About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (2024)

About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (1)


In 1924, the residents of Carroll County banded together to purchase 30 acres of land on the banks of the Tippecanoe River. They dreamed of a place where kids could explore the outdoors, build life-long friendships, discover their best selves, and develop the important character qualities necessary to lead the next generation.

100 years later, Camp Tec*mseh has grown into one of the largest YMCA Camps in the country while staying true to our founding principles. With over 660 acres and 30,000 guests annually, Camp Tec*mseh’s year-round programs shape kids and adults who use their Tec*mseh experience to build better families, better communities, and a better world.

  • Vision

    A world where people thrive and grow in harmony with others and the outdoors.

    It won’t be accomplished quickly and it won’t be accomplished alone. Join us in working towards a better world.

  • Mission

    The mission of Camp Tec*mseh YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.

    Our mission is how we aim to make the world the way we see it in our Vision. It’s our game plan for creating impact through our programs here at Camp Tec*mseh, and also through all those that experience them and go into the world.

  • Motto

    God is first. The other person is second. I am third.

    Our anchor within the Christian principles that guide us: living third. In Matthew 22, Jesus was asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And Jesus answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

our basis for growth

Guided by the Sagamore Creed, we focus on six character qualities as a springboard for growth in our programs.

  • Respect

    We build people who understand how to get along with and love those who are different from them. We build people who know how to listen, communicate, compromise, and stand up for what’s right.

  • Trust

    We build people who can be counted on, and hold themselves accountable. We build people who understand the importance of giving their word, keeping their promises, and doing what they say they will.

  • Initiative

    We build people who aren’t afraid to work hard even when no one is looking. We build people who don’t expect everything to be handed to them and don’t give up when it’s not easy.

  • Friendship

    We build people who invest in friendships and strive to make new ones. We build people who don’t just talk to people who look, act, and sound like they do. We build people who show empathy and caring, who work with others, and who realize that they have more in common with the people around them than they have differences.

  • Joy

    We build joyful people. We build people who don’t just smile for the selfie so everyone thinks they have it all together, but strive to bring joy and happiness to situations where it’s easier to grumble. We build people who speak well of others when they aren’t there instead of gossiping and slandering.

  • Faith

    We build people of faith. Not faith that divides and segregates, but faith that God loves us and wants us to love others. Faith that a relationship with God is more important than all the money in the world. Faith that no matter how much we mess up, God is standing there ready to forgive, and nothing can separate us from him.

What We do

About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (2)About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (3)

Programs for kids and adults

About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (4)What We Do

Our Team

With decades of experience across a range of industries, Camp Tec*mseh’s full-time staff is composed of individuals dedicated to innovation, improvement, and impact.

Summer Camp
Outdoor Education
Food Service
  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (5)
    Joel Sieplinga

    Chief Executive Officer

    Contact Joel

    Responsibilities:My primary responsibility is that of the caretaker of the Camp Tec*mseh YMCA culture. This includes everything from year-round staff hiring, to involvement on programmatic changes, to facility and grounds decisions to sharing the mission of camp with our community. I absolutely love telling the Camp Tec*mseh story and touring folks around camp whether for the first time or after being away for decades.

    Camp Experience: I have worked full-time at Camp Tec*mseh since 2007, for six summers each as the Day Camp Director and Summer Camp Directorand two years as theAssociate Executive Director. I started as CEO in 2021.Prior to Camp Tec*mseh I worked as the Day Camp and Youth Sports Director for the Chicago YMCA and served as a counselor. I also worked as a counselor at both Camp Tec*mseh and the Decatur (IL) YMCA during high school and college.

    Passionate about: Telling the Camp Tec*mseh story to anyone who will listen. This includes community leaders, alumni, donors, and others. It sounds cliche, but camp really does change lives and I love to talk about it.

    Most important lesson Camp teaches: You are loved! God loves each and every one of us and wants to have a relationship with us.

    Favorite Hobby: Basketball. It may be cliche given my above average height, but I love watching, playing and talking about basketball.

    Favorite Family Activities: Myfamily lovesto be outside – hiking, campfires, and riding bikes. My wife and I enjoy playing board games.

    How have I helped someone else: While working for the YMCA in Chicago, I performed CPR on a member on the racquetball court which led to the man surviving.

    Bucket List: Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.

    What do you want to learn: The ukulele. I’m not terribly musical, but would love to be able to play at camp. Plus, a big guy holding a “tiny guitar” makes a great impression!

    Joel Recommends: Talking to people face-to-face rather than via email or text. Wow, wouldn’t the world be so much better if people just sat down and talked to each other seeking to understand where each person was coming from?

    Joel lives at Camp Tec*mseh with his wife Renee, son Elijah and daughter Ayla. Joel graduated from Calvin College (Michigan) with a degree in Psychology and Recreation. After growing up around the YMCA, Joel has worked for the Y since age 15. Joel served on the YMCA Mid America Camping Conference Committee for 10 years and was the committee chair in 2014. Joel has attended and led various YMCA-USA trainings and currently holds his “Organizational Leader” certificate.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (6)

    Joel Sieplinga

    Chief Executive Officer

    Contact Joel

    Responsibilities:My primary responsibility is that of the caretaker of the Camp Tec*mseh YMCA culture. This includes everything from year-round staff hiring, to involvement on programmatic changes, to facility and grounds decisions to sharing the mission of camp with our community. I absolutely love telling the Camp Tec*mseh story and touring folks around camp whether for the first time or after being away for decades.

    Camp Experience: I have worked full-time at Camp Tec*mseh since 2007, for six summers each as the Day Camp Director and Summer Camp Directorand two years as theAssociate Executive Director. I started as CEO in 2021.Prior to Camp Tec*mseh I worked as the Day Camp and Youth Sports Director for the Chicago YMCA and served as a counselor. I also worked as a counselor at both Camp Tec*mseh and the Decatur (IL) YMCA during high school and college.

    Passionate about: Telling the Camp Tec*mseh story to anyone who will listen. This includes community leaders, alumni, donors, and others. It sounds cliche, but camp really does change lives and I love to talk about it.

    Most important lesson Camp teaches: You are loved! God loves each and every one of us and wants to have a relationship with us.

    Favorite Hobby: Basketball. It may be cliche given my above average height, but I love watching, playing and talking about basketball.

    Favorite Family Activities: Myfamily lovesto be outside – hiking, campfires, and riding bikes. My wife and I enjoy playing board games.

    How have I helped someone else: While working for the YMCA in Chicago, I performed CPR on a member on the racquetball court which led to the man surviving.

    Bucket List: Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.

    What do you want to learn: The ukulele. I’m not terribly musical, but would love to be able to play at camp. Plus, a big guy holding a “tiny guitar” makes a great impression!

    Joel Recommends: Talking to people face-to-face rather than via email or text. Wow, wouldn’t the world be so much better if people just sat down and talked to each other seeking to understand where each person was coming from?

    Joel lives at Camp Tec*mseh with his wife Renee, son Elijah and daughter Ayla. Joel graduated from Calvin College (Michigan) with a degree in Psychology and Recreation. After growing up around the YMCA, Joel has worked for the Y since age 15. Joel served on the YMCA Mid America Camping Conference Committee for 10 years and was the committee chair in 2014. Joel has attended and led various YMCA-USA trainings and currently holds his “Organizational Leader” certificate.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (7)
    Stacey Seeger

    Director of Development

    Contact Stacey

    Responsibilities: Annual fund & capital fundraising. Camperships. Alumni relations. Grants.Camp strategic leadership, as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp experience: My first Camp experience was visiting family Camp as a 7 year old. I participated in the pioneer heritage program in 3rd grade, and attended summer camp for 6 years. I worked 4 years as a counselor. I joined the full time staff in 2012.

    Passionate about: Ensuring children from all backgrounds have a wonderful camp experience. Summer camp is too important of an experience for a child to miss.

    Free Time:I love spending time with my family enjoying the great outdoors. You can often find us in main field letting our Golden Retriever run around.

    Community Involvement:I have been a Big Sister mentor since 2013.

    Self improvement/ Learn more about:Eating local farm goods

    Stacey recommends:Do yourself a favor and listen to a Podcast or two. Pick out something that interests you and give it a try.

    Stacey lives at Camp with her husband Jordan, who is also on staff, and sons Jack and Wesley. Stacey received her Bachelors in Social Work from Indiana University.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (8)

    Stacey Seeger

    Director of Development

    Contact Stacey

    Responsibilities: Annual fund & capital fundraising. Camperships. Alumni relations. Grants.Camp strategic leadership, as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp experience: My first Camp experience was visiting family Camp as a 7 year old. I participated in the pioneer heritage program in 3rd grade, and attended summer camp for 6 years. I worked 4 years as a counselor. I joined the full time staff in 2012.

    Passionate about: Ensuring children from all backgrounds have a wonderful camp experience. Summer camp is too important of an experience for a child to miss.

    Free Time:I love spending time with my family enjoying the great outdoors. You can often find us in main field letting our Golden Retriever run around.

    Community Involvement:I have been a Big Sister mentor since 2013.

    Self improvement/ Learn more about:Eating local farm goods

    Stacey recommends:Do yourself a favor and listen to a Podcast or two. Pick out something that interests you and give it a try.

    Stacey lives at Camp with her husband Jordan, who is also on staff, and sons Jack and Wesley. Stacey received her Bachelors in Social Work from Indiana University.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (9)
    Tom Elliott

    Associate Executive Director

    Contact Tom

    Responsibilities: Chief supporter of all program departments. Principal driver of new program generation. Member of the Senior Leadership Team. Point person for ACA Accreditation.

    Camp experience: As a directionless young adult from a foreign land, I signed up for one summer of fun in 1999! Little did I know how much it would change my life. The camp journey led me through twenty consecutive Camp Tec*mseh summers, filled with deep friendships, positive growth and endless learning. I poured myself into different positions as counselor, coordinator, asst. dir of the leadership center, village director, outdoor ed director and director of programs. After a few years away, I’m glad to be back helping create positive, growth filled experiences again.

    Passionate about:Helping others feel included, valued, and connected.

    Camp teaches us all how to:Love God, others, and ourselves well.

    Favorite series:The West Wing. Hands down!

    Free Time:Dog walking, cycling, family adventures (near and far), good food with friends.

    Loving others:Helping create an annual camp experience for kids in Cayambe, Ecuador.

    Bucket List:Live and work in the Iona community for a season with “the trouble and strife” (wife).

    Travel:Hiking in San Rafael National Park (Chile).

    Wants to learn:Spanish, and ballroom dancing.

    Favorite person:My wife Katrina (like the hurricane). We have such fun together.

    I was born and raised in Newcastle, England to hippy parents. Much of my childhood was filled with church, travel, Newcastle United, and numerous other people living with us who needed a leg up on life. Katrina and I met at camp, she fell for the accent (it was the only thing I had going for me) and we married a year later. We have three kids (two teenagers – Ouch!) and live in West Lafayette outside of the summer season. We all love being part of this positive, inspirational community.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (10)

    Tom Elliott

    Associate Executive Director

    Contact Tom

    Responsibilities: Chief supporter of all program departments. Principal driver of new program generation. Member of the Senior Leadership Team. Point person for ACA Accreditation.

    Camp experience: As a directionless young adult from a foreign land, I signed up for one summer of fun in 1999! Little did I know how much it would change my life. The camp journey led me through twenty consecutive Camp Tec*mseh summers, filled with deep friendships, positive growth and endless learning. I poured myself into different positions as counselor, coordinator, asst. dir of the leadership center, village director, outdoor ed director and director of programs. After a few years away, I’m glad to be back helping create positive, growth filled experiences again.

    Passionate about:Helping others feel included, valued, and connected.

    Camp teaches us all how to:Love God, others, and ourselves well.

    Favorite series:The West Wing. Hands down!

    Free Time:Dog walking, cycling, family adventures (near and far), good food with friends.

    Loving others:Helping create an annual camp experience for kids in Cayambe, Ecuador.

    Bucket List:Live and work in the Iona community for a season with “the trouble and strife” (wife).

    Travel:Hiking in San Rafael National Park (Chile).

    Wants to learn:Spanish, and ballroom dancing.

    Favorite person:My wife Katrina (like the hurricane). We have such fun together.

    I was born and raised in Newcastle, England to hippy parents. Much of my childhood was filled with church, travel, Newcastle United, and numerous other people living with us who needed a leg up on life. Katrina and I met at camp, she fell for the accent (it was the only thing I had going for me) and we married a year later. We have three kids (two teenagers – Ouch!) and live in West Lafayette outside of the summer season. We all love being part of this positive, inspirational community.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (11)
    Dana Mckinnis

    Chief Financial Officer

    Contact Dana


    • Stewardship of the camp’s finances.
    • Preparation of financial statements and budgets.
    • Oversight of the Trading Post stores.
    • Camp strategic leadership as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp experience: I attended Day Camp when I was young, and now my sons love attending.

    How I can help Camp: Ensure that the camp’s resources are best utilized to achieve its mission and vision.

    Camp teaches us all how to:Love God, others, and ourselves well.

    Nerd out about: Organizational strategy, time management, and British period dramas!

    Family Time: My kids enjoy the great experience of living in a neighborhood and participating in school and community sports and activities, while also being exposed to rural life with their grandparents and their dad actively farming. We love monthly trips to Children’s Museums and annual trips to the beach.

    Bucket travel list: Greece

    Dana lives in West Lafayette with her husband Neil and her two sons, Oscar and Asher. She received her BS and MS from Purdue University in Agricultural Economics.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (12)

    Dana Mckinnis

    Chief Financial Officer

    Contact Dana


    • Stewardship of the camp’s finances.
    • Preparation of financial statements and budgets.
    • Oversight of the Trading Post stores.
    • Camp strategic leadership as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp experience: I attended Day Camp when I was young, and now my sons love attending.

    How I can help Camp: Ensure that the camp’s resources are best utilized to achieve its mission and vision.

    Camp teaches us all how to:Love God, others, and ourselves well.

    Nerd out about: Organizational strategy, time management, and British period dramas!

    Family Time: My kids enjoy the great experience of living in a neighborhood and participating in school and community sports and activities, while also being exposed to rural life with their grandparents and their dad actively farming. We love monthly trips to Children’s Museums and annual trips to the beach.

    Bucket travel list: Greece

    Dana lives in West Lafayette with her husband Neil and her two sons, Oscar and Asher. She received her BS and MS from Purdue University in Agricultural Economics.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (13)
    Sam Hirt

    Director of Marketing

    Contact Sam

    Responsibilities: Telling the story of Camp Tec*mseh through digital and print media. Assist camp’s overall strategic vision as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp Experience:I spent a summer as videographer in 2014, and three years working for the American Camp Association, before coming back to Camp Tec*mseh as Marketing Director.

    Passionate about:Storytelling. Writing. Filmmaking. Relationships. Social Justice. The Environment.

    Free time: I love spending time with my wife, Arielle, and our son, Salem. I also spend a lot of time with family and friends in the Indy area.

    Nerdy About: Movies. Books. Large cargo ships on the Great Lakes.

    Community Involvement:I am on the national Staff Recruitment and Retention Steering Committee with the American Camp Association.

    Bucket List:Create a narrative film. Attend Wimbledon.

    Sam recommends reading: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and any screenplay by the Coen brothers.

    Sam is from Greencastle, Indiana and graduated from Hope College with a degree in English. He lives in Indianapolis with his wife, son, dog, and cat.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (14)

    Sam Hirt

    Director of Marketing

    Contact Sam

    Responsibilities: Telling the story of Camp Tec*mseh through digital and print media. Assist camp’s overall strategic vision as part of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Camp Experience:I spent a summer as videographer in 2014, and three years working for the American Camp Association, before coming back to Camp Tec*mseh as Marketing Director.

    Passionate about:Storytelling. Writing. Filmmaking. Relationships. Social Justice. The Environment.

    Free time: I love spending time with my wife, Arielle, and our son, Salem. I also spend a lot of time with family and friends in the Indy area.

    Nerdy About: Movies. Books. Large cargo ships on the Great Lakes.

    Community Involvement:I am on the national Staff Recruitment and Retention Steering Committee with the American Camp Association.

    Bucket List:Create a narrative film. Attend Wimbledon.

    Sam recommends reading: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and any screenplay by the Coen brothers.

    Sam is from Greencastle, Indiana and graduated from Hope College with a degree in English. He lives in Indianapolis with his wife, son, dog, and cat.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (15)
    Meg Piechocki

    Overnight Camp Director

    Contact Meg

    Responsibilities: Planning and executing summer camp, all red cross trainings, and managing the camp store.

    Camp Experience:I joined the team in 2010 as a summer camp counselor and never left. I joined the full-time team in 2013.

    Passionate about:The impact camp has on each and every individual that can experience it!

    Free time:I spend my free time chasing my children (Adeline & Liam), hiking around camp with the family, baking delicious sweet treats, and traveling when time allows.

    Nerdy about:Leadership development theories, Nicholas Sparks books, and baking all the things!

    Travel Wish:Leave the country at least once a year and visit all of the Caribbean Islands

    Bucket List:Visit all the National Parks

    Meg recommends:Reading the Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

    Meg lives at Camp with her husband Ross, daughter Adeline, son Liam, and dog Triscuit. She received her Masters of Science from Purdue University in Organizational Leadership in 2018. Meg is a certified pool operator, lifeguard instructor trainer, and Water Safety Instructor.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (16)

    Meg Piechocki

    Overnight Camp Director

    Contact Meg

    Responsibilities: Planning and executing summer camp, all red cross trainings, and managing the camp store.

    Camp Experience:I joined the team in 2010 as a summer camp counselor and never left. I joined the full-time team in 2013.

    Passionate about:The impact camp has on each and every individual that can experience it!

    Free time:I spend my free time chasing my children (Adeline & Liam), hiking around camp with the family, baking delicious sweet treats, and traveling when time allows.

    Nerdy about:Leadership development theories, Nicholas Sparks books, and baking all the things!

    Travel Wish:Leave the country at least once a year and visit all of the Caribbean Islands

    Bucket List:Visit all the National Parks

    Meg recommends:Reading the Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor

    Meg lives at Camp with her husband Ross, daughter Adeline, son Liam, and dog Triscuit. She received her Masters of Science from Purdue University in Organizational Leadership in 2018. Meg is a certified pool operator, lifeguard instructor trainer, and Water Safety Instructor.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (17)
    Dayna Hatter

    Assistant Overnight Camp Director

    Contact Dayna

    Responsibilities: Working with the Overnight Camp Director to recruit and hire staff that will be role models to our campers, Working with new and returning mentor groups to provide the camp experience to bring many kids to camp. Managing Trading post.

    Camp Experience: My first year at camp was 2012 as a summer camp counselor and I started full-time January 2019. During that time I served camp as a Counselor, Unit Coordinator, Assistant Village Director and Outdoor Education staff.

    Camp is special because: Camp is a place of growth. We see that growth summer after summer in our campers who brave new things everyday without fear of failure. We see it in our staff who truly believe in the impact of camp and want to give every kid the best experience. And we see it in ourselves, constantly working harder to improve how we support our staff so they can give their all to our kids.

    Making Camp better: I have been given so many opportunities to learn and grow from full time staff and I want to give everything I have gotten and more to our staff so they continue to develop into their best selves so that they can make the best experiences with the kids that come to camp through any program.

    Special talent: Handstands. Or crying immediately when watching cute animal videos.

    Helping Others: Coming to camp. I have always wanted to work with kids and never found the right opportunity or put myself out there. Camp gives me the ability to make a difference in so many lives, including my own.

    Travel:Brazil to see my best friend orIreland to see all of the green landscape, historic crosses and churches and experience an incredible culture.

    Nerdy about: Science and nature. Hiking with me always takes twice as long because I have to stop so often to identify or ask questions about what I’m seeing.

    What to learn: To speak another language.

    Bucket List: To have enough money to open an etsy store and try out all of the latest craft trends.

    Dayna Recommends: Grey’s Anatomy. It’s full of helpful life advice, teaches people to be more empathetic and lets you have a good cry once in awhile… or every episode…

    Dayna grew up in the Chicago suburbs with her parents and two sisters. She was a competitive gymnast for about 8 years, and began coaching recreational and pre team gymnastics shortly after. She now lives at camp and is blessed to have the best backyard in the world.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (18)

    Dayna Hatter

    Assistant Overnight Camp Director

    Contact Dayna

    Responsibilities: Working with the Overnight Camp Director to recruit and hire staff that will be role models to our campers, Working with new and returning mentor groups to provide the camp experience to bring many kids to camp. Managing Trading post.

    Camp Experience: My first year at camp was 2012 as a summer camp counselor and I started full-time January 2019. During that time I served camp as a Counselor, Unit Coordinator, Assistant Village Director and Outdoor Education staff.

    Camp is special because: Camp is a place of growth. We see that growth summer after summer in our campers who brave new things everyday without fear of failure. We see it in our staff who truly believe in the impact of camp and want to give every kid the best experience. And we see it in ourselves, constantly working harder to improve how we support our staff so they can give their all to our kids.

    Making Camp better: I have been given so many opportunities to learn and grow from full time staff and I want to give everything I have gotten and more to our staff so they continue to develop into their best selves so that they can make the best experiences with the kids that come to camp through any program.

    Special talent: Handstands. Or crying immediately when watching cute animal videos.

    Helping Others: Coming to camp. I have always wanted to work with kids and never found the right opportunity or put myself out there. Camp gives me the ability to make a difference in so many lives, including my own.

    Travel:Brazil to see my best friend orIreland to see all of the green landscape, historic crosses and churches and experience an incredible culture.

    Nerdy about: Science and nature. Hiking with me always takes twice as long because I have to stop so often to identify or ask questions about what I’m seeing.

    What to learn: To speak another language.

    Bucket List: To have enough money to open an etsy store and try out all of the latest craft trends.

    Dayna Recommends: Grey’s Anatomy. It’s full of helpful life advice, teaches people to be more empathetic and lets you have a good cry once in awhile… or every episode…

    Dayna grew up in the Chicago suburbs with her parents and two sisters. She was a competitive gymnast for about 8 years, and began coaching recreational and pre team gymnastics shortly after. She now lives at camp and is blessed to have the best backyard in the world.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (19)
    Sean Maney

    Day Camp Director

    Contact Sean

    Responsibilities:Implementation of the Day Camp Program, hiring staff, coordinating trail groups, developing activities, implementing and executing weekend programs September-May. Assists in leading Red Cross lifeguarding and CPR classes.

    Camp Experience: I first came to Tec*mseh as a camper in 2007 and worked on staff from 2015 – 2018 in various positions. After a few years away from Camp I am thrilled to be back working full time!

    How I can help camp:Help create an environment that kids feel safe and loved in everything they do.

    Free time: Video games, watching/playing any and all sports, eating Goldfish, singing songs to myself.

    Bucket List:Seeing a soccer game at Anfield (Liverpool’s stadium).

    Nerdy About: Watching car detailing videos on Youtube

    Sean grew up in the Chicago suburbs, and graduated from Michigan State University with a Criminal Justice degree. He previously worked in the education field before joining the Camp team.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (20)

    Sean Maney

    Day Camp Director

    Contact Sean

    Responsibilities:Implementation of the Day Camp Program, hiring staff, coordinating trail groups, developing activities, implementing and executing weekend programs September-May. Assists in leading Red Cross lifeguarding and CPR classes.

    Camp Experience: I first came to Tec*mseh as a camper in 2007 and worked on staff from 2015 – 2018 in various positions. After a few years away from Camp I am thrilled to be back working full time!

    How I can help camp:Help create an environment that kids feel safe and loved in everything they do.

    Free time: Video games, watching/playing any and all sports, eating Goldfish, singing songs to myself.

    Bucket List:Seeing a soccer game at Anfield (Liverpool’s stadium).

    Nerdy About: Watching car detailing videos on Youtube

    Sean grew up in the Chicago suburbs, and graduated from Michigan State University with a Criminal Justice degree. He previously worked in the education field before joining the Camp team.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (21)
    Joy McCauley

    Groups & Conferences Director

    Contact Joy

    Responsibilities:Coordinating with groups to help them achieve their organization’s mission. Booking, contracting, and planning, leading activities & programs.

    Camp Experience:My first year at camp was in 1999 as a summer camper and I started full-time August 2013. During that time, I graduated from the summer camp program, worked as a Day and Overnight counselor, Assistant River Village Director, Assistant High Ropes Director and Outdoor Education Guru.

    How are you trying to make camp better:I want everyone who comes to Camp to feel like they have a place where they belong and are loved.

    Free Time:I love to travel with family and friends.

    Favorite Hobby:It’s a tie between baking and “voluntelling” my husband to do pinterest projects around the house.

    How do I make a difference:I use my smile to change the world. There is a hidden power in smiles and it can make all the difference.

    Bucket List:I would really love to get my pilots license.

    Something I want to learn:how to whistle with my fingers.

    Favorite Movies:Indiana Jones series

    Joy Recommends:Explosive by Bond

    Joy is fortunate to live at camp with her husband Nick and their kids, Owen and Moira. She received her Bachelors in Law Enforcement and Masters in Recreation from Western Illinois University. Before coming to Camp Tec*mseh Joy worked as a Challenge Course Manager for Horn Field Campus, a Special Education Paraprofessional and a stay-at-home mom. During the summer months she oversees the use of the climbing walls and zip lines.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (22)

    Joy McCauley

    Groups & Conferences Director

    Contact Joy

    Responsibilities:Coordinating with groups to help them achieve their organization’s mission. Booking, contracting, and planning, leading activities & programs.

    Camp Experience:My first year at camp was in 1999 as a summer camper and I started full-time August 2013. During that time, I graduated from the summer camp program, worked as a Day and Overnight counselor, Assistant River Village Director, Assistant High Ropes Director and Outdoor Education Guru.

    How are you trying to make camp better:I want everyone who comes to Camp to feel like they have a place where they belong and are loved.

    Free Time:I love to travel with family and friends.

    Favorite Hobby:It’s a tie between baking and “voluntelling” my husband to do pinterest projects around the house.

    How do I make a difference:I use my smile to change the world. There is a hidden power in smiles and it can make all the difference.

    Bucket List:I would really love to get my pilots license.

    Something I want to learn:how to whistle with my fingers.

    Favorite Movies:Indiana Jones series

    Joy Recommends:Explosive by Bond

    Joy is fortunate to live at camp with her husband Nick and their kids, Owen and Moira. She received her Bachelors in Law Enforcement and Masters in Recreation from Western Illinois University. Before coming to Camp Tec*mseh Joy worked as a Challenge Course Manager for Horn Field Campus, a Special Education Paraprofessional and a stay-at-home mom. During the summer months she oversees the use of the climbing walls and zip lines.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (23)
    Rob Hatter

    Retreats Associate & Lake Village Director

    Contact Rob

    Responsible for: Program area supplies and upkeep. Executing weekend retreats. Overseeing training, equipment, and procedures for shooting sports. Singing songs. Telling bad jokes.

    Camp Experience: I started in 2009 as a part-time weekend staff. I joined the full-time team in August of 2016. I also spent 4 seasons working Outdoor Education under the pseudonym “Reindeer” and two seasons as a high ropes and shooting sports assistant during the summer. \\

    Camp teaches: It’s vital for people to connect on a vulnerable level to better understand the experiences of others.

    Free time: I’ll say it: Netflix. When i’m not watching comedies, you’ll find me reading in a hammock or researching my newest random interest.

    Nerdy about: Doctor Who, M*A*S*H, Supernatural, Dancing, Yoyos.

    Empowering people: My high school teachers went the extra mile to make a difference for people like me. They made me realize that everybody is capable if they put in the effort.

    Bucket List: Skydiving

    Travel Wish: New Zealand, Scotland, Brazil. On a budget: visiting my parents

    Something you want to learn: American Sign Language

    Something you are working towards: My degree in Business Management

    Rob recommends: Getting up tomorrow and doing whatever you’re not doing now. Someday is never going to show up. Get to work.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (24)

    Rob Hatter

    Retreats Associate & Lake Village Director

    Contact Rob

    Responsible for: Program area supplies and upkeep. Executing weekend retreats. Overseeing training, equipment, and procedures for shooting sports. Singing songs. Telling bad jokes.

    Camp Experience: I started in 2009 as a part-time weekend staff. I joined the full-time team in August of 2016. I also spent 4 seasons working Outdoor Education under the pseudonym “Reindeer” and two seasons as a high ropes and shooting sports assistant during the summer. \\

    Camp teaches: It’s vital for people to connect on a vulnerable level to better understand the experiences of others.

    Free time: I’ll say it: Netflix. When i’m not watching comedies, you’ll find me reading in a hammock or researching my newest random interest.

    Nerdy about: Doctor Who, M*A*S*H, Supernatural, Dancing, Yoyos.

    Empowering people: My high school teachers went the extra mile to make a difference for people like me. They made me realize that everybody is capable if they put in the effort.

    Bucket List: Skydiving

    Travel Wish: New Zealand, Scotland, Brazil. On a budget: visiting my parents

    Something you want to learn: American Sign Language

    Something you are working towards: My degree in Business Management

    Rob recommends: Getting up tomorrow and doing whatever you’re not doing now. Someday is never going to show up. Get to work.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (25)
    Whitney Ericksen

    Retreats Associate & High Ropes Director

    Contact Whitney

    Responsibilities: Executing weekend and retreat groups, overseeing training, equipment and procedures for high ropes, making sure the box turtles are safe around camp, and lifting heavy things.

    Camp Experience:Started working at Camp Tec*mseh in 2019 working with outdoor education, weekend groups, and as the adventure sports specialist in the summer.

    How are you trying to make camp better:Showing kindness and love to everyone that comes to camp. I want everyone to feel like they have a place where they belong.

    Free time: Hiking and exploring new places, hanging out with my puppy, going on runs, and hot yoga!

    Travel Goals:Antarctica and Banff National Park in Canada.

    Bucket List:See a moose in the wild, hike all of the Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail, and visit all 7 continents (4/7 so far!).

    Nerdy About: Anything and everything ocean related, especially sea turtles!

    Whitney grew up in Minnesota and, since graduating, has moved to Australia, Florida, and now Indiana. She is in the midst of finishing her degree in Biology at the University of Central Florida.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (26)

    Whitney Ericksen

    Retreats Associate & High Ropes Director

    Contact Whitney

    Responsibilities: Executing weekend and retreat groups, overseeing training, equipment and procedures for high ropes, making sure the box turtles are safe around camp, and lifting heavy things.

    Camp Experience:Started working at Camp Tec*mseh in 2019 working with outdoor education, weekend groups, and as the adventure sports specialist in the summer.

    How are you trying to make camp better:Showing kindness and love to everyone that comes to camp. I want everyone to feel like they have a place where they belong.

    Free time: Hiking and exploring new places, hanging out with my puppy, going on runs, and hot yoga!

    Travel Goals:Antarctica and Banff National Park in Canada.

    Bucket List:See a moose in the wild, hike all of the Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail, and visit all 7 continents (4/7 so far!).

    Nerdy About: Anything and everything ocean related, especially sea turtles!

    Whitney grew up in Minnesota and, since graduating, has moved to Australia, Florida, and now Indiana. She is in the midst of finishing her degree in Biology at the University of Central Florida.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (27)
    Adam Ayres

    Retreats Associate & River Village Director

    Contact Adam

    Responsibilities: Executing weekend retreats and outdoor education school group experiences. Oversight of aquatic, target sports, and high ropes program areas and staff.

    Camp Experience: I started at Camp Tec*mseh in 2003 as a Day Camp Counselor and eventually became part of the full-time staff in the summer of 2011. I spent 4 summers working at YMCA Camps in Texas in various roles before returning home to Camp Tec*mseh in 2021.

    Camp Teaches:The importance and power of loving people for who they are and where they are at in life.

    Free Time:I like to spend time with friends and family. I also love watching sports both live and from the couch.

    Nerdy About:Indiana University sports, Oklahoma State Football, The Colts, Indycar, and HGTV.

    Empowering People:My parents always allowed me to define my own path to success. They were always there to support me but also allowed me to learn from mistakes I made along the way.

    Bucket List:Attend the Masters Tournament. Go to Hawaii. Meet Garth Brooks.

    Travel Wish:New Zealand, Norway, and Travel around Europe.

    Something you want to learn:Woodworking. Being able to make furniture would be awesome.

    Adam Recommends: Take time each week to call one of your friends or family. You never know how much it could mean to them.

    Adam lives at Camp Tec*mseh with his wife Natalie and two dogs, Lyla and Lucy. Adam graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management. Adam grew up in the Indianapolis area but camp has always felt like home. He met his wife at camp, they got married at camp and are excited to be back at camp helping others create lifelong friendships and memories.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (28)

    Adam Ayres

    Retreats Associate & River Village Director

    Contact Adam

    Responsibilities: Executing weekend retreats and outdoor education school group experiences. Oversight of aquatic, target sports, and high ropes program areas and staff.

    Camp Experience: I started at Camp Tec*mseh in 2003 as a Day Camp Counselor and eventually became part of the full-time staff in the summer of 2011. I spent 4 summers working at YMCA Camps in Texas in various roles before returning home to Camp Tec*mseh in 2021.

    Camp Teaches:The importance and power of loving people for who they are and where they are at in life.

    Free Time:I like to spend time with friends and family. I also love watching sports both live and from the couch.

    Nerdy About:Indiana University sports, Oklahoma State Football, The Colts, Indycar, and HGTV.

    Empowering People:My parents always allowed me to define my own path to success. They were always there to support me but also allowed me to learn from mistakes I made along the way.

    Bucket List:Attend the Masters Tournament. Go to Hawaii. Meet Garth Brooks.

    Travel Wish:New Zealand, Norway, and Travel around Europe.

    Something you want to learn:Woodworking. Being able to make furniture would be awesome.

    Adam Recommends: Take time each week to call one of your friends or family. You never know how much it could mean to them.

    Adam lives at Camp Tec*mseh with his wife Natalie and two dogs, Lyla and Lucy. Adam graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management. Adam grew up in the Indianapolis area but camp has always felt like home. He met his wife at camp, they got married at camp and are excited to be back at camp helping others create lifelong friendships and memories.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (29)
    Lauren Buchanan

    Outdoor Education Director

    Contact Lauren

    Responsibilities: Curriculum development and management of the Outdoor Education department, and overseeing Lake Village during overnight camp.

    Camp Experience: I was lucky enough to attend camp through our Outdoor Education department as an elementary student and again through RYLA growing up. My first year on staff was 2014 as a summer camp counselor and I returned through various years and seasons as a weekend staffer, equestrian counselor, barn staff, and seasonal outdoor education instructor. I am excited to be joining the full time staff in 2021 after spending several years away in my first career as a teacher.

    Free Time: Reading, cooking, gardening, finding the best coffee in town.

    Favorite Show: Gilmore Girls or the Good Place.

    How do I make a difference: Through the OE department, I want to give school communities the opportunity to grow their relationships and experiences with each other beyond the classroom to create lifelong bonds and to create learning experiences that will spark the creativity and curiosity of students past their camp experience!

    Nerdy about: History. Once a history teacher, always a history teacher.

    What I want to learn: How to compost!

    Lauren Recommends: Rest. Think about what it means to really care for your mind, body, and spirit. Create a meaningful and joyful life, not just a busy life.

    Lauren grew up in the West Lafayette area and graduated from Hanover College with a Bachelors in Spanish. After her undergrad she lived in Memphis, Tennessee where she graduated from Union University with a Masters in Urban Education and was a middle school social studies teacher for four years. Lauren is a licensed 6-12 Secondary History and Spanish teacher as well as an alumnus of the Memphis Teacher Residency.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (30)

    Lauren Buchanan

    Outdoor Education Director

    Contact Lauren

    Responsibilities: Curriculum development and management of the Outdoor Education department, and overseeing Lake Village during overnight camp.

    Camp Experience: I was lucky enough to attend camp through our Outdoor Education department as an elementary student and again through RYLA growing up. My first year on staff was 2014 as a summer camp counselor and I returned through various years and seasons as a weekend staffer, equestrian counselor, barn staff, and seasonal outdoor education instructor. I am excited to be joining the full time staff in 2021 after spending several years away in my first career as a teacher.

    Free Time: Reading, cooking, gardening, finding the best coffee in town.

    Favorite Show: Gilmore Girls or the Good Place.

    How do I make a difference: Through the OE department, I want to give school communities the opportunity to grow their relationships and experiences with each other beyond the classroom to create lifelong bonds and to create learning experiences that will spark the creativity and curiosity of students past their camp experience!

    Nerdy about: History. Once a history teacher, always a history teacher.

    What I want to learn: How to compost!

    Lauren Recommends: Rest. Think about what it means to really care for your mind, body, and spirit. Create a meaningful and joyful life, not just a busy life.

    Lauren grew up in the West Lafayette area and graduated from Hanover College with a Bachelors in Spanish. After her undergrad she lived in Memphis, Tennessee where she graduated from Union University with a Masters in Urban Education and was a middle school social studies teacher for four years. Lauren is a licensed 6-12 Secondary History and Spanish teacher as well as an alumnus of the Memphis Teacher Residency.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (31)
    Keith Kalish

    OE Associate & Nature Center Coordinator

    Contact Keith

    Responsibilities: OE programs and supplies, Nature Center oversight, Beekeeping. Summer program areas and supplies.

    Camp Experience: I started in 2006 as an Outdoor Education leader, and a cabin counselor. I joined the team in 2007 working for OE these last 10 years.

    Passionate about: Getting people to experience the outdoors and nature in a positive way. Camp teaches the values of caring and sharing nature with ourselves and others.

    Bucket List: Hammock in all 50 states. Visit every national park.

    Community Involvement: I volunteer with the United Methodist Church in Delphi with their children ministry and creation care ministry. I assist with the camp team in donating lost and found to local and national organization.

    Keith graduated from MacMurray College with a BA in Religious Studies and Philosophy. He received an MA in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. He is a Certified Interpretive Guide through the National Association of Interpretation. He’s Camp’s beekeeper.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (32)

    Keith Kalish

    OE Associate & Nature Center Coordinator

    Contact Keith

    Responsibilities: OE programs and supplies, Nature Center oversight, Beekeeping. Summer program areas and supplies.

    Camp Experience: I started in 2006 as an Outdoor Education leader, and a cabin counselor. I joined the team in 2007 working for OE these last 10 years.

    Passionate about: Getting people to experience the outdoors and nature in a positive way. Camp teaches the values of caring and sharing nature with ourselves and others.

    Bucket List: Hammock in all 50 states. Visit every national park.

    Community Involvement: I volunteer with the United Methodist Church in Delphi with their children ministry and creation care ministry. I assist with the camp team in donating lost and found to local and national organization.

    Keith graduated from MacMurray College with a BA in Religious Studies and Philosophy. He received an MA in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. He is a Certified Interpretive Guide through the National Association of Interpretation. He’s Camp’s beekeeper.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (33)
    Kaleb Buchanan

    OE Associate & Village Director

    Contact Kaleb

    Responsibilities: OE programs and staff support during the fall and spring. Overseeing River Village during the summer.

    Camp Experience: I started my camping career as a summer camp counselor at YMCA Camp Carson in 2017 and started doing year-round camp programs across the country in 2019. I was lucky enough to be a part of the Outdoor Education Department here at Tec*mseh starting in the fall of 2021.

    Free time: Playing guitar, reading, video games, hiking, and running.

    Favorite show: The Office or New Girl.

    Nerdy about: Rock climbing and shooting sports.

    What I want to learn: How to make maple syrup.

    Kaleb recommends: Taking life one day at a time, because if you take it two days at a time, you’re time traveling.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (34)

    Kaleb Buchanan

    OE Associate & Village Director

    Contact Kaleb

    Responsibilities: OE programs and staff support during the fall and spring. Overseeing River Village during the summer.

    Camp Experience: I started my camping career as a summer camp counselor at YMCA Camp Carson in 2017 and started doing year-round camp programs across the country in 2019. I was lucky enough to be a part of the Outdoor Education Department here at Tec*mseh starting in the fall of 2021.

    Free time: Playing guitar, reading, video games, hiking, and running.

    Favorite show: The Office or New Girl.

    Nerdy about: Rock climbing and shooting sports.

    What I want to learn: How to make maple syrup.

    Kaleb recommends: Taking life one day at a time, because if you take it two days at a time, you’re time traveling.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (35)
    Sydney Maney

    OE Associate & River Village Director

    Contact Sydney

    Responsibilities: OE programs and staff support during the fall and spring. Overseeing River Village during the summer.

    Camp Experience: I joined the Camp Tec*mseh family first as an Overnight Counselor in the summer of 2017. I continued to return to the Overnight staff as a Unit Coordinator and River Village Assistant Director. I am so pumped to join the full time staff!

    How I can help at Camp: Everyone has so much they can learn at camp: how to be a better person, student, sibling, co-worker, classmate, or friend. I hope to help everyone who comes to camp grow in these areas.

    Free time: Reading, going to Target, Netflix.

    Favorite show: The Kardashians (Hulu version).

    Travel wish: Greece, so I can pretend I’m in Mamma Mia.

    Nerdy about: All things Marvel.

    Sydney recommends: Any form of potato: fried, baked, mashed, etc.

    Sydney grew up in Crawfordsville, IN and graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education. She then taught 4th grade and 6th grade ELA. She is so excited to make the change from teaching & learning in an indoor classroom to an outdoor classroom!

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (36)

    Sydney Maney

    OE Associate & River Village Director

    Contact Sydney

    Responsibilities: OE programs and staff support during the fall and spring. Overseeing River Village during the summer.

    Camp Experience: I joined the Camp Tec*mseh family first as an Overnight Counselor in the summer of 2017. I continued to return to the Overnight staff as a Unit Coordinator and River Village Assistant Director. I am so pumped to join the full time staff!

    How I can help at Camp: Everyone has so much they can learn at camp: how to be a better person, student, sibling, co-worker, classmate, or friend. I hope to help everyone who comes to camp grow in these areas.

    Free time: Reading, going to Target, Netflix.

    Favorite show: The Kardashians (Hulu version).

    Travel wish: Greece, so I can pretend I’m in Mamma Mia.

    Nerdy about: All things Marvel.

    Sydney recommends: Any form of potato: fried, baked, mashed, etc.

    Sydney grew up in Crawfordsville, IN and graduated from Ball State University with a Bachelors in Elementary Education. She then taught 4th grade and 6th grade ELA. She is so excited to make the change from teaching & learning in an indoor classroom to an outdoor classroom!

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (37)
    Rachel Naylor

    OE Associate & Lake Village Director

    Contact Rachel

    Responsibilities: Facilitating memorable outdoor experiences for students who come with their schools for field trips, and being the River Village Assistant Director during summer camp!

    Camp Experience: I first came to camp when I was eight years old for my first week of overnight camp, and immediately, fell in love. When I came home from that first week, I knew that when I grew up, I wanted to be a Camp Tec*mseh counselor. I spent 9 summers as a camper, and then finally got to work overnight camp as a counselor. Four summers in a cabin and a few on support staff have led me to where I am now.

    Free time: Usually spent working on my latest craft obsession, catching up on a TV show, or trying new coffee shops.

    Favorite show: Parks & Recreation.

    Passionate about: Creating spaces for people to get to experience the outdoors! Camp is an incredible place for people to try new things, make lasting friendships, and connect with nature around them. I’m lucky to get to help cultivate those experiences for others daily.

    Rachel recommends: Evening walks to view the sunset, with music that brings you joy playing while you walk.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (38)

    Rachel Naylor

    OE Associate & Lake Village Director

    Contact Rachel

    Responsibilities: Facilitating memorable outdoor experiences for students who come with their schools for field trips, and being the River Village Assistant Director during summer camp!

    Camp Experience: I first came to camp when I was eight years old for my first week of overnight camp, and immediately, fell in love. When I came home from that first week, I knew that when I grew up, I wanted to be a Camp Tec*mseh counselor. I spent 9 summers as a camper, and then finally got to work overnight camp as a counselor. Four summers in a cabin and a few on support staff have led me to where I am now.

    Free time: Usually spent working on my latest craft obsession, catching up on a TV show, or trying new coffee shops.

    Favorite show: Parks & Recreation.

    Passionate about: Creating spaces for people to get to experience the outdoors! Camp is an incredible place for people to try new things, make lasting friendships, and connect with nature around them. I’m lucky to get to help cultivate those experiences for others daily.

    Rachel recommends: Evening walks to view the sunset, with music that brings you joy playing while you walk.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (39)
    Sheila Wilimitis

    OE Associate & Chapel Coordinator

    Contact Sheila

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (40)

    Sheila Wilimitis

    OE Associate & Chapel Coordinator

    Contact Sheila

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (41)
    Amie Gleason

    Equestrian Director

    Contact Amie

    Responsibilities: Feeding and care of 60horses and a wide variety of mini farm animals, providing safe trail rides to our weekend guests, organizing and running the horsemanship barn in the summer, running the Equestrian day camp program, and the oversight of the entire Equestrian program

    Camp Experience:Amie arrived at camp in October of 1999 as the assistant Equestrian Director. In 2002, Amie became the Equestrian Director where she has been ever since.

    Passionate About: Using the horse to teach the kidsmore about themselves. There areno secrets around horses and they are honest everything they do. They can help bring to the surface things we might be dealing with. Often times a break through on the horse can lead to a break through in real life and it’s great to facilitate that.

    Hobbies: Riding my horse, Keeghan, whenever I can.

    Free time:Attending all of my kid’s sporting events and school activities.

    Favorite Movie:Hotel Transylvania; pretty much anything lighthearted and entertaining!

    Community Involvement: I’ve been an assistant varsity volleyball coach for the past 3 years. I love encouraging the girls to do their best and celebrating with them when they win, achieve a milestone, or improve. I also coach junior high basketball.

    Travel Wish:Alaska

    Bucket List:FIFA World Cup Game (for the atmosphere!)

    Amie recommends:Go to Disney World! Don’t just go around trying to cram everything in. Enjoy your time and don’t hold yourself to a schedule.

    Amie lives at camp with her husband Ben and 3 children Gavin, Reagan, and Braydn. She graduated from Houghton College in New York with a degree in business and a minor in Equestrian Studies. She is also a CHA accredited instructor.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (42)

    Amie Gleason

    Equestrian Director

    Contact Amie

    Responsibilities: Feeding and care of 60horses and a wide variety of mini farm animals, providing safe trail rides to our weekend guests, organizing and running the horsemanship barn in the summer, running the Equestrian day camp program, and the oversight of the entire Equestrian program

    Camp Experience:Amie arrived at camp in October of 1999 as the assistant Equestrian Director. In 2002, Amie became the Equestrian Director where she has been ever since.

    Passionate About: Using the horse to teach the kidsmore about themselves. There areno secrets around horses and they are honest everything they do. They can help bring to the surface things we might be dealing with. Often times a break through on the horse can lead to a break through in real life and it’s great to facilitate that.

    Hobbies: Riding my horse, Keeghan, whenever I can.

    Free time:Attending all of my kid’s sporting events and school activities.

    Favorite Movie:Hotel Transylvania; pretty much anything lighthearted and entertaining!

    Community Involvement: I’ve been an assistant varsity volleyball coach for the past 3 years. I love encouraging the girls to do their best and celebrating with them when they win, achieve a milestone, or improve. I also coach junior high basketball.

    Travel Wish:Alaska

    Bucket List:FIFA World Cup Game (for the atmosphere!)

    Amie recommends:Go to Disney World! Don’t just go around trying to cram everything in. Enjoy your time and don’t hold yourself to a schedule.

    Amie lives at camp with her husband Ben and 3 children Gavin, Reagan, and Braydn. She graduated from Houghton College in New York with a degree in business and a minor in Equestrian Studies. She is also a CHA accredited instructor.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (43)
    Mary Anne Hunsberger

    Assistant Equestrian Director

    Contact Mary Anne

    Responsibilities: Feeding and caring for a herd of 60 horses and a variety of mini farm animals, running weekend trail rides, and implementing an Equestrian Camp program for 35 campers each week during the summer.

    Camp Experience: Mary Anne arrived at camp in May 2004 as an equestrian camp counselor and joined the full time Outdoor Education crew in August of 2004. Within a year she moved into the assistant Equestrian Director position where she has been ever since.

    Why Camp is special: Camp is an amazing place where you can be free to be the person you were meant to be, your true self, not bound by societal norms or the pressures of school and family.

    Passionate about:Helping kids getting to know and understand their horses in such a way that they become dance partners, moving as onearound the arena. We teach the kids how the horse thinks so that they can gain a better understanding of why the horse does what they do and then be able to adapt and work with them, not against them.

    Free Time: Running/exercising and just spending quality free time with the special folks in my life

    Favorite Show: NCIS

    Community Involvement: Since 2014, Mary Anne has been coaching junior high volleyball at a local school. At this stage in life, it’s more than just about teaching them the skills of the sport. It’s about teaching them to become good teammates, gracious whether they win or lose, and the value of hard work.

    Travel Wish: New Zealand

    Working Towards: I amworking towards earning my “Spartan trifecta”. I have earned the first two parts of the trifecta by running a Spartan Sprint and Super raceand will earn the last piece in December by running the “Beast”.

    Mary Anne Recommends: Visiting Bryce Canyon in Utah, especially when covered in snow.

    Mary Anne lives at camp with her dog Duke. She graduated with honors from Purdue University in 2002 with a degree in Animal Science. After 18 months in graduate school, Mary Anne felt the call to move on to a different purpose for her life and left school to join camp as a counselor where God made a path to full time employment.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (44)

    Mary Anne Hunsberger

    Assistant Equestrian Director

    Contact Mary Anne

    Responsibilities: Feeding and caring for a herd of 60 horses and a variety of mini farm animals, running weekend trail rides, and implementing an Equestrian Camp program for 35 campers each week during the summer.

    Camp Experience: Mary Anne arrived at camp in May 2004 as an equestrian camp counselor and joined the full time Outdoor Education crew in August of 2004. Within a year she moved into the assistant Equestrian Director position where she has been ever since.

    Why Camp is special: Camp is an amazing place where you can be free to be the person you were meant to be, your true self, not bound by societal norms or the pressures of school and family.

    Passionate about:Helping kids getting to know and understand their horses in such a way that they become dance partners, moving as onearound the arena. We teach the kids how the horse thinks so that they can gain a better understanding of why the horse does what they do and then be able to adapt and work with them, not against them.

    Free Time: Running/exercising and just spending quality free time with the special folks in my life

    Favorite Show: NCIS

    Community Involvement: Since 2014, Mary Anne has been coaching junior high volleyball at a local school. At this stage in life, it’s more than just about teaching them the skills of the sport. It’s about teaching them to become good teammates, gracious whether they win or lose, and the value of hard work.

    Travel Wish: New Zealand

    Working Towards: I amworking towards earning my “Spartan trifecta”. I have earned the first two parts of the trifecta by running a Spartan Sprint and Super raceand will earn the last piece in December by running the “Beast”.

    Mary Anne Recommends: Visiting Bryce Canyon in Utah, especially when covered in snow.

    Mary Anne lives at camp with her dog Duke. She graduated with honors from Purdue University in 2002 with a degree in Animal Science. After 18 months in graduate school, Mary Anne felt the call to move on to a different purpose for her life and left school to join camp as a counselor where God made a path to full time employment.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (45)
    Ashley McDaniels

    Director of Human Resources

    Contact Ashley

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (46)

    Ashley McDaniels

    Director of Human Resources

    Contact Ashley

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    Nikita Parsons

    Business Director

    Contact Nikita

    Responsible for: Payroll. Accounts Payable. Employee on-boarding. Employee insurance.

    Camp Experience:I never knew about Camp Tec*mseh as a kid but am fortunate that I was able to hear about Camp and join the full time team in the summer of 2014. Camp is a wonderful place with an amazing, indescribable atmosphere.

    Passionate about:At home, I’m passionate about my family and at work I’m passionate about payroll! They both keep me on my toes!

    Free Time:You can find my family spending time together outside, at the lake, or going on other adventures together!

    Travel Wish:I’ve always dreamed of seeing Alaska and Montana!

    Nikita recommends:Taking time to do what makes you happy! I, myself, like to get out most mornings before anyone wakes up and go for a nice run while watching the sun rise!

    Nikita lives in Chalmers with her husband Jerad, son Jayce, and daughter Haley. She grew up around Logansport, IN and graduated from Ivy Tech with an Associate’s Degree in Elementary Education.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (48)

    Nikita Parsons

    Business Director

    Contact Nikita

    Responsible for: Payroll. Accounts Payable. Employee on-boarding. Employee insurance.

    Camp Experience:I never knew about Camp Tec*mseh as a kid but am fortunate that I was able to hear about Camp and join the full time team in the summer of 2014. Camp is a wonderful place with an amazing, indescribable atmosphere.

    Passionate about:At home, I’m passionate about my family and at work I’m passionate about payroll! They both keep me on my toes!

    Free Time:You can find my family spending time together outside, at the lake, or going on other adventures together!

    Travel Wish:I’ve always dreamed of seeing Alaska and Montana!

    Nikita recommends:Taking time to do what makes you happy! I, myself, like to get out most mornings before anyone wakes up and go for a nice run while watching the sun rise!

    Nikita lives in Chalmers with her husband Jerad, son Jayce, and daughter Haley. She grew up around Logansport, IN and graduated from Ivy Tech with an Associate’s Degree in Elementary Education.

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    Jamie Jones


    Contact Jamie

    Responsibilities: “Camp Tec*mseh, this is Jamie…” You can call me the Pam Beasley of the Tec*mseh Office. I answer phone calls and help with questions, welcome guests, and best of all, register kids for summer camp.

    Camp Experience:I worked seasonally at camp from 2010-2015 as a summer camp counselor and a member of the Outdoor Education Program Staff. In 2015, I was hired full time as the Lake Village Director and member of the Outdoor Education Team. In 2019, I made the hard decision to leave Tec*mseh just before my daughter was born to be able to spend more time with my family. I thought my time at camp had ended, but God had other plans for me. I am so grateful to be back with my Tec*mseh family, now as the Registrar and part of the office staff. These ladies are the hidden gems of Tec*mseh.

    Passionate about:Being a mom. I want to help my kids grow up believing that they are smart, kind, and deeply loved by God.

    Hobbies: Digital art design and illustration, painting, and sketching.

    Favorite Movie: You‘ve Got Mail

    Bucket List:Run a marathon, write and illustrate a children’s book.

    Recommends: Brené Brown’s Podcast: “Unlocking Us”

    Jamie lives in West Lafayette, IN with her husband, Kevin (who she met at camp in 2010), and their two kids, Zeke and Eleanor. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services from Purdue University.

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    Jamie Jones


    Contact Jamie

    Responsibilities: “Camp Tec*mseh, this is Jamie…” You can call me the Pam Beasley of the Tec*mseh Office. I answer phone calls and help with questions, welcome guests, and best of all, register kids for summer camp.

    Camp Experience:I worked seasonally at camp from 2010-2015 as a summer camp counselor and a member of the Outdoor Education Program Staff. In 2015, I was hired full time as the Lake Village Director and member of the Outdoor Education Team. In 2019, I made the hard decision to leave Tec*mseh just before my daughter was born to be able to spend more time with my family. I thought my time at camp had ended, but God had other plans for me. I am so grateful to be back with my Tec*mseh family, now as the Registrar and part of the office staff. These ladies are the hidden gems of Tec*mseh.

    Passionate about:Being a mom. I want to help my kids grow up believing that they are smart, kind, and deeply loved by God.

    Hobbies: Digital art design and illustration, painting, and sketching.

    Favorite Movie: You‘ve Got Mail

    Bucket List:Run a marathon, write and illustrate a children’s book.

    Recommends: Brené Brown’s Podcast: “Unlocking Us”

    Jamie lives in West Lafayette, IN with her husband, Kevin (who she met at camp in 2010), and their two kids, Zeke and Eleanor. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services from Purdue University.

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    Jordan Seeger

    Director of Operations

    Contact Jordan

    Responsibilities: Implementation of camp operations, including food service, housekeeping, land management, risk management, and more.

    Camp Experience:I started in 2006 as a counselor and joined the full-time team in 2011. I have served camp as a counselor, weekend program staff, Outdoor Education staff, High ropes assistant director, Lakefront Director, Retreats Associate, and Day Camp director.

    The most important lesson Camp helps teach kids:At the end of the day, you are the only one who can be held responsible for your choices. So make sure you can go to bed each day proud of how you lived your life.

    Things my family enjoys:Spending time with each other, especially near water.

    Nerdy about:Manga,mythology, the Green Bay Packers, sci-fi television

    What can I do that not many other people can:Admit that The Great Gatsby is a terribly boring piece of literature.

    Who’s someone that inspires you to be a better person:Workingwith Hoosier Burn Camp and Kidney Camp, I meet people every day who inspire me. The kids, the volunteers, and the staff all inspire me to give more to others and give all I can to life.

    What do I want to learn:Be fluent in another language.

    Travel Wish:Scotland

    Bucket List:Visit every National Park in America

    Jordan recommends:Canoeing the boundary waters at least once in your life.

    Jordan lives at Camp with his wife Stacey, sons Jack and Wesley, and dog Georgia. He received his Bachelors in Medieval and Renaissance Studies from Purdue University.

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    Jordan Seeger

    Director of Operations

    Contact Jordan

    Responsibilities: Implementation of camp operations, including food service, housekeeping, land management, risk management, and more.

    Camp Experience:I started in 2006 as a counselor and joined the full-time team in 2011. I have served camp as a counselor, weekend program staff, Outdoor Education staff, High ropes assistant director, Lakefront Director, Retreats Associate, and Day Camp director.

    The most important lesson Camp helps teach kids:At the end of the day, you are the only one who can be held responsible for your choices. So make sure you can go to bed each day proud of how you lived your life.

    Things my family enjoys:Spending time with each other, especially near water.

    Nerdy about:Manga,mythology, the Green Bay Packers, sci-fi television

    What can I do that not many other people can:Admit that The Great Gatsby is a terribly boring piece of literature.

    Who’s someone that inspires you to be a better person:Workingwith Hoosier Burn Camp and Kidney Camp, I meet people every day who inspire me. The kids, the volunteers, and the staff all inspire me to give more to others and give all I can to life.

    What do I want to learn:Be fluent in another language.

    Travel Wish:Scotland

    Bucket List:Visit every National Park in America

    Jordan recommends:Canoeing the boundary waters at least once in your life.

    Jordan lives at Camp with his wife Stacey, sons Jack and Wesley, and dog Georgia. He received his Bachelors in Medieval and Renaissance Studies from Purdue University.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (53)
    Brittany Bunch

    Housekeeping Director

    Contact Brittany

    Responsibilities: Keep camp clean! All the cabins, buildings, and both dining rooms are sanitized, swept, and mopped.

    Camp Experience:Six of my cousins had their first job at Camp T. Camp Tec*mseh is a hot topic in my family. I also came here several times as a child. I joined the camp team in April of 2018.

    Hobby:Painting, crafting, scrap-booking, singing, and planning events.

    Passionate about:Showing little children what they are capable of doing. Teaching them new things and to learn their own creativity.

    Free time: Attending demolition derbies and dirt track racing, viewing the sun set from underneath a windmill in the middle of a cornfield, and cookouts and bonfires with family and friends.

    Helping Others: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Life gives you lots of cure balls. Be open and willing to change to make a difference for yourself or someone else life.

    Brittany recommends: Sit on the beach at Hilton Head Island around 6 AM and watch the sun rise and see all the little things around you change, which makes a better start to the day

    Brittany was born and raised in Brookston, IN. She shares her home with four children, Brayden, Kyler, Tyler, and Addy, and her significant other Paul. She also has 2 cats Annie and Bella, and 2 dogs Tito and Brutus. Brittany attended Ivy Tech for 3 years working towards her Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. She decided to take a new direction and found her expertise in housekeeping/cleaning.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (54)

    Brittany Bunch

    Housekeeping Director

    Contact Brittany

    Responsibilities: Keep camp clean! All the cabins, buildings, and both dining rooms are sanitized, swept, and mopped.

    Camp Experience:Six of my cousins had their first job at Camp T. Camp Tec*mseh is a hot topic in my family. I also came here several times as a child. I joined the camp team in April of 2018.

    Hobby:Painting, crafting, scrap-booking, singing, and planning events.

    Passionate about:Showing little children what they are capable of doing. Teaching them new things and to learn their own creativity.

    Free time: Attending demolition derbies and dirt track racing, viewing the sun set from underneath a windmill in the middle of a cornfield, and cookouts and bonfires with family and friends.

    Helping Others: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Life gives you lots of cure balls. Be open and willing to change to make a difference for yourself or someone else life.

    Brittany recommends: Sit on the beach at Hilton Head Island around 6 AM and watch the sun rise and see all the little things around you change, which makes a better start to the day

    Brittany was born and raised in Brookston, IN. She shares her home with four children, Brayden, Kyler, Tyler, and Addy, and her significant other Paul. She also has 2 cats Annie and Bella, and 2 dogs Tito and Brutus. Brittany attended Ivy Tech for 3 years working towards her Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. She decided to take a new direction and found her expertise in housekeeping/cleaning.

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    Katelyn Hock

    Housekeeping Associate

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    DarCee Mendez

    Housekeeping Associate

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    Jessica Holt

    Food Service Associate

    Contact Jess

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    Jessica Holt

    Food Service Associate

    Contact Jess

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    Becky Boller

    Food Service Associate

    Contact Becky

    Responsibilities: Keeping the kitchen running smoothly.

    Camp Experience: 9 years.

    Passionate about: Shopping and family.

    Free time: Swimming, reading, shopping.

    Nerdy about: Antiques.

    Bucket List: Go to Hawaii.

    Becky recommends reading: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (60)

    Becky Boller

    Food Service Associate

    Contact Becky

    Responsibilities: Keeping the kitchen running smoothly.

    Camp Experience: 9 years.

    Passionate about: Shopping and family.

    Free time: Swimming, reading, shopping.

    Nerdy about: Antiques.

    Bucket List: Go to Hawaii.

    Becky recommends reading: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

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    Karen Brown

    Food Service Associate

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    Keith Kender

    Property Manager

    Contact Keith

    Responsible for: Maintenance Department coordination, project management, construction oversight.

    Camp Experience: I started as a counselor and archery instruction in college in 1984 and joined the full time staff as the property manager in 1987.

    Community Involvement: I’ve worked part time with the local ambulance service as an Emergency Medical Technician since 1997 and I’m a PADI certified scuba rescue diver.

    Free Time: water skiing, snow skiing, and watching my kids participate in soccer and pole vaulting.

    Keith graduated from Purdue with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He lives on site with his wife Laurie (whom he met at Camp) and their children, Emily, Abigail, and Max.

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    Keith Kender

    Property Manager

    Contact Keith

    Responsible for: Maintenance Department coordination, project management, construction oversight.

    Camp Experience: I started as a counselor and archery instruction in college in 1984 and joined the full time staff as the property manager in 1987.

    Community Involvement: I’ve worked part time with the local ambulance service as an Emergency Medical Technician since 1997 and I’m a PADI certified scuba rescue diver.

    Free Time: water skiing, snow skiing, and watching my kids participate in soccer and pole vaulting.

    Keith graduated from Purdue with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He lives on site with his wife Laurie (whom he met at Camp) and their children, Emily, Abigail, and Max.

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (64)
    Scott Clark

    Assistant Property Manager

    Contact Scott

    Responsibilities: Maintenance Staff Director. Construction Site Lead. Construction Design. HVAC, electrical, plumbing specialist. Inventory & material management.

    Camp Experience: First came to Camp during Indian Guides with my dad in 1972. Joined the full-time team in May of 1999.

    Passionate about: Improving Camp through great building and construction design using materials that last generations.

    Enjoys: Spending time with our granddaughter. Vacationing, camping, and fishing in Northern Wisconsin.

    Bucket List: Archery elk hunt with my family. I’d love to travel with an RV to Alaska and back.

    Scott recommends: Spending time in northern Wisconsin/Minnesota near the boundry waters.

    Professional Background: Scott has his AAS Degree in HVAC, including 5 years in HVAC field work and 10 years as a Sears Roebuck technician. At Camp he’s helped construct the Lake Village, the Oregon Territory, the sky walkers course, both climbing walls, and the boathouse.

    About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (65)

    Scott Clark

    Assistant Property Manager

    Contact Scott

    Responsibilities: Maintenance Staff Director. Construction Site Lead. Construction Design. HVAC, electrical, plumbing specialist. Inventory & material management.

    Camp Experience: First came to Camp during Indian Guides with my dad in 1972. Joined the full-time team in May of 1999.

    Passionate about: Improving Camp through great building and construction design using materials that last generations.

    Enjoys: Spending time with our granddaughter. Vacationing, camping, and fishing in Northern Wisconsin.

    Bucket List: Archery elk hunt with my family. I’d love to travel with an RV to Alaska and back.

    Scott recommends: Spending time in northern Wisconsin/Minnesota near the boundry waters.

    Professional Background: Scott has his AAS Degree in HVAC, including 5 years in HVAC field work and 10 years as a Sears Roebuck technician. At Camp he’s helped construct the Lake Village, the Oregon Territory, the sky walkers course, both climbing walls, and the boathouse.

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    Toby Yates

    Maintenance Associate

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    Darrell Sterrett

    Maintenance Associate

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    Aaron Hutsell

    Maintenance Associate

  • About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (69)
    Ken Lucas

    Maintenance Associate

Our Board

Meet the volunteers dedicated to Camp Tec*mseh's future success.

  • Alysa Christmas Rollock, President

    West Lafayette, IN

  • Matthew Lerzak, Vice President

    West Lafayette, IN

  • Lindsey Schiesser, Treasurer

    Fishers, IN

  • Jay Andrew

    Lafayette, IN

  • Cadi Bien

    West Lafayette, IN

  • Dick Bradshaw

    Delphi, IN

  • Tracy Brown

    Lafayette, IN

  • Susan Conrad DeLong

    Rossville, IN

  • Rob Culross

    Indianapolis, IN

  • Marc Elliott

    Zionsville, IN

  • Don Fry

    West Lafayette, IN

  • Grant Gernhardt

    Lafayette, IN

  • Mike Gibson

    Lafayette, IN

  • Steve Gloyeske

    Lafayette, IN

  • Peg Minnicus

    Delphi, IN

  • Cathy Scott

    West Lafayette, IN

  • Sandy Welch

    Winnetka, IL

  • Dave Williams

    Lafayette, IN

Trusted by Thousands of Guests

See a snippet of thoughts and feelings about camp from those that matter most: our guests.

  • Summer Camper

    16 year old CILT

    Camp has pushed me out of my comfort zone countles times, and has made me a better friend, leader, and listener.

    Summer Camp
  • Former Counselor

    Overnight Camp

    I have learned how to create longlasting friendships and hold others to high standards while being forgiving.

    Summer Camp
Accreditation & Association
About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (70)
  • Accreditation

    We are also proud to be accredited by the American Camp Associated (ACA). The ACA’s rigorous accreditation process ensures our programs operate at the highest levels and meet or exceed the established standards to ensure that campers and staff stay safe and healthy. Visit theAmerican Camp Associationto learn more about our accreditation.

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  • An independent YMCA camp

    As an independently chartered YMCA Camp, we’re proud to be a part of a broad and diverse network of YMCA Camps across the U.S. We were founded as a YMCA Camp in 1924, and to this day we remain closely aligned with the Y’s core values (caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and faith), and its areas of focus:

    • Youth development– Nurturing the potential of every child and teen.
    • Healthy living– Improving the nation’s health and well-being.
    • Social responsibility– Giving back and providing support to our neighbors.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Building a culture through the love of Christ

Camp Tec*mseh YMCA’s mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy mind, body, and spirit for all. Compelled by our mission, and by our motto to Live Third, we aim to actively and continuously seek ways to include and equitably serve and celebrate guests.

We strive to cultivate a welcoming environment at Camp Tec*mseh, but recognize that without intentional learning and action in regards to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, socio-economic backgrounds, and more, we won’t serve our vision to the best of our ability.

It is because of our Christian background – our focus on loving like Jesus loved – that anything less than a full effort to address, learn, and improve upon all aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Camp Tec*mseh would go against the very essence of our organization’s existence.

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About Us | Camp Tec*mseh | Summer Camps, Outdoor Adventures & Conferences | Brookston, IN (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.