bombs on a baking tray and leave them overnight.
  13. It's best to store them in an airtight container.

You don’t have to make fully round bath bombs. In fact, the first time you make this, I recommend aiming for half ones that have a flat edge. It does take a bit of skill to get the moulds off for a round one and I found it stressful the first time I did this and it took a bit of practise to get it right. Over time, it does get easier though!

I actually like making half spheres, not just because it is easier but because I get twice as many bath bombs and I find that this is enough for the size of our bath.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (10)Pin

Also, you don’t have to go crazy slow when adding wet ingredients to the dry. I was so paranoid when I first made this that I was adding a few millimetres at a time and I drove myself crazy. A teaspoon or two at a time is fine.

If I’m slow to mould the bath bombs, I find that I may need to add a little more water while I’m doing this to keep the consistency right.

How To Make Bath Bombs For Kids

The recipe above is an easy bath bomb recipe for kids and I have made it several times with my daughter’s help. The ingredients are all natural and good for kids, just make sure the first time they use one in the bath that you do pay extra attention that they don’t have any issues with any ingredients.

Homemade bath bombs for kids also makes excellent presents and we often gift them to other children. They are better than store bought ones as there are no harsh chemicals.

If you are making it with your child, just be really careful at the step where you add the wet to the dry ingredients. If you don’t do this slowly, you can get a big reaction which is the last thing you want.

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (11)Pin

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This An All Natural Bath Bomb Recipe?

Yes. This DIY bath bombs easy recipe only uses natural ingredients as long as you don’t add any problematic colouring as described above.

How To Make DIY Bath Bombs Without Citric Acid?

While citric acid is an integral part of my recipe above, you can turn this into an easy bath bomb recipe without citric acid.

To do this, switch the citric acid above for:

  • 1/4 cup of Cream of Tartar
  • 1/2 cup of Cornstarch

You now have a recipe for bath bombs without citric acid.

The downside of not using citric acid is that the bath bomb won’t be as firm and will be more likely to crumble. So store them carefully. They are best for personal use only.

What Is A Lavender Bath Bomb Recipe With Epsom Salt?

You’re in luck as the recipe above IS a lavender bath bomb recipe. Just use lavender for your choice of essential oils. I like to colour my lavender bath bombs purple using Brazilian purple clay (on eBay or here for US readers). It works beautifully as you can see here.

Likewise, if you want a vanilla bath bomb recipe, eucalyptus bath bomb recipe or peppermint bath bomb recipe, simply use the appropriate essential oil and keep this organic bath bomb recipe the same.

Live in the US? Click here to find Essential Oils on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to find Essential Oils on eBay now.

What Is An Easy Bath Bomb Recipe With Cream Of Tartar

You are in luck! Just above you’ll find a moisturising bath bomb recipe with cream of tartar in the section for a recipe without citric acid.

This is because cream of tartar makes a good substitute for citric acid.

What Is A Shea Butter Bath Bomb Recipe?

Shea butter is great for nourishing and moisturising the skin so if you want to edit this bath bomb recipe with shea butter, you can!

Simply substitute a tablespoon of the coconut oil for shea butter. In step 4, make sure you have fully melted and mixed the shea butter and the coconut oil before you add the essential oils and start adding it to the dry mixture.

How Can I Make A Cocoa Butter Bath Bomb Recipe?

Just like with shea butter above, you can substitute a tablespoon of coconut oil in this easy homemade bath bombs recipe for cocoa butter (also called cacao butter).

In step 4, make sure you have fully melted and mixed the cocoa butter and the coconut oil before you add the essential oils and start adding it to the dry mixture.

Final Words

I hope you found this guide to how to make a homemade bath bomb useful. It really is very easy to make bath bombs and the results are awesome!

Want a fun twist to this bath bomb recipe? Find my donut bath bombs here. Prefer showers? Try my special bath bomb-like shower steamers here.

Ready for more DIY? Read my DIY melt and pour soap recipes here, my bath salts here and my extra special sugar scrub bars here. Or find my extra special bath tea bags here. You can find more great homemade recipes here.

Ask any questions below! I love to hear from other skincare makers.

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DIY Bath Bomb Recipe: Exactly How To Make A Bath Bomb (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.