Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (2024)

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Baked grapefruit is a super easy, tasty and healthy breakfast or dessert that takes only minutes to prepare.

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (1)

I'm a big grapefruitovor. I eat grapefruit all the time for breakfast, snack + "dessert" all year round. Most of the time I'll eat them plain, simply cut in half with no sugar but baked grapefruit is perfect for when I want a little change.

Now, you might be asking yourself...

Why would you bake grapefruit?

Well, because it makes it sweeter and juicier! And with the addition of maple syrup and cinnamon, it just brings the fruit to the next level of deliciousness!

If you've never had baked grapefruit before, you're in for a treat, I'm tellin' ya.

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (2)

How to make baked grapefruit – step by step

It's so easy you can hardly call this arecipe! But let me show you how it's done anyway 🙂

Trim a thin slice off the bottom of each side of the grapefruit so it sits level(step 1).It's an optional step but the maple syrup will be less likely to drip over the sides.

Then cut the grapefruits in half and discard any large seeds(step 2)

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (3)

Cut each half into segments(step 3),then place on a lined baking sheet(step 4)

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (4)

Drizzle each half with one teaspoon of maple syrup(step 5) and sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon each(step 6).

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (5)

Bake at 400C/200C degrees for 16-17 minutes until beautifully golden and juicy!

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (6)

A few tips and substitutions to make baked grapefruit:

  • For this recipe, you can use any type of grapefruits: white, red or pink
  • Instead of maple syrup, try making them with honey, coconut sugar or brown sugar too!
  • Serve these baked grapefruits with yogurt, or even whipped cream(dairy or coconut)for a treat!


Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (7)

If you tried these baked grapefruits,don’t forget torate the recipe belowand let me know how it went in the comments – I love hearing from you! You can also follow me onInstagram,PinterestandFacebookfor more deliciousness and behind-the-scenes!

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (8)

5 from 5 votes


Baked Grapefruit with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon

CourseBreakfast, Dessert, Snack


Keyword#breakfastrecipe, #easybreakfast, #easyrecipe, #fruitrecipe, #grapefruitrecipe

Servings 4 halves

Calories 72 kcal


  • 2grapefruitswhite, red or pink
  • 4tspmaple syrup
  • 1tspcinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 400F / 200C degrees. Line a rimed baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Halve grapefruits and remove visible seeds. Cut the flesh into segments with a small pairing knife.Arrange on baking sheet.

  3. Drizzle each half with 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, then sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon.

  4. Bake for 16-17 minutes or until golden and juicy. Serve warm.

Recipe Notes

Other sweeteners you can use:

  • honey
  • coconut sugar
  • brown sugar

You can serve it with yogurt or whipped cream.

Nutrition Facts

Baked Grapefruit with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon

Amount Per Serving (1 grapefruit half)

Calories 72

% Daily Value*

Potassium 181mg5%

Carbohydrates 18g6%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 12g13%

Vitamin A 1415IU28%

Vitamin C 38.4mg47%

Calcium 41mg4%

Iron 0.1mg1%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

More breakfast recipes you might like:

  • Healthy Banana Split with Chocolate Sauce
  • Date, Cashew and Honey Granola
  • Blueberry Chia Seed Jam
  • Berry Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

UPDATE NOTE:This post was originally published onMarch 11, 2013and republished in October 2018 with an updated recipe, new photos and more tips.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Pari

    This looks so good! I love grapefruit. Putting this on my list of things to try.

    • Marie

      Oh thank you 🙂 i loooove grapefruits too!

  2. Lauren

    These are so good! I tried broiling the grapefruit first and I didn't like how it was still room temperature through the bottom half of the grapefruit. Not an issue with this recipe! I'm actually not a huge fan of grapefruit but this is a great way for me to prepare them and really enjoy them!!

    • Marie

      Yay I'm glad you liked them! But, quick question, how can you not like grapefruits?? haha just kidding

  3. Nicole

    I love this grapefruit idea looks delicious too.
    Thanks for sharing your talent

  4. Bill Salter

    Just to clarify: you don't eat the rind also, right?

    • marie

      No just the flesh 🙂

  5. Jacqueline Debono

    I love this idea and am dying go and buy some grapefruit and try it! Beautiful photos too!

    • Marie

      Thank you Jacqueline!

  6. Lauren Vavala @ DeliciousLittleBites

    What a great idea! I love grapefruit but have never thought to bake it..or put cinnamon on it before! Yum!

  7. Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche

    Ooooh nice! I'm not a huge fan of fresh grapefruit, but this sounds like it would mellow the acidity quite a lot. Will definitely try this!

  8. Julia

    I so trying this the next time I buy grapefruit! What a great idea! 🙂

  9. Suzy

    I grew up eating lots of grapefruit! Love this tasty twist!

  10. Lauri

    I just ordered a whole box of grapefruit for a fundraiser. I do every fall. Can't wait too try this. Thanks Marie:)

    • Marie

      Grapefruit galore! Hope you'll love this recipe Lauri 🙂

  11. Jett Tritton

    i want to Grapefruit ..

    • Marie

      Knock yourself out! lol

  12. Grace

    This was my first time making this and it was a little weird eating a grapefruit warm instead of cold, but it turned out pretty good! 🙂

    • Marie

      We're not that used to eating warm grapefruit, aren't we! I'm glad you tried and enjoy it Grace! 🙂

  13. Jeff the Chef

    That's really interesting. I've never heard of baked grapefruit. I love grapefruit. I've never thought of putting cinnamon on grapefruit. Cool!

    • Marie

      I was surprised the first time I heard about it, too! It's a really nice change on the "classic" 😉

  14. Royal E Punjab

    I just ordered a whole box of grapefruit for a fundraiser. looking a nice one.

  15. Selma

    Can I do several at one time and freeze them for later.?

    • Marie

      Hi Selma. I don't think freezing works for these 🙂

Baked Grapefruit Recipe with Maple Syrup and Cinnamon - Not Enough Cinnamon (2024)


What can you eat grapefruit with to make it taste better? ›

Drizzle honey or agave syrup over the fruit.

According to Lindsey Chastain, founder and CEO of The Waddle and Cluck, these natural sweeteners are the liquid gold that bitter grapefruit craves. "The sweet syrup interacts with the fruit's juices to form a balanced, pleasant sweet-tart combo," she says.

What do you sprinkle on grapefruit? ›

Salt Is the Secret to Sweeter-Tasting Grapefruit

While it may seem counterintuitive, salt — not sugar — can make grapefruit taste less bitter and more sweet. Sure, sugar can drown out the bitterness and sour flavor if you sprinkle it on thick enough, but salt actually balances these tastes rather than covering them up.

Can I substitute brown sugar for maple syrup? ›

When replacing maple syrup with brown sugar in a recipe, follow these simple guidelines: Ratio: For every cup of maple syrup, substitute 1 cup of packed brown sugar. Keep in mind that brown sugar is denser than maple syrup, so it's essential to pack it firmly when measuring.

What to have with grapefruit? ›

SALAD: Peel and cut the fruit in segments. Add the segments to any green salad. Good grapefruit pairings are red onion, lettuce, blue cheese, olive oil, ricotta cheese and avocado. COMPOTE: Zest the grapefruits and set aside.

What to avoid when eating grapefruit? ›

Medicines affected by grapefruit
  • Statins. Statins are medicines that lower your cholesterol. ...
  • Calcium channel blockers. ...
  • Anticoagulants. ...
  • Antiplatelet medicines. ...
  • Ciclosporin and immunosuppressants. ...
  • Entocort. ...
  • Cytotoxic medicines. ...
  • Other medicines.

What spices go well with grapefruit? ›

Here are just a few of the many different savory flavors that pair well with grapefruit:
  • Rosemary.
  • Basil.
  • Tarragon.
  • Thyme.
  • Avocado.
  • Cilantro.
  • Red pepper flakes.
  • Chili peppers.

Should I put sugar on my grapefruit? ›

It might feel like sugar is a more normal antidote to that bitter grapefruit tang, but actually, salt can be much better at blocking bitterness (this is also the logic behind the coffee and salt trend).

Can I put sugar on my grapefruit? ›

Adding sugar to white grapefruit can significantly increase its sugar content and calorie count, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues over time.

What does maple syrup do in baking? ›

Try using Pure Maple Syrup in your baking instead of refined sugars! Maple Syrup is a pure, natural and delicious substitute for refined sugar! Maple Syrup is a healthier option than white sugar and certain other sweeteners in recipes, and it possesses a unique flavor that other sweeteners do not have.

Can someone with diabetes eat maple syrup? ›

For the moment, people with diabetes should keep in mind that even if maple syrup contains some potentially promising elements, it remains a food that should only be eaten once in a while and in limited quantities, just like other sources of concentrated carbohydrates.

What is the ratio of maple syrup to sugar? ›

To replace white sugar with maple syrup in general cooking, it is ideal to use ¾ cup of maple syrup for every one cup of sugar. When it comes to baking, that same amount is used but also be sure to reduce the amount of overall liquid in the recipe by about three tablespoons for each cup of maple syrup substituted.

What does eating 1 grapefruit a day do? ›

Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, are high in vitamin C. In fact, one whole, medium grapefruit provides you with 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that is great for your immune system and can help you fight off viruses and bacteria that can cause disease.

When should grapefruit be avoided? ›

Often-prescribed medicines that can interact with grapefruit include medicines that:
  1. Fight infection.
  2. Lower cholesterol.
  3. Treat high blood pressure.
  4. Treat heart problems.
  5. Prevent the body from rejecting a donated organ.
  6. Treat anxiety.
  7. Treat seasonal allergies.
  8. Control seizures.

What does eating half a grapefruit do? ›

Half a grapefruit provides about 5% of your daily potassium needs (1, 16 ). Adequate potassium intake is associated with a reduced risk of high blood pressure. Additionally, it has been shown to lower the risk of death from heart disease ( 17 ).

Does sugar make grapefruit taste better? ›

Not so fast. Not only does sugar add significant and non-nutritive calories, it can also overpower the naturally sweet grapefruit flavor. It may seem counter-intuitive, but a pinch of salt may be your ticket to grapefruit enjoyment.


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.